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Suspected Israeli Informant Arrested In Lahore

we love arabs as they are our fellow muslims and they belong to the land which is Holy to us.
we can die for that soil
but israel is not your holy place
as well as they are not even hindus
u guys like israel bcz enemy of ur enemy ... is ur friend

Spot on mate, with one minor correction.

Like you said, your religion is the common ground. Infact you unlike us see everything through the prism of Islam i.e. religion.

We on the other hand are not so radical and more tolerant and welcoming. Mostly.
For example, a long time ago jews took shelter in India to escape the persecution from, you guessed it, muslims. That tribe has now started assimilating in to Israel again.
India is probably one of the few countries where Israelis arent persecuted for being a jew. Infact a christian nurse put her life in danger to save a jewish boy during mumbai attacks.
Now all this behaviour for us is just being civil to a fellow human being. Israel, otoh thinks of us as ally, afterall they dont have many friends, and goes all out to offer us techs, support in critical situations (kargil) etc. Which warms our hearts. So a enduring friendship develops.

So friend, you see its slightly more complex than not finding a common religious ground. Thats not how we roll. Hope this helps.
When some obscure urdu media reports arresting of a supposed israeli agent involved in kamra attack,and mainstream pakistani media and pakistani govt does not report that or comment on it,it could be easily guessed as a fake...But lets continue to act like this incident did happen so that conspiracy theorists get something to base their grand conspiracies involving CIA,MOSSAD,RAW,KFC etc on..

If you are saying nothing happened, then why are you getting upset?

Nothing to see here. Move along everybody...
Yes Muslims are part of Ummah and we have to take on the forces of kufr because we have one common enemy that is all forces of kufr and these days they are attacking Muslims just like HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW said one day will come when nations will attack you just like some one invite each other for dinar

7th Century nonsense wont cut it.
Islam did not turn its birth place into a cradle of civilization. The high-tech, gadgets and even the Internet being used today to propel Islamist hate propaganda was invented by forces of Kufr!
7th Century nonsense wont cut it.
Islam did not turn its birth place into a cradle of civilization. The high-tech, gadgets and even the Internet being used today to propel Islamist hate propaganda was invented by forces of Kufr!

Yes that was invented by forces of kufr HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW also traded with kafirs as long as things are halal their is no harm in using them Mr first read Islam and concept of Ummah is their and it will remain their no man on the face of the earth can end if some thinks he has only lost his mind and Islam doesn't stop from studying science in fact it encourages the problem is we don't have Islamic system and our leaders are corrupt
7th Century nonsense wont cut it.
Islam did not turn its birth place into a cradle of civilization. The high-tech, gadgets and even the Internet being used today to propel Islamist hate propaganda was invented by forces of Kufr!

And so there were no Muslims involved in any part in any of those inventions? Hmmm.......think again!! Besides, when they can use our inventions, why cannot we use theirs? As they say, everything is fair in love and war.
Mukti bahini did play a role...But it was the indian army that defeated pak army units in battle after battle...
Here is the surrender document of macho pakistanis..

How easy it is to claim that India played a bigger role despite the fact that it was Mukti Bahini and their supporters who had caused havoc not only through months of direct fighting by the Mukti Bahini but also by deserting Bengali soldiers and support staff that were not only sabotaging Military equipment, stealing it and using it to fight Pakistani soldiers but also informing the Indian Army of Pakistani troop movements, concentrations, ammo stockpiles, strategy and plans etc.

Not only were about 50k odd soldiers fighting the Indian Military, they were also fighting the entire Bengali nation and trained Mukti Bahini soldiers which also included Pakistani Army deserters, police force, military/police doctors and whole range of support staff. In that situation, Nepal could have liberated Bangladesh!!

As I said, look at things in reality and you will realize that your role, albeit of importance, was not as significant as the role of MB and the overall Bengali nation.

Yeah sure...That was why the famous comment of "eating grass to make nukes" made by Pakistani PM after india tested her nukes..

