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Suspect Identified in Ohio State Attack as Abdul Razaq Ali Artan

Untill crime is committed and we know the person we can't do much unfortunately as we are not in business of holding underage kids in costody.

There is difference between India and Pakistan

A person only decides to take a random action by their own will (allegedly as he was just a mere suspect) , and there is no evidence to suggest anyone knows who was the culprit till brought to court or legal witnesses.

We can't comment on Legal Residents of US caught in web of entanglement only their own law authorities can figure out after a full investigation , why this person (allegedly was involved in a crime)

For time being obviously condolenses to folks who suffered
Untill crime is committed and we know the person we can't do much unfortunately as we are not in business of holding underage kids in costody.

There is difference between India and Pakistan

A person only decides to take a random action by their own will (allegedly as he was just a mere suspect) , and there is no evidence to suggest anyone knows who was the culprit till brought to court or legal witnesses.

We can't comment on Legal Residents of US caught in web of entanglement only their own law authorities can figure out after a full investigation , why this person (allegedly was involved in a crime)

Its is not like hey its a Black guy from Somalia lets put him in prison and he is age 10 or 12 and we have this Magic ball to tell us any crime he/she will commit down the line

For time being obviously condolenses to folks who suffered
Untill crime is committed and we know the person we can't do much unfortunately as we are not in business of holding underage kids in costody.

There is difference between India and Pakistan

A person only decides to take a random action by their own will (allegedly as he was just a mere suspect) , and there is no evidence to suggest anyone knows who was the culprit till brought to court or legal witnesses.

We can't comment on Legal Residents of US caught in web of entanglement only their own law authorities can figure out after a full investigation , why this person (allegedly was involved in a crime)

Its is not like hey its a Black guy from Somalia lets put him in prison and he is age 10 or 12 and we have this Magic ball to tell us any crime he/she will commit down the line

For time being obviously condolenses to folks who suffered
nobody is blaming Pakistan,you dont have to go defencive.
You wanted to know why Pakistan is being highlighted,i gave you what op and what op dint say.

Its obvious there is hell lot of difference between India and Pakistan.
This is the height of stupidity and craziness. I guess this would for sure end the refugee issue from the Muslim countries to the US. What a fuc*ing idiot, he injured so many innocent people also. I don't understand what the hell these people listen to, eat or drink that they can do this kind of insane crazy shiit!

Well, you should ask the same question from the Afghans too, the answer might surprise you because you guys have given refuge to millions of them. But they still call Pakistan the source of their issues and the cause of what drove them away from their home. Right or wrong, its a different story.

Similarly, right or wrong, no man has a right to kill other innocents. This isn't a war zone, it was a college campus. If he didn't want to come here, he didn't have to be here. And the US was never at a war with Somalia to begin with. You can never justify this kind of behavior whether its the US, Pakistani schools, Indian schools or Chinese schools. Now imagine what this brings to the Muslims that are already here? If I had a Muslim friend from a refugee family in a college, you think I'll be at a comfort hanging out with him?

You are wrong in identifying the core problem with these people...Do you think he will be identifying himself as a Somali origin or US or even Pakistan guy any way??? Of course no and never. For him another primary identity is much more significant than being Somali, US or any nation itself.
Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, wrote on what appears to be his Facebook page that he had reached a "boiling point" and made a reference to "lone wolf attacks."

So by this account his age would have been 9-10 years old in 2007

Two hours before that, a cryptic post on the page said: "Forgive and forget. Love."

So he posted 2 messages
1 - A libral view of anti war
2- He said forgive and forget (for saying he wants to forget and forgive the past)

If this is the only evidence against the guy then really what can anyone say ?

You know sometimes when a crime is committed folks who after a classic discription of criminal most of time that is
a) It is a colored man

Now , was there a gun battle or was there a real face to face encounter I personally have not dug deep about the news

A US resident is responsibility of US , Canada would not be asked to testify the man's good character if he was visiting Canada to buy a jeans or eat some pizza across the border as a 10 year old

Oh you betya we are on DEFENCE

However certainly a very terrible news wonder what happened to this person to snap so badly
There are many shootings in USA. It happens all the time. Mostly done by white American boneheads. The problem lies in America and its gun laws. Pointing fingers at ethnicity or religion is actually shifting the blame for America's own shortcomings.

