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Suspected Boko Haram attack Chinese workers in Cameroon


Mar 1, 2012
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Suspected Boko Haram attack Chinese workers in Cameroon - The Globe and Mail

Suspected Boko Haram rebels from Nigeria have attacked a Chinese work site in northern Cameroon, killing at least one Cameroonian soldier while 10 Chinese workers were missing and believed to have been abducted, officials and state media said.

The Chinese embassy in Yaounde confirmed the attack on Friday at a site near the town on Waza, 20 km (12 miles) from the Nigerian border close to the Sambisa forest, a Boko Haram stronghold.

Chinese Embassy political counselor Lu Qingjiang said one Chinese worker was injured in the attack and 10 were missing, China’s Xinhua state news agency reported.

Ten vehicles belonging to China’s state-run construction company Sinohydro, which is repairing roads in Cameroon, were also taken in the attack, Xinhua said.

Lu called on the Cameroonian authorities to “not put the lives of Chinese nationals missing in danger in case actions of liberation be launched”, Xinhua said.

The Islamist group kidnapped more than 200 girls from a school on the Nigerian side of the border last month and Nigerian troops backed by foreign units are searching the area around the forest for them.

Friday’s incident began when power was cut in the evening. A five-hour gunfight followed, a guard at the Waza National Park told Reuters.

“Some of us decided to hide in the forest with the animals,” the guard said, requesting anonymity.

The governor of Cameroon’s Far North Region, Augustine Fonka Awa, said earlier he believed Boko Haram had carried out the attack. Authorities were investigating reports that at least one Cameroon soldier was killed and 10 people were abducted, he said.

Cameroon state radio said in a report from the region that a Cameroon special forces soldier was killed. It said four others including two soldiers were seriously wounded.

As well as at least 10 vehicles, the rebels took a container of explosives belonging to the Chinese company, it said.

In a meeting in Paris on Saturday to improve cooperation in the fight against Boko Haram and other militant groups, French President Francois Hollande said it was becoming a threat to all of West and Central Africa

Boko Haram has staged several attacks in northern Cameroon during its five-year fight to set up an Islamist state. Last month, it attacked a police post killing two people. The rebels kidnapped a French family in February 2013.


Sinhohydro’s vice general manager, Lan Ronghe, was quoted by Xinhua as saying the man wounded in the attacks was shot twice, in the shoulder and the abdomen, in the attack on his camp near the Waza park, Xinhua said, citing Lan.

The Chinese embassy suspended visits to the area.

“For companies operating in the northern part of Cameroon in particular, they should instantly start security contingency plans,” the embassy said in a statement.

At least two Chinese enterprises operate in the region. Xinhua said an engineering unit of Sinohydro operated the camp.

Yan Chang Logone Development Holding Company, a subsidiary of China’s Yanchang Petroleum, is exploring for oil.

Cameroon’s president, Paul Biya, who is attending the Paris summit, said Boko Haram was becoming not only a regional problem, but also a Western one. Two Italian priests and a Canadian nun were kidnapped in April.

“They have committed one more attack. They attacked businessmen and this comes after the French hostages were kidnapped. As we speak, we are searching for the Italian priests and Canadian nun,” Biya said.

Nigerian authorities say Cameroon has not done enough to secure its border because Boko Haram has been using the sparsely populated Far North Region as a transit route for weapons and as a base for attacks in northeastern Nigeria.

Cameroon said in March it would send 700 soldiers to the border as part of regional efforts to tackle the armed group.

Outrage over the kidnapping of the schoolgirls has prompted Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, criticized at home for his government’s slow response, to accept U.S., British and French intelligence help in the hunt for the girls.

So in the same week, our compatriots have been killed by bloodthirsty mobs in Vietnam, and then kidnapped by Taliban-wannabes in Cameroon. It really is a dangerous world out there. I'm sure this is one of the reasons why Western countries have been content to let us dominate the markets in third-world hellholes - they could never stomach the risk of operating in these lawless, anarchic wastelands. :coffee:
Yes it is indeed extremely dangerous to operate in unstable environment like Africa. Unfortunately, it is a short term. Once we done, we're out.
Yes it is indeed extremely dangerous to operate in unstable environment like Africa. Unfortunately, it is a short term. Once we done, we're out.

If we help them develop, they can stop being so dangerous.

Of course, if the US institutes more color revolutions and puts more jihadist Taliban-wannabes in power, then they will never be stable. This is one risk we must again hedge against.
So in the same week, our compatriots have been killed by bloodthirsty mobs in Vietnam, and then kidnapped by Taliban-wannabes in Cameroon. It really is a dangerous world out there. I'm sure this is one of the reasons why Western countries have been content to let us dominate the markets in third-world hellholes - they could never stomach the risk of operating in these lawless, anarchic wastelands. :coffee:

They had colonized whole of African centuries before Kung Chang Tang founded. Let alone operating some private companies, right now is France, US and UK armed forces operating in African wilderness to pursues those Terrorist bastard, something the Chinese doesn't have stomach to do that
Another work of CIA sponsored terrorists to attack chinese interest in Africa
If we help them develop, they can stop being so dangerous.