Don't take the words too literally for resolve of a nation; did ZAB actually eat grass, like ever?? That was a political statement aimed at deterring allies such as the US etc. It is widely speculated that Pakistan and India may have made deliverable WMD's more or less in the same decade. It is a well known fact that Pakistani WMB program is more advanced than that of India's, how did it get here despite the "facts" that India began the process earlier than we did?

The world bears witness to the service done by pakistan to the US masters..The real credit of afghan war goes to brave afghanis who faught and Americans who funded and armed them via their lapdogs and puppets..

Our relation with the US has been very complex ever since our independence. It has seen its fair share of ups and downs and it has seen intense periodic cycles of trust and then mistrust. We may have served their purpose and they have served ours over the decades, it is quite literally a kiddish remark that they are our masters, perhaps even that of a jealous kid.

The fighting was mostly done by Mujahideen from various countries, predominantly pashtuns from both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Not only that, major battles and many critical operations included active PakMil soldiers and officers. Your words hold no value as the world bears witness of my claim.

WTF...You attack someone to capture a land,fail to achieve the objectives,end up defending homeland..And then agree to ceasefire and claim that it was victory because enemy the enemy was bigger..It couldn't get any dumber than that..

This is what I wrote

"Pakistan could not achieve her political/Military aims as support in Kashmir was surprisingly absent for some reason. They hated you, didn't trust us so not much we could do. However, to bring a 7x more powerful enemy to a mutual CF, more the need of the bigger party, is quite an achievement in itself. And your army had exhausted almost 80% of their ammo, they just could not continue to fight on and that is why you were so desperate, another 5 days and we would have been able to march in to India!!!

It is still a perfect answer to your posts, if you can understand it.

Every single quote in what i posted is backed by valid sources...But you chose to escape by blaming wikipedia..Typical denialistanis...The fact is that victory or defeat in war is based on achievement of ojectives,loss of land etc,not in the intend to restore peace..In that aspect,Pakistan not only failed to achieve objectives but also had lost 700+ km sq of land to india before cease fire..Even sane pakistanis agree..

I wonder how accurate the "valid sources" of Wikipedia would be when it was India that rejected Pakistan's offer of Neutral Arbitration!!!. If India was indeed in a better position, why reject Neutral Arbitration instead of pressing home the advantage and claiming the disputed territory???

As I said, if Pakistan had been in such a strong position as India is made out to be, Pakistan would have captured all of Kashmir before accepting a CF which would not have included any idea of returning IOK to India. All I am saying is that India refused neutral arbitration for a reason, to ensure that facts were distorted along the lines of history with the advantage of more mouths and more pens writing 'Indian Version' of the outcome of 1965 war!! Any continuation of war would have seen severe defeat of India as India had exhausted over 80% of her ammunition and could not sustain the war!
How easy it is to claim that India played a bigger role despite the fact that it was Mukti Bahini and their supporters who had caused havoc not only through months of direct fighting by the Mukti Bahini but also by deserting Bengali soldiers and support staff that were not only sabotaging Military equipment, stealing it and using it to fight Pakistani soldiers but also informing the Indian Army of Pakistani troop movements, concentrations, ammo stockpiles, strategy and plans etc.

Not only were about 50k odd soldiers fighting the Indian Military, they were also fighting the entire Bengali nation and trained Mukti Bahini soldiers which also included Pakistani Army deserters, police force, military/police doctors and whole range of support staff. In that situation, Nepal could have liberated Bangladesh!!

As I said, look at things in reality and you will realize that your role, albeit of importance, was not as significant as the role of MB and the overall Bengali nation.

The fighting was mostly done by Mujahideen from various countries, predominantly pashtuns from both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Not only that, major battles and many critical operations included active PakMil soldiers and officers. Your words hold no value as the world bears witness of my claim.

The battlefield victories secured by Indian Armed forces against Pak army units were much more than any battlefield victory achieved by mukti bahini/newly formed Bangladesh armed forces(composed of deserters etc)..On the other hand in afghan war scenario,The role played by pak army/Special forces etc are very very minute,in the whole context of war..Your jingoist claims hold no value as the world bear witness to these facts..