Ummm, he used a car and a knife, not a gun. America does have cars and we have kitchen knives, so....still our fault?
Provided the police had visual threat then it is a active neutralization , but quite messed up a 18 year old (obviously not university graduated yet) perhaps a student would do such an act (some folks stated he has associate degree)

Knief is something quite common and many folks carry with them in their backpack or pockets (apparently and this is what I hear on web )

Obviously if someone is in the act of violence then it is a item that has to be stopped by lethal force

However the media will make this into a story and it is unfortunate , it is a local case of disturbance happens on quite a large frequency in US
What is being reported just now as to the attacker's Facebook post...

“I can’t take it anymore. America! Stop interfering with other countries, especially the Muslim Ummah. We are not weak. We are not weak, remember that.”

The post also invokes the name Anwar Al-Awlaki, a radical American-born al-Qaeda cleric, describing him as a “hero." Al-Awlaki was killed in 2011 but his propaganda has been linked to several domestic terrorist attacks in the years after his death.

Well no offence when someone makes such a claim , on a guy on a watch list why they heck no one on his facebook reported him in ? Quite ... confusing

Folks realize there is a "REPORT" button for all post on Facebook which starts a investigation for questionable items (violence, hate , or questionable stuff)

By the way the facebook post can be automated by outside if someone had hacked the password

However realistically the folks on his facebook never saw this and reported the post so folks can come have a chat with him.

It is one thing to have a libral view , and other the openly be a fan boy of someone who is a questionable figure in society

Y'all folks who had Artan as friend on facebook better be unfriending him now after damage is done you could have saved his *** from self burning
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Well no offence when someone makes such a claim , on a guy on a watch list why they heck no one on his facebook reported him in ? Quite ... confusing

By the way the facebook post can be automated by outside if someone had hacked the password

It's being reported that the Facebook post was made very shortly before the attack so that would rule out his account being hacked and of course mean, that no one had time to report it before the attack happened.
The Civil War in Somalia has been going on since the mid-80s. And if you are referring to the period 2006-09, supporting the remnants of the TFG (ARPCT) was the only course of action left open to anyone wishing to intervene. The other option was letting Islamic Courts Union go uncontested, which would be the same as not fighting Daesh. So what exactly is your point?
His point is RAW, CIA and Mossad
You are wrong in identifying the core problem with these people...Do you think he will be identifying himself as a Somali origin or US or even Pakistan guy any way??? Of course no and never. For him another primary identity is much more significant than being Somali, US or any nation itself.

It doesn't matter what his identity "was", he was killed in broad daylight to send a clear message to people who think like him, that you try this, you'll get killed. No questions asked, no courts, period. He will always be remembered as a terrorist. Even by his own religion. I've studied various religions in depth so I know what any Abrahamic religion teaches. Outside of the cultural and regional expansion related wars / clashes, no religion allows you to harm another human being, let alone kill them. So it doesn't matter what this crazy idiot was thinking in his twisted mind. His title is and will always be a terrorist.
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You do realize that Pakistan had absolutely no problem with giving USSR the access to our ports, getting paid AND living in peace do you? - That's until American Govt overthrew our elected Govt through a military coup and hanged our Prime Minister, that Pakistan made the decision to jump in bed with the US in Afghanistan.

Sir, Your post has many deep questions and meanings. So the answer is going to be long and multi-faceted also. Befor I start, I wanted to make sure you know that I mean no disrespect. I've studied Pakistan's about 4 decades of history and have been there. So I know in and out of what happens in that society.

You've surprised me with the part of your post referring to "the elected government that the US took out" and "your prime minister" who was forced out (Mr. Bhuto). I have to admit, this is the first time I've read your comments (positive ones) about an "elected government" of Pakistan. Because all other times, you support the military dictatorship. So I don't really know how to take your one comment as "pro-democracy" with a millions favoring the dictatorships. Change of hearts (and a massive one) Mr. Horus?

