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Suspect Identified in Ohio State Attack as Abdul Razaq Ali Artan

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States
United States


An Ohio State University student plowed a car into a campus crowd, then jumped out and started stabbing people with a butcher knife before being shot dead by police Monday morning, officials said.

Ten people were taken to hospitals after the ambush, but none of the injuries were considered life-threatening. The incident was initially reported as an "active shooter" situation, but the suspect did not shoot anyone.

A police officer was on the scene within a minute and killed the assailant, likely saving lives, university officials said. "He engaged the suspect and eliminated the threat," OSU Police Chief Craig Stone said.

Law enforcement officials told NBC News the suspect's name is Abdul Razaq Ali Artan, an 18-year-old student at the university.

He was a Somali refugee who left his homeland with his family in 2007, lived in Pakistan and then came to the United States in 2014 as a legal permanent resident of the United States, officials said. He attended Columbus State Community College for two years, graduating cum laude with an associates degree before moving onto Ohio State to continue his studies.

The motive was unknown, although law enforcement sources said Artan posted a rant on social media prior to the incident. Officials said the attack was clearly deliberate and may have been planned in advance.

"This was done on purpose," Stone said.

Officials said Artan was in the car by himself, but investigators are trying to determine if anyone else was involved in the planning.

A witness prays on campus close to the scene of the attack. Adam Cairns / Zuma Press
A campus lockdown was lifted about 11:30 a.m., some 90 minutes after the violence unfolded on the Columbus, Ohio, campus, where 60,000 students are enrolled.

"This car just swerved and ran into a whole group of people," said Nicole Kreinbrink, who was walking down the street when she saw the car hit people who had evacuated an academic building during a fire alarm.

"All these people were running and screaming and yelling," she added.

Jacob Bowers, an OSU sophomore, was sitting on a bench about 100 feet away when he noticed people running.

"Then I heard someone yell, 'He's got a knife.' And I saw a guy with a big-*** knife just chasing people around. When I saw that, I grabbed all my stuff and started running," Bowers said.

Bowers said he looked back to see a police officer on the scene. The officer yelled to the suspect, "Drop it and get down or I'll shoot," and then fired on the suspect, Bowers said.

"The man was going insane," he said.

Another student told NBC News he heard gunfire from his dorm room.

"I heard gunshots from my dorm, probably six or seven," said Stephen Yunker, 18, a freshman who lives two blocks from Watts Hall, where the incident occurred.

He said he and his roommate looked at each other, heard sirens about five seconds later, and then looked out the window.

"We saw fire trucks, couple of cars, and a body laying on the ground," he said.

OSU Police identified the officer who took down Artan as Alan Harujko, who has been on the force for two years.

The @OSUPolice confirm Officer Alan Horujko shot and killed the suspect, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, Monday morning. pic.twitter.com/6BuZ9GN1zY

— OSU Police (@OSUPOLICE) November 28, 2016
The campus was put on lockdown for 90 minutes after the university first reported an "active shooter" in the chaos of the moment.

"Run Hide Fight," the university's emergency management office tweeted. "Continue to shelter in place."

Students hunkered down in classrooms with shades drawn across the 2,000-acre campus.

Lisa Goldstein, 26, was in her Geographical Information Systems class in Stillman Hall when a text alert hit everyone's phones. The students blocked the door with their book bags and monitored social media and live streams for updates.

"It's a little overwhelming and scary. It's not something you think would happen on our campus," she told NBC News.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich praised law enforcement for stopping Artan before he could do more harm.

"Think about what this tragedy could have meant, a man with a butcher knife and who knows what else?" he said.

Praying for all students on @OhioState campus!! Please find safely asap!! .

— LeBron James (@KingJames) November 28, 2016
President Barack Obama was briefed on the attack, a White House spokesman said. The FBI was assisting in the investigation.

Hassan Omar, president of the Somali Community Association of Ohio, told NBC News that reports the attacker was Somali was upsetting.

"Every Somali person has been calling me, and everybody is crying," he said.

"This is a shock," he added. "As a Somali community here, we are in a state of shock. In Columbus, we live in a very peaceful community. This is gonna affect the life of everybody. We are American and we don't want somebody to create this problem."

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An Ohio State University student plowed a car into a campus crowd, then jumped out and started stabbing people with a butcher knife before being shot dead by police Monday morning, officials said.