I can prove my claim with reports from Indian,pakistani and neutral sources..Can you show a single neutral report claiming that pakmil officers and soldiers played major role in soviet afghan war..?If you cant,dont bother to reply any further..

"Pakistan could not achieve her political/Military aims as support in Kashmir was surprisingly absent for some reason. They hated you, didn't trust us so not much we could do. However, to bring a 7x more powerful enemy to a mutual CF, more the need of the bigger party, is quite an achievement in itself. And your army had exhausted almost 80% of their ammo, they just could not continue to fight on and that is why you were so desperate, another 5 days and we would have been able to march in to India!!!

It is still a perfect answer to your posts, if you can understand it.

It wasn't an achievement at all to attack a nation and to later accept ceasefire without making a single gain and sacrificing 3000+ lives,no matter how big the enemy is.It is irrelevent but still idiotic to suggest that india was 7x stronger,which it wasn't-pakistan was strong in many areas compared to india..It was a blunder not to secure local support before crossing LOC..But that does not make the agreement to ceasefire an "achievement" by any standards of assessment..

I wonder how accurate the "valid sources" of Wikipedia would be when it was India that rejected Pakistan's offer of Neutral Arbitration!!!. If India was indeed in a better position, why reject Neutral Arbitration instead of pressing home the advantage and claiming the disputed territory???

Rejecting/Accepting neutral arbitration is not at all the criteria for victory/defeat in war.. All those neutral sources which reports indian victory cleaarly have more obvious reasons,namely the achievement of objectives and loss of land.

As I said, if Pakistan had been in such a strong position as India is made out to be, Pakistan would have captured all of Kashmir before accepting a CF which would not have included any idea of returning IOK to India. All I am saying is that India refused neutral arbitration for a reason, to ensure that facts were distorted along the lines of history with the advantage of more mouths and more pens writing 'Indian Version' of the outcome of 1965 war!! Any continuation of war would have seen severe defeat of India as India had exhausted over 80% of her ammunition and could not sustain the war!

As i mentioned again and again,we are committed to resolving the issues peacefully..That was why we returned the captured lands in both war,including a whooping 13000 km sq in 71..So the argument that india lost because it didn't capture land is invalid and idiotic..And about the neutral assessments supporting indian version-It was not at all because "more mouths" and "more pens" of india but because the direct results were blatantly obvious-pakistan starting the war,its inability to achieve objectives,losing more land to india etc..As i mentioned earlier,not only the neutral sources but also several pakistanis admit that pakistani lost 1965 war(That include the pak general who wrote the book "myth of 1965 war",of which the entire copies were bought by pakistan army to avoid shame )
The battlefield victories secured by Indian Armed forces against Pak army units were much more than any battlefield victory achieved by mukti bahini/newly formed Bangladesh armed forces(composed of deserters etc)..On the other hand in afghan war scenario,The role played by pak army/Special forces etc are very very minute,in the whole context of war..Your jingoist claims hold no value as the world bear witness to these facts..

I can prove my claim with reports from Indian,pakistani and neutral sources..Can you show a single neutral report claiming that pakmil officers and soldiers played major role in soviet afghan war..?If you cant,dont bother to reply any further..

Seriously dude, you are coming on as a troll now especially after my explanation above. I mean comparing hundreds of thousands of Indian Army troops with Air support against 50k odd soldiers that had to watch their backs too against a whole nation of Bangladesh and whose formations, activities, arms & ammunition details etc. were all exposed to the Indian Military by deserters. You have to be insane to consider the efforts of Indian Military as anything but second fiddle to those of the Bengali Nation.

And a simple google of Pakistani troops involvements in operations against the Soviets would give you all the information you need, if too lazy to do even that you may read US-Pakistan relation: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

It wasn't an achievement at all to attack a nation and to later accept ceasefire without making a single gain and sacrificing 3000+ lives,no matter how big the enemy is.It is irrelevent but still idiotic to suggest that india was 7x stronger,which it wasn't-pakistan was strong in many areas compared to india..It was a blunder not to secure local support before crossing LOC..But that does not make the agreement to ceasefire an "achievement" by any standards of assessment..

