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Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

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Are indians in this aryan delusion too? They think their white and blonde or something? Persians have this delusion as well when they are dark skinned they are in delusion world.

They have COMPLETELY lost it.

Like I said before:

The ancient Whites in India carved themselves as Whites, described themselves as Whites (many with blonde hair and blue/green eyes), and distinguished themselves from lower castes by their color.

I don't know how to break it to you, but those dark people living in the muck in all those truthful pictures you want us to stop posting are not the people who "invented" the zero; it was White people. (Not that I couldn't fill several pages on how moronic it is to claim that anyone had to "invent" zero. I assure you that all prior White civilizations understood the concept of nothingness just fine, and Archimedes even developed calculus without having a symbol for zero.)

See how much more sense this makes? Instead of looking at the poor, ignorant people in India and wondering how they could ever have fallen so far, we instead understand that they were always this low, and the people who did all those great things in the past were the same people who do all these great things today. Much simpler. Occam's Razor!
Blue green eyes, blonde hair??? :lol: There's a thing called genetic diversity and India is most gentically diverse after Africa, but whom am I telling all this , a braindead idiot who's too glad living in his own parallel universe.

Goodluck with your fake racial superiority. I shouldn't have disturbed you in the first place. Now spare me your BS. :wave:

Dont break his heart too much....This superiority BS is what these guys are left with nowadays..... These chaps are pretty unstable....what with the complete fcuk up they have made of their social systems.... You know how suicide rates are for these Nordic types..

This guy was claiming That Indra Devta is blond haired...:rofl: Wonder what hair / eye combination Durga Devi has...??????
Dont break his heart too much....This superiority BS is what these guys are left with nowadays..... These chaps are pretty unstable....what with the complete fcuk up they have made of their social systems.... You know how suicide rates are for these Nordic types..

This guy was claiming That Indra Devta is blond haired...:rofl: Wonder what hair / eye combination Durga Devi has...??????

You turd skins are horrible liars.

Indra is described in the Rig Veda having blond, or 'yellow', hair.[11] One part of the Rig Veda says, "At the swift draught the Soma-drinker waxed in might, the Iron One with yellow beard and yellow hair." The Rig Veda/Mandala 10/Hymn 96
You turd skins are horrible liars.

And who is this great white priest interpreting the Rig veda.....Mlechhas are not even allowed to read it, and if they do, wont understand a word......Is it you great Griffith whose translation is considered trash by any Hindu....

And Indra Devta is a god...not a run of the mill warrior chieftain.

So now you are so audacious as to tell us the meaning of our own scriptures.
And who is this great white priest interpreting the Rig veda.....Mlechhas are not even allowed to read it, and if they do, wont understand a word......Is it you great Griffith whose translation is considered trash by any Hindu....

And Indra Devta is a god...not a run of the mill warrior chieftain.

So now you are so audacious as to tell us the meaning of our own scriptures.

Here is the report of the genetic study done globally.............looks like its Indians who went into central Asia, Europe and China :lol:


18 pages and it still going.................

Mod probably laughing too hard than to response.

I get enough peanuts to last me for another 10 pages, see if my peanuts ran out first or Mod act first.....:lol:
Here is the report of the genetic study done globally.............looks like its Indians who went into central Asia, Europe and China :lol:



LMAO! Now Indians are the creators of Europe, Central Asia, and everything in between! :omghaha:

There are four competing basic models (with variations) that have academic credibility (Mallory (1997:106)):

the Kurgan hypothesis (Pontic-Caspian area): Chalcolithic (5th to 4th millennia BCE)

the Anatolian hypothesis (Anatolia in Asia Minor): Early Neolithic (7th to 5th millennia BCE)

the Baltic hypothesis: Mesolithic to Neolithic (Ertebølle to Corded Ware horizon, 6th to 3rd millennia BCE)

the Balkan hypothesis, excluding the Anatolian languages (a variant of the Anatolian hypothesis): Neolithic (5th millennium BCE)

As mentioned above, the Kurgan hypothesis is currently dominant in Indo-European studies. The Anatolian hypothesis is the primary competitor. This hypothesis is primarily associated with Colin Renfrew, although it has also been supported by Russell Gray and Quentin Atkinson, based on Bayesian analysis studies.[1][2]

So basically, everyone agrees you turd-worlders were displaced.