Of course, if the US institutes more color revolutions and puts more jihadist Taliban-wannabes in power, then they will never be stable. This is one risk we must again hedge against.
There is so much we can do to help Africa. They have to finish the jobs where we set. They become self-reliant and hopefully able to provide for themselves and export to the world. However the fundamental issue with Africa is beyond poverty. It is a very diverse continent full of religious nuts.

They had colonized whole of African centuries before Kung Chang Tang founded. Let alone operating some private companies, right now is France, US and UK armed forces operating in African wilderness to pursues those Terrorist bastard, something the Chinese doesn't have stomach to do that
We have contribute the most to peace keeping mission in Africa. Please learn about it my friend. Troop and aid, we provide the most currently in Africa.
there are over a billion chinese so of course chances are the biggest that a chinese will die somewhere
Chinese government should already have made some plans to protect Chinese overseas.

Chinese have encountered much more serious situation than we thought.
growing power of china is all set to taste terrorism.....
And you wonder why the US is global??? Welcome to the outside world!
you said it all Bro. If china things it can be a global power without incuring losses/conflictsthen it must think again. The more powerful/influential a country gets, the more risks/exposure it gets to the outside world. With great power comes great responsibilities. The problem is that, China is a(getting to be) new global power, so its still getting used to how to operate like a big country the way the U.S , Britain, France do in the world(even though the later countries have less economic influence than China). I understand that china is still a developing country(though the biggest one), so it needs time to consolidate its internal issues/problems before it can exert more influence in the world. Overall i think the government there has been quite skillful in not trying to get too involved in other countries internal issues like our governments do. It has moreadvantages than disadvanage, as it avoids putting the country too much in the spot light.
On another note, im surprise to see someone here accuse the U.S of being behind Boko haram to target China. Who the hell can even think/believe such conspiracies theories? Boko haram has kignapped several french nationals before rleasing them after being paid huge ransom and release of their fighters. they have even attacked/bombed U.N office in Abuja killing several people. So you think the U.S is behind it? :what:lol The U.S might be a super power but that doesnt means it has a hand in every thing/goup in this world. IMO.:usflag:
Also last week the Chinese prime minister visited Africa, in Nigeria, he promise provide logistic/financial help in fighting Boko haram as well like U.S, France, and U.K did. so why will it do that knowing the U.S supports Boko haram?:disagree:
Yes it is indeed extremely dangerous to operate in unstable environment like Africa. Unfortunately, it is a short term. Once we done, we're out.

What are you talking about bro?
Africa is made of 52 countries, that are more diverse than europe or even Asia. You can put them all in one basket. Least you know. Many African countries still have a higher GPD per capital than China and live a btter life than the chinese. reason why hundreds of thousands of chinese are flucking to africa. In fact some african countries have an even higer GDP than several european countries. for example libya was richer than most european countries before the fall of kadaffi. In fcat i must confess the fall of Khadafii was planned/organized by our governments. This was a big mistake our governments made(or perhaps they knew what they were doing.lol), since it turn libya into an unstable/violent/terrorist haven. Many arms and ammunition after the fall of kadhaffi chave find their way into Libya, sudan, Nigeria, Niger, tchad etc fuelling unrest/rebellions/crime and instability in these countries. several islamist groups have made of this to launch assaults in their various countries e.g mali and Niger. Boko haram has also benefited from this as well. I believe in a fair world, some of our leaders for these crimes should be prosecuted. But im a realist and know they will never be, since we still dominate the world/instituions.:agree:
As for doing business in Africa, it rather profitable, if not chinese companies wont be staying put despite the instability they might face in some countries, same with european/american companies. My wife is of African descent(coincidentally her dad is from cameroon and her mum irish), and i have travelled there and several african countries as well. I can tell you there are several European companies operating and making hefty profits in Africa, do you think they will be there if they werent making money? of course not. same with chinese companies. Africa is a continent that is open and very welcoming to everybody( be it chinese, Indians, europeans, brazilians, arabs etc), and they are the most warm and least racist people i have ever met in my life, we shouldnt take them for granted. So you can go once you are done in Africa, but others will stay, because Africa has alot of potential which is yet to be tapped fully. :cheers:
Another work of CIA sponsored terrorists to attack chinese interest in Africa
if ever your supper had less salt in it feel free to suspect a CIA hand in it.

@Topic islamic extremism is on a spread in africa and it needs to be arrested , this can only be done by developing africa , the world for long had kept africa in darkness for its selfish motives and now these opportunistic islamic jihadi's have made africa their breeding ground.
So in the same week, our compatriots have been killed by bloodthirsty mobs in Vietnam, and then kidnapped by Taliban-wannabes in Cameroon. It really is a dangerous world out there. I'm sure this is one of the reasons why Western countries have been content to let us dominate the markets in third-world hellholes - they could never stomach the risk of operating in these lawless, anarchic wastelands. :coffee:
I suggest Xi Jinping should do a policy as like in ancient times to avoid further harm to his CCP citizens:

Scrap the naval fleet
Forbid foreign trades
Forbid tourism
Shutdown all coastal cities
Keep your islamist terrorists at home

last but not least, Put you in a cage to hinder you from issuing further brainless comments.

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