To set the record or the history straight, Mr. Bhutto wasn't taken out by anyone else like the US as claimed. He was taken out by Mr. Zia that he had appointed himself as the "chief", as the military didn't want his agenda in various ways, some in terms of Iran and his personal religious aspects, some with super liberal policies, some with regards to losing the "religious identity" of the country and last, because the military guys think the civilian brains in Pakistan are made out of thick, dense pudding (instead of neurons, fatty acids and brain chemicals that actually produce "wisdom or thinking" :enjoy:). Now you know how the actual design of the brain in a very simple sentence.

So Mr. Bhutto was taken out due to a murder that he was somehow involved in, indirectly before the election. But, interestingly, he was taken out of power in a very similar fashion to how Mr. Sharif was, when he appointed Mr. Masharaf as the "Chief". In both times, the younger ranking, but promoted generals favored the protocol like the previous Pakistani military was used to (pre-Mr. RS or pre 2013?), and both the PM's were packed out. Mr. Bhutto was killed however. There is nothing the US did there, I think you should ask a few elders to know that part of the history if you are a young fellow yourself.

So the history repeated itself twice in the past 30 some years. Each elected PM appointed a junior officer as a Chief and each one of them were kicked out. One PM killed, the other one, wasn't (the Saudis?). That's history repeating itself the first time when the second PM was sent home by a junior general he made the "Chief".

The second time, the PM that wasn't killed, but was forced out (yes, he was the elected PM). And a decade and a half later, he is the PM now. This would be the second time the history repeated itself.

A third time history is repeating itself in terms of Russia. 30 some years ago, they attacked Afghanistan to gain access to the "Warm Waters" and the Minerals of Baluchistan, and to obviously turn this area into their naval station. They were beaten and broken into pieces. But 35 some years after (in 2016, now), well they are getting access to the Warm waters through the same Pakistan that helped break them with the US, but this time, they are getting access without firing a bullet. I guess history does repeat itself again and again. If I was a Russian, I'd be thinking, why the hell we didn't wait for 35 years, we could've had the USSR in place today too and access to the warm water for free :hitwall:).

So this part was the history repeating itself and me, correcting some history that was inaccurately represented (while the US, as always was blamed for your internal military shenanigans). But even with you guys taking care of millions of Afghans, they still hate Pakistan as they say Pakistan is involved in everything in Afghanistan and they want to live like a sovereign state. I don't know how to answer it to be frank as you guys did help them a lot.

Last part, please do remember, the Russians didn't "ask" you to give them access to the "warm waters" for cash. Their saying was "The Red Army can "walk" across Pakistan in 30 days". Oh boy, did they learn the lesson or quit walking altogether :cry:, the history has the answer if one looks into it. So I think Pakistan should have some appreciation for the support the US provided that didn't let the Red Army cross and conquer Pakistan on foot in 30 days. Pakistan remained as a country and US and Pakistan came on top. I say that was a great partnership and you guys should be a bit nice and loyal towards us so we can build more of these partnerships (even economy related now) :usflag::pakistan:. I am sorry for the long post, and sorry if any of my statements somehow came as offensive. That wasn't my intention. Thank you.
he was brutally killed and will always be remembered as a terrorist.

Please correct your post to rightfully killed.

It's brutal to trip a Grandmother walking on the street. It's right to kill a terrorist.

Surprisingly I kind of agree with @Falcon. It's obvious this rat couldn't handle even pronouncing his name so decides to go kill because when has killing not accomplished anything.
Please correct your post to "rightfully" killed.

It's brutal to trip a Grandmother walking on the street. It's right to kill a terrorist..

Sir, you obviously didn't get my sarcasm. It was for some on here, who were talking about "what happened to his country" and were sounding like they were celebrating. So I should've added "Pun Intended" there. But thank you for identifying it. I'll update the post.
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