You may not consider that an achievement but it was a super achievement. To bring India to CF, despite the fact that Pakistani expectation of local support in IOK was smashed to bits, was a big achievement. Besides, you may have ignored the part of my post multiple times that states how low your military was on ammo and wanted end to the war as soon as possible, so much so hat you signed the CF before we did.

And Pakistan was not stronger then India in any military aspect!

I wonder how accurate the "valid sources" of Wikipedia would be when it was India that rejected Pakistan's offer of Neutral Arbitration!!!. If India was indeed in a better position, why reject Neutral Arbitration instead of pressing home the advantage and claiming the disputed territory???

Rejecting/Accepting neutral arbitration is not at all the criteria for victory/defeat in war.. All those neutral sources which reports indian victory cleaarly have more obvious reasons,namely the achievement of objectives and loss of land.

All those sources are reporting either the Indian version or the Pakistani version, there could never be any 'neutral sources' as India had rejected neutral arbitration. If there was no arbitration, no neutral observers then how can there be neutral sources??? The loss of land, loss of equipment and exhaustion of ammo was far heavier on Indian side.

As i mentioned again and again,we are committed to resolving the issues peacefully..That was why we returned the captured lands in both war,including a whooping 13000 km sq in 71..So the argument that india lost because it didn't capture land is invalid and idiotic..And about the neutral assessments supporting indian version-It was not at all because "more mouths" and "more pens" of india but because the direct results were blatantly obvious-pakistan starting the war,its inability to achieve objectives,losing more land to india etc..As i mentioned earlier,not only the neutral sources but also several pakistanis admit that pakistani lost 1965 war(That include the pak general who wrote the book "myth of 1965 war",of which the entire copies were bought by pakistan army to avoid shame )

If you were interested in peace why would you have supported MB in Bangladesh and TTP/BLA even today in terrorism against Pakistan? I am short of time but I will get back to you on your stupid assertions. These days the message from Indian side is how BJP and RSS have been involved in terrorism while blaming Pakistan for it which is proof of how you guys back stab us.
we love arabs as they are our fellow muslims and they belong to the land which is Holy to us.
we can die for that soil
but israel is not your holy place
as well as they are not even hindus
u guys like israel bcz enemy of ur enemy ... is ur friend

Anything can be made holy with a bit of gimmickry! And when speaking about "holiness" of any land then Israel being the birth place of Abrahmic lineage is the holiest of all. Ignorance is not a bliss!
7th Century nonsense wont cut it.
Islam did not turn its birth place into a cradle of civilization. The high-tech, gadgets and even the Internet being used today to propel Islamist hate propaganda was invented by forces of Kufr!

knowledge is from GOd--who he gives it to, and why, is his discretion and in many cases may be beyond human comprehension-----it is not kaffir knowledge or muslim knowledge ----- as for 7th century nonsense----the principles are divine and eternal -their interpretation is human and fallible ---islam does not offer salvation; it offers the path to salvation; whether and to what extent you follow it is up to you---and people get what they are working for ---as individuals and as communities---it says many times in the koran that they[people] blame this or that but this is what their hands have earned......so worship God and not the humans who make tall claims----

----- knowledge is from GOd--who he gives it to, and why, is his discretion and in many cases may be beyond human comprehension---

--it is not kaffir knowledge or muslim knowledge ----- as for 7th century nonsense----the principles are divine and eternal -their interpretation is human and fallible ---islam does not offer salvation; it offers the path to salvation; whether and to what extent you follow it is up to you---and people get what they are working for ---as individuals and as communities---it says many times in the koran that they[people] blame this or that but this is what their hands have earned......so worship God and not the humans who make tall claims----

Oh Bhai Sahib,

Don't spread the ignorance like a typical Arab Beduin.

