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Surgical strike overhype did not help, says General who oversaw operations

Clearly the surgical strikes were fake, lies and rhetoric, no wonder PA kept up the cease fire border violations for over ONE YEAR right AFTER SURGICAL STRIKES.

I mean, ceasefire violations for one straight year always happen with just rhetoric alone being exchanged between India and pakistan, right?:coffee:
It proved nothing..
Clearly the surgical strikes were fake, lies and rhetoric, no wonder PA kept up the cease fire border violations for over ONE YEAR right AFTER SURGICAL STRIKES.

I mean, ceasefire violations for one straight year always happen with just rhetoric alone being exchanged between India and pakistan, right?:coffee:
Ceasefire violations according to whom? When bharatis get their asses handed to them it is always from a ceasfire violation.

Tell me me has india ever accepted any deaths on LOC that weren't from ceasefire violations?

Forcefed propaganda to keep the masses gullible...
This is Bharat and bharatis you are talking about....

The baniya mentality is one of obfuscation, deceit and downright lies. Anything to further their false narrative and hindutva agenda.

Bharat is now in a total transformation to a racist, right wing, anti Muslim state. You only have to listen to their media and the venom and hatred they spew out on a daily basis against Pakistan and Muslims it is toxic and ultra jingoistic. The so called saner voices in their media are conspicuously silent or muzzled whilst these rabid dogs like goswami and his ilk will parrot any bjp/rss/hindutva agenda. They are in cahoots or embedded with the bjp and are mouthpieces or RAW and IB it's no secret.

They will continue to parrot these fake surgical stories and have these delusions of grandeur.

Can take a couple of pointers from these fake strikes.

1. Pakistan need to have a strong and robust response to any adventurism. This fake surgical may be a precursor to an actual attempt.

2. There is no peace with this country Bharat. It will be a perpetual war, always prepare for a war.

3. Put Kashmir and pakistan to one side lSI need to go full throttle on Indian Muslims to stand up on their two feet and start a full scale rebellion to hindutva aggression

One thing I've learnt over the years is that indians have a habit of profusely lying and always make up outlandish claims which they CAN NEVER back up with HARD FACTS. Also, indians are all hot air. They will say many things but will NEVER EVER carry them out in reality.

It proved the PA was embarrassed and wanted to retaliate after the surgical strikes.
Year long CFVs don't happen just on lies alone.

The surgical strikes where there is NO RELIABLE, HONEST, GENUINE & IRREFUTABLE evidence of ever have occurring!!!!!!...........:lol:
Clearly the surgical strikes were fake, lies and rhetoric, no wonder PA kept up the cease fire border violations for over ONE YEAR right AFTER SURGICAL STRIKES.

I mean, ceasefire violations for one straight year always happen with just rhetoric alone being exchanged between India and pakistan, right?:coffee:
this is what you
It proved the PA was embarrassed and wanted to retaliate after the surgical strikes.
Year long CFVs don't happen just on lies alone.
Even MPs of congress were asking for the evidence of surgical strike in assembly but they couldn't produce any instead they started calling them pro pakistan. This is their reality [emoji19]
Good that such a statement has been made. Some worthwhile push-back from at least some section of the military.

Too much politicization is counter-productive for us. Also forces Pak to man the border more effectively as was suggested by @Joe Shearer. Bipin Rawat also unnecessarily listened to his political bosses.

Maybe such a loud proclamation was fine if we had extremely high levels of military superiority over Pakistan which is not the case.

Hooda might have had inputs from his fellow army men, plus there were had many senior military during this interaction session.

Wonder if this statement has anything to to with the relative weakening of the BJP govt at the centre.

The BJP Government has nothing to show for its tenure, not on the administrative, the financial, the external affairs or the military aspects of life in India. With particular reference to the military, it has abused the services (cf. Gadkari about the Navy, when it objected to his son being given landing rights for sea-planes), misused the services (cf. forcing the Army to build a site for that phony Art of Living Off Gullible Idiots charlatan, and then demolish it, in spite of court strictures against the environmental impact), fooled the services (cf. promised ex-servicemen the earth, the moon and the stars when seeking their votes before coming into power, and then giving them the finger with the OROP policy as finally announced) and used them as propaganda vehicles (cf. the surgical strike episode, where a procedure that had happened before was blown up and projected as one of its kind).

Hooda was directly on the spot. He and several other senior military men have complained in private and in public about the demeaning of the services by this horrible bunch of manipulators.

Good that such a statement has been made. Some worthwhile push-back from at least some section of the military.

Too much politicization is counter-productive for us. Also forces Pak to man the border more effectively as was suggested by @Joe Shearer. Bipin Rawat also unnecessarily listened to his political bosses.

Maybe such a loud proclamation was fine if we had extremely high levels of military superiority over Pakistan which is not the case.

Hooda might have had inputs from his fellow army men, plus there were had many senior military during this interaction session.

Wonder if this statement has anything to to with the relative weakening of the BJP govt at the centre.

Have you noticed how every hysterical comment by the Pakistani members takes hype to mean untruth? Interesting.
Good that such a statement has been made. Some worthwhile push-back from at least some section of the military.