Ten people were taken to hospitals after the ambush, but none of the injuries were considered life-threatening. The incident was initially reported as an "active shooter" situation, but the suspect did not shoot anyone.

This is the height of stupidity and craziness. I guess this would for sure end the refugee issue from the Muslim countries to the US. What a fuc*ing idiot, he injured so many innocent people also. I don't understand what the hell these people listen to, eat or drink that they can do this kind of insane crazy shiit!

Wounder which country and Govt was responsible for destroying his country and driving him away from there to begin with?

Well, you should ask the same question from the Afghans too, the answer might surprise you because you guys have given refuge to millions of them. But they still call Pakistan the source of their issues and the cause of what drove them away from their home. Right or wrong, its a different story.

Similarly, right or wrong, no man has a right to kill other innocents. This isn't a war zone, it was a college campus. If he didn't want to come here, he didn't have to be here. And the US was never at a war with Somalia to begin with. You can never justify this kind of behavior whether its the US, Pakistani schools, Indian schools or Chinese schools. Now imagine what this brings to the Muslims that are already here? If I had a Muslim friend from a refugee family in a college, you think I'll be at a comfort hanging out with him?
This is the height of stupidity and craziness. I guess this would for sure end the refugee issue from the Muslim countries to the US. What a fuc*ing idiot, he injured so many innocent people also. I don't understand what the hell these people listen to, eat or drink that they can do this kind of insane crazy shiit!

He likely had identity crisis and mental issues, Islam permeated peoples minds more than other religions, so what happens is their beliefs and reality don't conform, so they become confused and troubled(especially those in the West), questioning Islam , reality, or both together. Then they develop an identity crisis which causes stress/anxiety/depression, and if they struggle to balance out their beliefs or get social support(non-religious), they lose it and give up. In this case, he probably feared route of suicide due to his beliefs, and went suicide by cop route. That and probably the race factor in the US might of played a role.

This is why Muslim communities in the US, need to provide support for those Muslims with identity crisis, help them deal with them and balance everything out. They, however, don't provide that support. Instead, there are groups in the mosque that remain to themselves, and the clerics are teaching people things like Day of Judgement, avoid 'bad things', lessons on how to be like the Caliphs, false projections that these people were perfect, when they weren't. It seems that way because all the imperfections of them are not told. Hence these confused people become more lost, trying to be 'perfect', increasing prayer/Quran, further separating themselves from reality, and getting more depressed.

The debate over Islam doesn't need to be had now because no one is mature enough for it yet, it is for the future. But, there need to be revamped programs, less sermons on lifestyle back in 6th century which were healthy then, not now. Religion can't be used to treat mental health, identity crisis,personal problems, exam grades, income, etc.... This worked for 6th century Arabs who were tough, lived in harsh climate, and had better mental health than most of those today, so they were able to conform to Islam pretty well initially. Today, not the case.
You do realize that Pakistan had absolutely no problem with giving USSR the access to our ports, getting paid AND living in peace do you? - That's until American Govt overthrew our elected Govt through a military coup and hanged our Prime Minister, that Pakistan made the decision to jump in bed with the US in Afghanistan.

This is the height of stupidity and craziness. I guess this would for sure end the refugee issue from the Muslim countries to the US. What a fuc*ing idiot, he injured so many innocent people also. I don't understand what the hell these people listen to, eat or drink that they can do this kind of insane crazy shiit!

Well, you should ask the same question from the Afghans too, the answer might surprise you because you guys have given refuge to millions of them. But they still call Pakistan the source of their issues and the cause of what drove them away from their home. Right or wrong, its a different story.

Similarly, right or wrong, no man has a right to kill other innocents. This isn't a war zone, it was a college campus. If he didn't want to come here, he didn't have to be here. And the US was never at a war with Somalia to begin with. You can never justify this kind of behavior whether its the US, Pakistani schools, Indian schools or Chinese schools. Now imagine what this brings to the Muslims that are already here? If I had a Muslim friend from a refugee family in a college, you think I'll be at a comfort hanging out with him?
This is the height of stupidity and craziness. I guess this would for sure end the refugee issue from the Muslim countries to the US.

Well Trump certainly will have something again to point at. This guy helped him quite a bit. The Liberals will be on the defensive...and will lose a lot of support.
Wounder which country and Govt was responsible for destroying his country and driving him away from there to begin with?