Scientific Knowledge comes to those who seek it.


Arabs of Saudi have not sought modern scientific knowledge for the last 1300+ years. This is why they lived in stone age while sleeping on heaps of sand.

And anyone who copies Arab Beduins, will become dumb idiot (scientifically).

so do not try to wrap you ill-logic in the holy green cloth mumbo jumbo please.

Thank you
Oh Bhai Sahib,

Don't spread the ignorance like a typical Arab Beduin.

Scientific Knowledge comes to those who seek it.


Arabs of Saudi have not sought modern scientific knowledge for the last 1300+ years. This is why they lived in stone age while sleeping on heaps of sand.

And anyone who copies Arab Beduins, will become dumb idiot (scientifically).

so do not try to wrap you ill-logic in the holy green cloth mumbo jumbo please.

Thank you

It seems you did not take time to understand my post--that is exactly what I said---you get knowledge if you seek it [people get what they are working for]----try and keep emotions under control ----
Seriously dude, you are coming on as a troll now especially after my explanation above. I mean comparing hundreds of thousands of Indian Army troops with Air support against 50k odd soldiers that had to watch their backs too against a whole nation of Bangladesh and whose formations, activities, arms & ammunition details etc. were all exposed to the Indian Military by deserters. You have to be insane to consider the efforts of Indian Military as anything but second fiddle to those of the Bengali Nation.
That is just your attempt to find solace in shameful surrender..Yes there were many things that favored us,but that does not change the fact that Indian involvement was decisive and pakistani army surrendered unconditionally to Indian forces.Its funny to see you people say Indian role was minimal when the surrender document itself is:

And a simple google of Pakistani troops involvements in operations against the Soviets would give you all the information you need, if too lazy to do even that you may read US-Pakistan relation: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Whatever involvement pak military covertly had in soviet war,is not at all conclusive of the claims like "Pakistan played biggest role" or "Pakistan defeated soviets" etc..In the link provided,the pakistani author proudly claims pakistani tanks,aicrafts etc faught soviets in afghanistan,which is a blatant lie..

You may not consider that an achievement but it was a super achievement. To bring India to CF, despite the fact that Pakistani expectation of local support in IOK was smashed to bits, was a big achievement. Besides, you may have ignored the part of my post multiple times that states how low your military was on ammo and wanted end to the war as soon as possible, so much so hat you signed the CF before we did.
So one mega blunder committed by pakistan ie failure to secure support of kashmiri populace before crossing LOC automatically turns a defeat in normal sense,Failure to achieve objective,to an achievement..Ayyub khan made idiotic assessments like "Hindu morale would not stand more than a couple of hard blows at the right time and place" before operation "grand slam",and when it failed,it wasn't less of a failure because he was a dumb religious bigot.

..And regarding indian army running low on ammo,so were you,with more than half of armor lost..Remember that Indian military was opposing ceasefire and blaming govt for bowing down to international pressure,while it was your military regime that agreed to ceasefire.And ceasefire came to existence after both parties agreed to it.

And Pakistan was not stronger then India in any military aspect!
Pakistan had superiority in number and quality of tanks among many other advantages.

All those sources are reporting either the Indian version or the Pakistani version, there could never be any 'neutral sources' as India had rejected neutral arbitration. If there was no arbitration, no neutral observers then how can there be neutral sources??? The loss of land, loss of equipment and exhaustion of ammo was far heavier on Indian side.
Pakistani challenge to neutral arbitration was only regarding Airforce losses..I can only laugh at your argument that there wont be neutral observation without neutral arbitration-..There will be neutral sources and neutral openion based on obvious results of war like pakistani failure to achieve objectives and pakistan losing more lands to indians..
Take this from US library of congress for eg:
The war was militarily inconclusive; each side held prisoners and some territory belonging to the other. Losses were relatively heavy—on the Pakistani side, twenty aircraft, 200 tanks, and 3,800 troops. Pakistan's army had been able to withstand Indian pressure, but a continuation of the fighting would only have led to further losses and ultimate defeat for Pakistan. Most Pakistanis, schooled in the belief of their own martial prowess, refused to accept the possibility of their country's military defeat by "Hindu India" and were, instead, quick to blame their failure to attain their military aims on what they considered to be the ineptitude of Ayub Khan and his government
Or from Stanley Wolpert
In three weeks the second Indo-Pak War ended in what appeared to be a draw when the embargo placed by Washington on U.S. ammunition and replacements for both armies forced cessation of conflict before either side won a clear victory. India, however, was in a position to inflict grave damage to, if not capture, Pakistan's capital of the Punjab when the cease-fire was called, and controlled Kashmir's strategic Uri-Poonch bulge, much to Ayub's chagrin.