Too much politicization is counter-productive for us. Also forces Pak to man the border more effectively as was suggested by @Joe Shearer. Bipin Rawat also unnecessarily listened to his political bosses.

Maybe such a loud proclamation was fine if we had extremely high levels of military superiority over Pakistan which is not the case.

Hooda might have had inputs from his fellow army men, plus there were had many senior military during this interaction session.

Wonder if this statement has anything to to with the relative weakening of the BJP govt at the centre.
But the purpose of strikes as multiple times mentioned here and beyond was "revenge" and "cool down nerves" " something has to be done"
Fake and real both work for the above purpose ..if fake work why risk a real one
But the purpose of strikes as multiple times mentioned here and beyond was "revenge" and "cool down nerves" " something has to be done"
Fake and real both work for the above purpose ..if fake work why risk a real one
Because faking such a thing (especially if it was decided to tom-tom about it) will mean that we'll become a laughing stock in front of world powers.

India seeks to be considered as an important world player, if not now then in a decade or so. Faking it doesn't help us.

The targets would have been chosen such that they pose minimal risk to the teams that went in.

It was more of a strike by which we could make a statement rather than any significant military damage to the jehadist infrastructure itself.

It was bad that the BJP govt chose to do a lot of chest thumping over it.
Nothing but vote bank politics by the BJP. Pandering to and making pakistan the bogey man feeds the illiterate and overly jingoistic. Merely to divert the real issues in India has. Hope they see through this smokescreen
Knowledgeable Indian members say that such a strike happened. So on this side of the border it never lowered the credibility of IA nor did any educated class get embarrassed - i heard of no such embarrassment thing on our side. What you are saying is your perception of what we feel here.

The strike was never showcased as attacking PA army positions, we said that we attacked terrorist camps. So why will you start a war over a surgical strike of this kind? And PA is not in a position to initiate a conventional attack on India - even more so over this issue.

Further, whether we did it or not, PA denied this strike. So how can it launch an attack?

You have no idea about the embarrassment faced by your military in front of entire world except Ho Ha he Indians public... Now go back and listen to the conference of your own DG about Surgical phus phus. Let's assume India did surgical strikes now the point is have you ever listen to his remarks carefully?

He clearly stated that we did op "on the border". He never ever mentioned anywhere that "we've crossed the LOC" or did op inside Pakistan territory but the minister or some typical Indian asshole govt official sitting beside him immediately hold the mic and label that op "we did surgical strike inside Pakistani territory". The DG immediately moved from the conference. This is enough embarrassment for you when your own DG has realized that this is fucking shit he never said anything like this but because you did this intentionally withholding massive media gathering inside the conference room, DG took the right measure to save his ***; instead of answering he left the room after few mins. So pandora box was opened by your Govt, not your military.

What is embarrassment let me tell you? Its a common sense in this world where your typical shit also living that the Pakistan defense machinery 24/7 365/6 days aggressively monitoring the entire eastern border. You can't even move an inch near the cross-border. Your movements on the radar of Pakistan mil same as Pakistan mil movements recorded, documented and on the radar of Indian Defence system.

No body dares to cross an inch of the border. Secondly have you ever visit the border in your life? have you aware of the terrain? There are 1000 of questions which unanswered even raised by your own defense and political experts. HOW YOU DID surgical strike? how your Army soldiers crossed and went back?

Anyway, it is completely useless to argue with the people who feel nothing even after soo much embarrassment globally. Not a single country except Afghanistan lol accepted your non-sense. Just give you an Example here, In Canada people making fun of your (not desis, I am talking about goras) they're making funny videos on your so call SIR G KAL phus phus (available on youtube and many other social platforms). The militaries who are engaging, collaborating and selling weapons to Pakistan mil from past many many decades they know the response, outcome, consequences of such REAL surgical strike if you really try in the real world, not just to make L to the entire general public just for a political gain.

FYI: Since that day, till now your DG who did the conference never ever appear in front of the media to respond the questions LOL this is enuff for any sensible person. Sometimes too much patriotism make you Arnab and you become a laughing stock for the world!

Another information for you: Not only heavy deployment of Pakistan army on the border but many foreign elements (observers which include UN officials) stationed there. Get and sharing every single day updates with their respective headquarters.

You don't have any other option but to do fake celebration every year. This is a huge embarramsent LOL
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Indian army's upper echelon is swiftly turning into the inner circle of the Wiermacht.

Most of Hitlers generals knew that the political nature of the German army would cost them the war but they were too subdued by political appointe Generals like Himler to say anything, one instance bieng where Hitler choose to bomb London instead of RAF airfields leading to the victory of RAF in the battle of Britain.

This was instigated intentionally by Britain as they bombed Berlin with all they had left in the hope that Hitlers pride would be hurt and he would divert the luttwafe towards London instead of the airfields giving Britain precious time to train new pilots. Had there been no political involvement, Germany would've achieved the air superiority they needed to the cross the channel for the invasion of Britian.

The idiots even executed thier best general Romell for suspected treason.:pleasantry:

Indian army is becoming increasingly political, this is excellent news for us. Remember the words of Hamid Gul when he said that Modi is the best thing for Pakistan.
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But but but surgical strikes did happen. There's a bollywood movie showing the proof. :raise:
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