Horus, with all due respect sir, I believe his issue is more related to cultural shock/identity crisis, especially considering University lifestyle. Please take a look at my first post on the thread. It's time Western Muslim communities address this situation. Every time it occurs, people suspect it's politically motivated, and we hear sermons in mosque about that. It, however, has little to do with politics, it is cultural shock/identity crisis, the people need therapy/medication(in some cases). Mental health is a big deal, he was likely having suicidal thoughts and needed anti depressants or stronger meds to alter his brain chemistry.
You do realize that Pakistan had absolutely no problem with giving USSR the access to our ports, getting paid AND living in peace do you? - That's until American Govt overthrew our elected Govt through a military coup and hanged our Prime Minister, that Pakistan made the decision to jump in bed with the US in Afghanistan.
Yes of course, Americans did the coup...not the generals who actually committed the acts?

Tell me...would the US have done it if they had known our military wasn't for sale?
Well Trump certainly will have something again to point at. This guy helped him quite a bit. The Liberals will be on the defensive...and will lose a lot of support.

No it won't help him, Europeans(Americans included) always had suspicions/disdain towards Muslims since the Muslim conquests in the Middle East and Europe, in the past. If the registry does happen, it is due to preconceived views, along with refugee crisis changing Europe, which are the two major factors. Because history was important, and fear of future play a role.
He was on a legal permanent residence of US. He was not a refugee.

There are many shootings in USA. It happens all the time. Mostly done by white American boneheads. The problem lies in America and its gun laws. Pointing fingers at ethnicity or religion is actually shifting the blame for America's own shortcomings.

What if this was a white American? Would this inunnendo of terrorism and his tenuous link to Islam, Pakistan and any other Muslim country would not have stuck out so prominently.
Wounder which country and Govt was responsible for destroying his country and driving him away from there to begin with?

The Civil War in Somalia has been going on since the mid-80s. And if you are referring to the period 2006-09, supporting the remnants of the TFG (ARPCT) was the only course of action left open to anyone wishing to intervene. The other option was letting Islamic Courts Union go uncontested, which would be the same as not fighting Daesh. So what exactly is your point?
No it won't help him, Europeans(Americans included) always had suspicions/disdain towards Muslims since the Muslim conquests in the Middle East and Europe, in the past. If the registry does happen, it is due to preconceived views, along with refugee crisis changing Europe, which are the two major factors. Because history was important, and fear of future play a role.

meh, most Americans know nothing of Muslim conquests. Most know only of European history and the Egyptians. Everything else that happened in the world was a non-event not worth recollecting.
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Quite distrubing events no doubt , wonder why this US citizen became angry

Certaily condolenses to the folks effected, and I hope I really hope that he suspect was indeed the one who was doing it or they just saw the first black or somali guy and zapped him

Well just horrible what happens world wide

Degree holder guy , about to start a new life and bam all gone

Not exactly sure why the association to Pakistan is being prominently discussed considering we do not have a Somali population , and we don't have policy for tracking every single traveller who may be on a transit

And it is not our responsibility to track US citizen or residents
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Not exactly sure why the association to Pakistan is being prominently discussed considering we do not have a Somali population , and we don't have policy for tracking every single traveller who may be on a transit

And it is not our responsibility to track US citizen or residents
The op says his family was living in Pakistan from 2007 to 2014 ,before moving to US....thats the reason Pakistans name came up.

Not sure why the family moved to Pakistan and what they where doing there for 7 years.
Untill crime is committed and we know the person we can't do much unfortunately as we are not in business of holding underage kids in costody.

There is difference between India and Pakistan

A person only decides to take a random action by their own will (allegedly as he was just a mere suspect) , and there is no evidence to suggest anyone knows who was the culprit till brought to court or legal witnesses.

We can't comment on Legal Residents of US caught in web of entanglement only their own law authorities can figure out after a full investigation , why this person (allegedly was involved in a crime)

Its is not like hey its a Black guy from Somalia lets put him in prison and he is age 10 or 12 and we have this Magic ball to tell us any crime he/she will commit down the line

For time being obviously condolenses to folks who suffered

Folks loose their marbles ocassionally after a interview rejection or racism faced and bullying at school etc lot of other things therefore can't say much accept to feel sorry for the loss of life

Angry shooting happens in USA quite frequently and this one happens to be a shotout with a person who allegedly (no court or police investigation was shot)

Certainly if there was sufficient evidence collected the Police serves the right to act
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