These type of assessments are based on obvious and verifiable observations,not on neutral arbitration of aircraft losses.

If you were interested in peace why would you have supported MB in Bangladesh and TTP/BLA even today in terrorism against Pakistan? I am short of time but I will get back to you on your stupid assertions. These days the message from Indian side is how BJP and RSS have been involved in terrorism while blaming Pakistan for it which is proof of how you guys back stab us.
We supported MB to save bangladeshis from brutal massacres that was being committed,we were flooded by tens of millions of refugees.You have been supporting,training and arming Kashmiri terrorists..Your former intelligence chief had publicly louded "bleeding india with thousand cuts"..So dont be surprised when peace loving indians return the favor in the same manner..
As for the terrorism and backstabbing,current pres of pakistan and the former one have publicly admitted pakistan supporting anti india militants..Your blaming of BJP and RSS for backstabbing pakistan is laughable at best..
That is just your attempt to find solace in shameful surrender..Yes there were many things that favored us,but that does not change the fact that Indian involvement was decisive and pakistani army surrendered unconditionally to Indian forces.Its funny to see you people say Indian role was minimal when the surrender document itself is:

Indian involvement was a mere catalyst and would have been of no consequence had Bangladesh not fought for independence. In which world could any India have liberated Bangladesh had it been against the intentions of the Bengali nation?? Matter of fact, the surrender of Army units deployed in Bangladesh were literally to ensure their safety as otherwise they simply would have been overrun and executed by the MB + millions of Bengalis. India was the least of our concerns and the concern would have been just as inconsequential as it was in 2001/02 and later!!!

And I have to correct you on another point, you did not have "many" things that favored you, you had everything that favored you.....amongst them the most important thing was the Bengali separatist struggle and blunders on our side as well as the fact that we were physically at either ends of India!

And you want to know what shameful really is? Go read up on the 1962 Indo-China war! Where you had no excuse!!

Whatever involvement pak military covertly had in soviet war,is not at all conclusive of the claims like "Pakistan played biggest role" or "Pakistan defeated soviets" etc..In the link provided,the pakistani author proudly claims pakistani tanks,aicrafts etc faught soviets in afghanistan,which is a blatant lie..

Blatant lies ……. got it!

Unfortunately, I cannot waste my time on someone who will ignore all proof as its in his nature, in his brought up.

So one mega blunder committed by pakistan ie failure to secure support of kashmiri populace before crossing LOC automatically turns a defeat in normal sense,Failure to achieve objective,to an achievement..Ayyub khan made idiotic assessments like "Hindu morale would not stand more than a couple of hard blows at the right time and place" before operation "grand slam",and when it failed,it wasn't less of a failure because he was a dumb religious bigot.

Did I ever claim that we won? I said holding a much larger and stronger military power to a CF that was more in India's favor was an achievement after our primary objective failed which was to secure support in Kashmir. From that point on, we were in a severely discouraging position. India failed in her objectives too after being beaten back in Kashmir they tried to take Lahore and they failed!

..And regarding indian army running low on ammo,so were you,with more than half of armor lost..Remember that Indian military was opposing ceasefire and blaming govt for bowing down to international pressure,while it was your military regime that agreed to ceasefire.And ceasefire came to existence after both parties agreed to it.