A number of fringe hypotheses also exist, e.g.:

the Armenian hypothesis (proposed in the context of Glottalic theory), with a homeland in Armenia in the 4th millennium BCE (excluding the Anatolian branch);

a 6th millennium BCE or later origin in Northern Europe, according to Lothar Kilian's and, especially, Marek Zvelebil's[3] models of a broader homeland;

Koenraad Elst's Out of India theory (often championed by Hindu nationalists), with a homeland in India in the 6th millennium BCE;[4] :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

The Paleolithic Continuity Theory, with an origin before the 10th millennium BCE.

It seems that the scientists have had enough of low-IQ turdskinned Indians revising history with their nationalist and revisionist theories.


And who is this great white priest interpreting the Rig veda.....Mlechhas are not even allowed to read it, and if they do, wont understand a word......Is it you great Griffith whose translation is considered trash by any Hindu....

And Indra Devta is a god...not a run of the mill warrior chieftain.

So now you are so audacious as to tell us the meaning of our own scriptures.

We created the Rig Veda... "mlechhas". You simply inherited our culture. Ever since our European kin were dissolved by race-mixing with you turdskins, South Asia has not developed anything new. Seriously, in the last 1,000 years, after we no longer existed on your crappy subcontinent, not a single new discovery or innovation was realized. 1,000 YEARS, and nothing to show for it.
Here is the report of the genetic study done globally.............looks like its Indians who went into central Asia, Europe and China :lol:



Problem is they dont update their Bunkum because it might hurt them.

In what could be a major setback to Dravidian parties in Tamil Nadu, an inter-continental research in cellular molecular biology has debunked the Aryan invasion theory.

In what could be a major setback to Dravidian parties in Tamil Nadu, an inter-continental research in cellular molecular biology has debunked the Aryan invasion theory.

“We have conclusively proved that there never existed any Aryans or Dravidians in the Indian sub continent. The Aryan-Dravidian classification was nothing but a misinformation campaign carried out by people with vested interests,” Prof Lalji Singh, vice-chancellor, Banaras Hindu University, told DNA.

The findings of a three-year research by a team of scientists, including Prof Singh and others from various countries, has been published by American Journal of Human Genetics in its issue dated December 9.

“The study effectively puts to rest the argument that south Indians are Dravidians and were driven to the peninsula by Aryans who invaded North India,” said Prof Singh, a molecular biologist and former chief of Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad.

According to Dr Gyaneshwer Chaubey, Estonian Biocentre, Tartu, Estonia, who was another Indian member of the team, the leaders of Dravidian political parties may have to find another answer for their raison d'être. “We have proved that people all over India have common genetic traits and origin. All Indians have the same DNA structure. No foreign genes or DNA has entered the Indian mainstream in the last 60,000 years,” Dr Chaubey said.

Dr Chaubey had proved in 2009 itself that the Aryan invasion theory is bunkum. “That was based on low resolution genetic markers. This time we have used autosomes, which means all major 23 chromosomes, for our studies. The decoding of human genome and other advances in this area help us in unraveling the ancestry in 60,000 years,” he explained.

However, Gnani Shankaran, noted Dravidian thinker, said the time for writing the last word on Dravidian philosophy has not yet come.

“We have to find out the credentials of the authors of this research paper and their hidden agenda. In Tamil Nadu, the Dravidian and Aryan ties are inter-related. The Dalits in our land are the descendents of the Dravidian Brahmins who were pushed to the lowest strata of society by the Aryans,” Shankaran said.

According to Prof Singh, Dr Chaubey, and Dr Kumarasamy Thangaraj, another member of the team, the findings disprove the caste theory prevailing in India. Interestingly, the team found that instead of Aryan invasion, it was Indians who moved from the subcontinent to Europe. “That’s the reason behind the findings of the same genetic traits in Eurasiain regions,” said Dr Thangaraj, senior scientist, CCMB.

