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Suspected Iranian loitering SAM powered by Dutch minijet


Jul 25, 2016
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The surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) found by the US Navy on two dhows smuggling weapons to Yemen are powered by small gas turbine engines made by the company AMT...

The surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) found by the US Navy on two dhows smuggling weapons to Yemen are powered by small gas turbine engines made by the company AMT Netherlands, according to a recently released report by the UN Panel of Experts on Yemen.
One of the 358 SAMs that was recovered.  (US Department of Justice)

One of the 358 SAMs that was recovered. (US Department of Justice)
The previously undocumented missiles were found along with other weapons and components – many of them Iranian-made – on two dhows that were stopped in the Gulf of Aden in November 2019 and February 2020. Named the 358 SAM by the US military, they are comparatively slow, but long-range weapons that appear to be designed to loiter until they detect an aircraft.
The panel of experts said there is no evidence the type has been used by the Iranian-backed Yemeni group Ansar Allah (the Houthis).
AMT Netherlands makes small jet engines for remotely controlled aircraft, gliders, and research purposes. The five recovered 358 SAMs were fitted with the company’s Titan engine, which weighs 3.6 kg, can generate 393 N of thrust, and costs around EUR10,000 (USD12,000).
The report said the engines were exported in two shipments in 2017 and 2019 to companies in Hong Kong, with the export licence issued by the Netherlands stating they could not be re-exported. Beijing told the panel of experts that the company whose name was used to import the engines ceased to exist in 2014.
The 358 SAMs also included MTi-100 inertial sensor modules made by Xsens Technologies, also a Dutch company, that were exported to another company in China in 2015–16.

Propulsion : Dutch
Sensors/ and seekers: Dutch
The importance of this missile was in its concept of being the first "loitering Anti Aircraft" missile in the world...this Loitering beast has already one documented Saudi aircraft kill in Yemen and one suspected US aircraft kill (CIA plane shutdown in Afghanistan that killed CIA head Ayatollah Mike and few others real numbers not known due to on the scene CIA clean up Ops).

Engine will be easily reverse engineered by Iran (If not already)..The export versions seized by the US were most likely using dutch engine in case of capture by hostile side (this is my speculation).
So in other words, Iran has had this technology for at least 7 years. Damn. If that's what they had 7 years ago, I wonder what they have now.
I understand you have a narrative to push but at least do the basic maths right. The engine shipments were made in 2017 and 2019. How does it translate into 7 years? 1 year for the rest of the world = 2 for Iran? :what:
I understand you have a narrative to push but at least do the basic maths right. The engine shipments were made in 2017 and 2019. How does it translate into 7 years? 1 year for the rest of the world = 2 for Iran? :what:
He was replying to Nasr's comment:
The company which had bought the equipment from the dutch, does not exist since 2014. That's just amazing!!!
2021 - 2014 = 7.
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Read Nasr's comment. 2021 - 2014 = 7.
As per OP:
The report said the engines were exported in two shipments in 2017 and 2019 to companies in Hong Kong, with the export licence issued by the Netherlands stating they could not be re-exported. Beijing told the panel of experts that the company whose name was used to import the engines ceased to exist in 2014.

According to my understanding shipment in 2017, 19 were made to a fake Hong Kong listed company which according to Beijing was delisted in 2014. I still don't understand how it implies that capability was acquired in 2014.

Lets say I import a 2021 Model car from Netherlands using a company that was delisted in 1880s, Does that mean the 2021 model was available in 1880 just because I used a fake company to route the shipment?
The importance of this missile was in its concept of being the first "loitering Anti Aircraft" missile in the world...this Loitering beast has already one documented Saudi aircraft kill in Yemen and one suspected US aircraft kill (CIA plane shutdown in Afghanistan that killed CIA head Ayatollah Mike and few others real numbers not known due to on the scene CIA clean up Ops).

Engine will be easily reverse engineered by Iran (If not already)..The export versions seized by the US were most likely using dutch engine in case of capture by hostile side (this is my speculation).
Iran already reverse engineered the engine i think in 2016
What..?? How dare that Dutch company export to Iran..?? We should sanction that company to oblivion! Oh.. and don't forget to kidnap the CEO's daughter while we are at it.. 😎😎
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