It wasn't the Army chief of Pakistan that was begging his Government to stop the war as he had exhausted over 80% of his ammo and supplies; it was the Indian Army Chief!! When CF was imposed on us we had achieved our objective of holding you down and bleeding you, we were in a position to press home the advantage and could have marched into India itself in a couple of days. And India was the more eager party for the CF which proves how precarious their position really was. I mean, can you even imagine how India would have managed to continue fighting without ammo??

Pakistan had superiority in number and quality of tanks among many other advantages.

Not really, that's just a myth as stands proven with the test of battle.

Pakistani challenge to neutral arbitration was only regarding Airforce losses..I can only laugh at your argument that there wont be neutral observation without neutral arbitration-..There will be neutral sources and neutral openion based on obvious results of war like pakistani failure to achieve objectives and pakistan losing more lands to indians..
Take this from US library of congress for eg:

Or from Stanley Wolpert

These type of assessments are based on obvious and verifiable observations,not on neutral arbitration of aircraft losses.

One can only but wonder how any neutral assessment can be done without neutral observers on the ground, Indian refusal for neutral arbitration is prove how badly they were mauled, they losses they incurred were fabricated on the Pakistani side to save Indian Military from further humiliation. Also to note the fact that the US sanctions on Pakistan immediately after the outbreak of war soured the relations b/w Pakistan and USA and so they had to rely on information from the Indian side.

And if you couldn't even claim back your own occupied land from the Pakistani Army, how can I not consider it an achievement? Your Military was 3 times larger and a even more equipped numerically. Yet you had to accept a stalemate, a CF.....that must have been seriously embarrassing, atleast for those who have pride and shame.

We supported MB to save bangladeshis from brutal massacres that was being committed,we were flooded by tens of millions of refugees.You have been supporting,training and arming Kashmiri terrorists..Your former intelligence chief had publicly louded "bleeding india with thousand cuts"..So dont be surprised when peace loving indians return the favor in the same manner..
As for the terrorism and backstabbing,current pres of pakistan and the former one have publicly admitted pakistan supporting anti india militants..Your blaming of BJP and RSS for backstabbing pakistan is laughable at best..

We hold the largest number of refugees in the world, from Afghanistan yet we never stopped helping them, you had Pakistani refugees (they were not Bangladeshi then) and you should have supported Pakistan or should have let Pakistan solve its internal crisis. You started it, we picked it up in Kashmir but stopped to sincerely bring peace and then you backstabbed us again!!

All those attacks in India that your interior and foreign ministries have exposed on BJP & RSS were blamed on Pakistan without a single shred of evidence and Pakistan branded a terrorist state by Indian media, politicians and Governments throughout the world. It's time we learned that you are a snake that will bite at every opportunity.
knowledge is from GOd--who he gives it to, and why, is his discretion and in many cases may be beyond human comprehension-----it is not kaffir knowledge or muslim knowledge ----- as for 7th century nonsense----the principles are divine and eternal -their interpretation is human and fallible ---islam does not offer salvation; it offers the path to salvation; whether and to what extent you follow it is up to you---and people get what they are working for ---as individuals and as communities---it says many times in the koran that they[people] blame this or that but this is what their hands have earned......so worship God and not the humans who make tall claims----

This is a typical ignorant/mullah response to ignorance but respecting your point of view in plain sight it means Allah has choosen infidel kafir to bestow upon all treasures of science and technology while the so called followers of "true and final" religion have become the most backward and rotten masses!

Great mullah logic!

Oh Bhai Sahib,

Don't spread the ignorance like a typical Arab Beduin.

Scientific Knowledge comes to those who seek it.


Arabs of Saudi have not sought modern scientific knowledge for the last 1300+ years. This is why they lived in stone age while sleeping on heaps of sand.

And anyone who copies Arab Beduins, will become dumb idiot (scientifically).

so do not try to wrap you ill-logic in the holy green cloth mumbo jumbo please.

Thank you

More specifically - copying Bedouins of 7th century which even the Arabs of today themselves wont be interested in.
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