“Africans came to India through Central Asia during 80,000 to 60,000 BCE and they moved to Europe sometime around 30,000 BCE. The Indian Vedic literature and the epics are all silent about the Aryan-Dravidian conflict,” said Dr S Kalyanaraman, a proponent of the Saraswathi civilization which developed along the banks of the now defunct River Saraswathi.
Food for thought for the White Monkey, provided he understands a word of it.

Indian diversity. Last genetic nail driven into the AMT-Aryan-Dravidian divide coffin: (Metspalu, Gyaneshwer Chaubey et al, AJHG, Dec. 2011)

Genetic study finds no evidence for Aryan Migration Theory--On the contrary, South Indians migrated to north and South Asians migrated into Eurasia

What geneticists consider a landmark paper has just been published in a highly reputed scientific journal, American Journal of Human Genetics, authored by an international group of geneticists including Metspalu, Gyaneshwer Chaubey, Chandana Basu Mallick (Evolutionary Biology Group in Tartu, Estonia), Ramasamy Pitchappan (Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, Chennai), Lalji Singh, and Kumarasamy Thangaraj (CCMB, Hyderabad). The study is titled: Shared and Unique Components of Human Population Structure and Genome-Wide Signals of Positive Selection in South Asia, The American Journal of Human Genetics (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2011.11.010

The study is comprehensive, unlike previous studies of human genome and is unique, because it focuses on large number of populations in South Asia, and India, a region which harbours one of the highest levels of genetic diversity in Eurasia and currently accounts for one sixth of human population in the world.

The study analysed human genetic variation on a sample of 1310 individuals that belong to 112 populations, using new genome-wide data contains more than 600,000 single nucleotide polymorphic sites among 142 samples from 30 ethnic groups of India. The most important scientific findings of the study are:

• South Asian genetic diversity is 2nd in the world, next only to Africa, mainly due to long periods of indigenous development of lineages and with complex population structure where one can see the different caste and tribal populations.

• Two genetic components among Indians are observed: one is restricted to India and explains 50% genetic ancestry of Indian populations , while, the second which spread to West Asia and Caucasus region. Technically called “haplotype diversity”, it is a measure of the origin of the genetic component. The component which spread beyond India has significantly higher haplotype diversity in India than in any other part of world. This is clear proof that this genetic component originated in India and then spread to West Asia and Caucasus. The distribution of two genetic components among Indians clearly indicates that the Aryan-Dravidian division is a myth, Indian population landscape is clearly governed by geography.

• A remarkable finding is that the origin of these components in India is much older than 3500 years which clearly refutes Aryan Invasion theory of the type enunciated by Max Mueller ! The study also found that haplotypic diversity of this ancestry component is much greater than in Europe and the Near East (Iraq, Iran, Middle East) thus pointing to an older age of the component and/or long-term higher effective population size (that is, indigenous evolution of people).

• Haplotype diversity associated with dark green ancestry is greatest in the south of the Indian subcontinent, indicating that the alleles underlying it most likely arose there and spread northwards.

• The study refutes Aryan migrations into India suggested by the German orientalist Max Muller that ca. 3,500 years ago a dramatic migration of Indo-European speakers from Central Asia shaping contemporary South Asian populations, introduction of the Indo-European language family and the caste system in India. A few past studies on mtDNA and Y-chromosome variation have interpreted their results in favor of the hypothesis, whereas others have found no genetic evidence to support it. The present study notes that any migration from Central Asia to South Asia should have introduced readily apparent signals of East Asian ancestry into India. The study finds that this ancestry component is absent from the region. The study, therefore, concludes that if such at all such a dispersal ever took place, it should have occurred 12,500 years ago. On the contrary, there is evidence for East Asian ancestry component reaching Central Asia at a later period.

