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surgical strike .....what was expectations

Imran Khan

Oct 18, 2007
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well there has been told so many stories and faction but lets be honest here and shear what was expectations of surgical strikes .

i was expecting that IAF will use su-30mki or mk2 and at-least cross border or at least fire some standoff weapons on some military or civil locations across LOC

ANOTHER scenario was in my mind may be once again India will start standoff at borders and bring her forces on border . or fire some SRBMs or MLRSs on LOC which also never happen

none of this happen and the claim was commando style cross border attack which is almost impossible at LOC at big scale as its very hot border both sides never miss a second when they did not keep eye on LOC .
the claim of crossing LOC and attacking so called launching pad and killing hundreds of freedom fighters and pak army without lose of single life and come back home is look more like a joke if you just see as a honest person .TBH India dissipated us with these claims
well there has been told so many stories and faction but lets be honest here and shear what was expectations of surgical strikes .

i was expecting that IAF will use su-30mki or mk2 and at-least cross border or at least fire some standoff weapons on some military or civil locations across LOC

ANOTHER scenario was in my mind may be once again India will start standoff at borders and bring her forces on border . or fire some SRBMs or MLRSs on LOC which also never happen

none of this happen and the claim was commando style cross border attack which is almost impossible at LOC at big scale as its very hot border both sides never miss a second when they did not keep eye on LOC .
the claim of crossing LOC and attacking so called launching pad and killing hundreds of freedom fighters and pak army without lose of single life and come back home is look more like a joke if you just see as a honest person .TBH India dissipated us with these claims
IA has said it's intention was to destroy terrorist launch pads across the LoC but not that of PA. Using fighter jets and SRBM/MLSRs would mean launching a full scale war on Pak which may turn nuclear. That's more like saying why didn't US use predator drones or F-16s to smoke Bin-Laden but rather used stealth choppers and Seal Teams for the operation.
IA has said it's intention was to destroy terrorist launch pads across the LoC but not that of PA. Using fighter jets and SRBM/MLSRs would mean launching a full scale war on Pak which may turn nuclear. That's more like saying why didn't US use predator drones or F-16s to smoke Bin-Laden but rather used stealth choppers and Seal Teams for the operation.
lets say using ground forces with choppers ? how can they cross with dozens of solders and return back ? there are mines OPs SOPs MPADs ATGMs and hundreds of solders on every post of LOC .in this case i think they must lose equal numbers of lives . after all every gun battle between India and Pakistan have same results on LOC .
lets say using ground forces with choppers ? how can they cross with dozens of solders and return back ? there are mines OPs SOPs MPADs ATGMs and hundreds of solders on every post of LOC .in this case i think they must lose equal numbers of lives . after all every gun battle between India and Pakistan have same results on LOC .

lagta hai modi ke pas sulemani topi hai .
Even for the sake of Argument lets just say that is true... then destroying merely an observer post of Pakistan doesn't make it a surgical strike... it was right with in the mortar range of Indian Army and As per Indians, Pakistani so called BAT force do it all the time... they cross over and kill Indian soldiers on regular basis... So even if Indian version is to be believed what is in it there for chest thumping? Whoever thought of crossing in to Pakistan for this action should have been court marshaled for being so stupid and risking life of so many soldiers for such a minor gain...

Not to mention all this is Raam kahani... and have nothing to do with reality. Pakistani Border is not deserted we too have soldiers on watch ... and any such action would have been responded immediately.
lets say using ground forces with choppers ? how can they cross with dozens of solders and return back ? there are mines OPs SOPs MPADs ATGMs and hundreds of solders on every post of LOC .in this case i think they must lose equal numbers of lives . after all every gun battle between India and Pakistan have same results on LOC .
There have been tons of debates on this forum over Indians and Pakistanis claiming the opposite regarding these surgical strikes and I don't want to debate on that further as those discussions will only result in a troll fest. All I'm saying is that IA's intention is to attack and destroy launch pads while keeping PA in the dark which is why they wouldn't use heavy weapons systems.

While some people claim the border is hot and constantly guarded on both sides, it's just like 26/11 attacks where the terrorists were able to dodge multiple coast guard groups across Gujarat and Maharashtra or how the US was able to penetrate deep inside Pak's territory to Abbotabad from Afghanistan which is approximately 400km without Pak having the slightest clue about it
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The OT says in his first post, he 'expected'.
The surgical strike means that you prove the expectations of enemy wrong and exactly hit unexpectedly. The element of surprize and target elimination is the motive of a surgical strike and both were achieved. This video is just a trailer, it's not a whole video.