• India has one of the world’s fastest growing incidence of type 2 diabetes as well as a sizeable number of cases of the metabolic syndrome, both of which have been linked to recent rapid urbanization. The study points to a possible genetic reasons and recommends further researches on four genes – DOKS, MSTN, CLOCK, PPARA – implicated in lipid metabolism and etiology of type 2 diabetes.

Dec. 9, 2011

Shared and Unique Components of Human Population Structure and Genome-Wide Signals of Positive Selection in South Asia
Mait Metspalu1, 2, 13, , , Irene Gallego Romero3, 13, 14, Bayazit Yunusbayev1, 4, 13, Gyaneshwer Chaubey1, Chandana Basu Mallick1, 2, Georgi Hudjashov1, 2, Mari Nelis5, 6, Reedik Mägi7, 8, Ene Metspalu2, Maido Remm7, Ramasamy Pitchappan9, Lalji Singh10, 11, Kumarasamy Thangaraj10, Richard Villems1, 2, 12 and Toomas Kivisild1, 2, 3

1 Evolutionary Biology Group, Estonian Biocentre, 51010 Tartu, Estonia
2 Department of Evolutionary Biology, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, 51010 Tartu, Estonia
3 Department of Biological Anthropology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1QH, UK
4 Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics, Ufa Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Department of Genetics and Fundamental Medicine, Bashkir State University, 450054 Ufa, Russia
5 Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu and Estonian Biocentre, 51010 Tartu, Estonia
6 Department of Genetic Medicine and Development, University of Geneva Medical School, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland
7 Department of Bioinformatics, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, 51010 Tartu, Estonia
8 Genetic and Genomic Epidemiology Unit, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK
9 Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, Chettinad Health City, Chennai 603 103, India
10 Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad 500 007, India
11 Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi 221 005, India
12 Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia
I don't understand wtf is the argument about (especially in a thread titled Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Word), I mean damn an Indian race is an Indian race, wtf is all the argument about skin color and blonde eyes and what the .... Russians also have mixes of Caucasian / Asian looking people and I don't see it spanning pages of genetic discussion.

Damn let people believe whatever they want to believe and be proud of who you are (and stop derailing this thread)

If your so concern shove your head in a DNA scanner or something, I mean seriously cities to genetics seriously WTF?!?!? Start a new thread and store the precious argument there ffs
I don't understand wtf is the argument about (especially in a thread titled Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Word), I mean damn an Indian race is an Indian race, wtf is all the argument about skin color and blonde eyes and what the .... Russians also have mixes of Caucasian / Asian looking people and I don't see it spanning pages of genetic discussion.

Damn let people believe whatever they want to believe and be proud of who you are (and stop derailing this thread)

If your so concern shove your head in a DNA scanner or something, I mean seriously cities to genetics seriously WTF?!?!? Start a new thread and store the precious argument there ffs

The problem is because these white monkeys want to lay a claim to everything done so far in the World. So, if ancient India had high culture and achievements, it must be because India was peopled by whites at that time, never mind that their cousins back in Europe were talking grunt-grunt and eating raw meat in caves.
The problem is because these white monkeys want to lay a claim to everything done so far in the World. So, if ancient India had high culture and achievements, it must be because India was peopled by whites at that time, never mind that their cousins back in Europe were talking grunt-grunt and eating raw meat in caves.

White Monkey is still dishing out disgraced "hypothesis" when evidence of genetic studies have shown India is the cradle of civilization. :lol:

But looking at the desperate need of this white monkey to feel good about himself I think we should let him take credit on behalf of India Even people with massive inferiority complex, low IQ and bad education need our Pity. :angel:
This guy is WhiteMansBurden is a Chinese so people better talk to him like that. Is it a consequence that he lands on all Chinese threads and starts his regular crap about India? That's the trait of the people with faked high IQ aka Chinese.
This guy is WhiteMansBurden is a Chinese so people better talk to him like that. Is it a consequence that he lands on all Chinese threads and starts his regular crap about India? That's the trait of the people with high IQ aka Chinese.

Of course he is a 50 cent propaganda soldier..........but even then he forgot to do his homework :lol:

He has helped us tell the world that Civilization started with India. I think for that we need to thank him :devil:
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