What I am expecting now is a counter propaganda video by ISPR.
The thing is considering the LoC is so highly guarded on both sides, its next to impossible for either side to cross over, launch an operation and come back without the other side knowing about it and without any resistance. Unless of course if India thinks Pakistani armed forces to be a cake walk, which I highly doubt considering what happened in 2001 after the deployment of over half a million Indian troops to teach Pakistan a lesson, but all troops were withdrawn later without a bullet fired from eastern side and the only casualties India had was because of harsh scorching heat of desert.
lagta hai modi ke pas sulemani topi hai .
in this case indian claim was our solders were like hanuman


The OT says in his first post, he 'expected'.
The surgical strike means that you prove the expectations of enemy wrong and exactly hit unexpectedly. The element of surprize and target elimination is the motive of a surgical strike and both were achieved. This video is just a trailer, it's not a whole video.

What I am expecting now is a counter propaganda video by ISPR.
they were not fighting me kid they were fighting with real forces i am a civilian so armed forces and GHQ know better then me billions times what is coming

The thing is considering the LoC is so highly guarded on both sides, its next to impossible for either side to cross over, launch an operation and come back without the other side knowing about it and without any resistance. Unless of course if India thinks Pakistani armed forces to be a cake walk, which I highly doubt considering what happened in 2001 after the deployment of over half a million Indian troops to teach Pakistan a lesson, but all troops were withdrawn later without a bullet fired from eastern side and the only casualties India had was because of harsh scorching heat of desert.
that is my only question how come ? they claimed they entered azad kashmir killed 200+ kashmiri freedom fighters while in real war every operation in IOK indian army also lost lives along with freedom fighters . or do i miss something ?
they were not fighting me kid they were fighting with real forces i am a civilian so armed forces and GHQ know better then me billions times what is coming

Dude, those terrorists and Pakistani assessment makers were not expecting that India would come so deep across LC and carry out strikes. Expecting what to carry, how it would go is a second assessment. You might have seen them standing so relaxed around their camps.
To be honest if they had to make a claim like that they needed better proofs which they failed to provide. If they can cross the border they surly can document the entire thing but they didn't provide with much apart from words. LOC is very hot so if you say you crossed it and made a successful attack then you need to backup your argument with reasonable proof. Either incursion was not of the scale it was told in media so no proof or this damn thing never happened.
Dude, those terrorists and Pakistani assessment makers were not expecting that India would come so deep across LC and carry out strikes. Expecting what to carry, how it would go is a second assessment. You might have seen them standing so relaxed around their camps.
dude they are on LOC because they expect day night that india will come . do you know LOC means? if india cross and control any area it will be unrecoverable if india capture a peak it will be indian peak from that minute .LOC is line of control its war line . you kidding with me ? its not international border where forces go back after ceasefire . paksitnais have used maximum security of LOC because these reasons thousands of paksitnai forces sitting there are they rain the bullets of anything move on LOC . do you know showing your face on LOC to enemy means death . its not Bollywood movie and there are no training camps or else ask why from UNMOGIP has 44 military observers, 25 international civilian personnel and 47 local civilian staff they may confirm your sur gi kal strike

To be honest if they had to make a claim like that they needed better proofs which they failed to provide. If they can cross the border they surly can document the entire thing but they didn't provide with much apart from words. LOC is very hot so if you say you crossed it and made a successful attack then you need to backup your argument with reasonable proof. Either incursion was not of the scale it was told in media so no proof or this damn thing never happened.
if indian army lost 5 men that day it will rise my concern . they claim they killed 200+ without a single injury :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: while we were waiting for su-30 they claimed we have already done it without any prove . indian population trust their army and this time BJP used army so no indian can rise any question . in case anyone raised question they shut his mouth that indian army claimed it not BJP .:rolleyes: BJP used Indian army shoulder for this funny claim . reason why they never claimed air force did it is its always documented RADAR records AWACS recording and even civil radards nearby countries can see it what is going on .
All I'm saying is that IA's intention is to attack and destroy launch pads while keeping PA in the dark which is why they wouldn't use heavy weapons systems.
What the heck are launch pads? Do you think we have something like you guys show in your movies to launch people across the loc?

There is Indian occupied Kashmir and then Pakistan administered Kashmir with both sides able to see each other with naked eyes. There is no void in between LOC, entire thing is mined and heavily guarded. So if you had to destroy any so called launch pad then it must be in the knowledge of PA so sorry you doesn't make any sense at all.
dude they are on LOC because they expect day night that india will come . do you know LOC means?

They are not Pakistani observation positions. They are terror camps which are 5-6km inside Pak occupied Kashmir which are away and established temporarily at remote locations, far from actual guarded LC army camps. Not every part of LC is fenced on your side. It's only on Indian side it is fenced at most part.

The only reason this surgical strike was successful is because of Pakistani assessment that India will not send in men. When your CAD knows the ways to infiltrate and exfiltrate, you think Indians wouldn't be aware of such routes?

its not Bollywood movie and there are no training camps or else ask why from UNMOGIP has 44 military observers, 25 international civilian personnel and 47 local civilian staff they may confirm your sur gi kal strike

This is the only reason why those launch pads are put at remote places, which is not to be identified by any. As even all deployed army is not aware of them except for your MI and ISI(CAD)
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