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Super-30-like coaching centres for Muslim students on the anvil

^^^ I agree with you that some Muslims communities in India do need a bit of a push & some amount of reservation is necessary. No getting away from the fact. However political interference only engenders resentment & I cannot yet see a solution to that.
I think time has come for rest of us to be mature and accept the fact that there is deprivity in muslim communities and like ST/SC/OBC, they need positive discrimination.
If govt fails to show why they are doing it, thats a problem. Govt policy based on sound statistics is not really electoral politics, although I dont see the reason why a party wont try to gain from it.

I am not talking about coaching instituions btw. Just making a larger point.

The problem arises when we ask why one group but not another? See, govt playing the role of your rich uncle or your parents is a very slippery road, I think -- So, I was in Kuwait for a business meeting, and at the home of our host, He introduced his maid/house help - anyway, this lady ha 8 children, and she was working and living away from her children - She put 6 of those children through college - it's a personal, societal/cultural value, education is - you can't force feed it - and I agree that many persons who need the assistance should get it, but why through government?, why not through private organizations and associations, Muslims where ever they are and what ever their nationality, contribute to so called "charitable" organizations, why not encourage them to contribute to their own communities and within the community that needs it most?, the same with any group based on any identity, why not help them help themselves? Why make it a fight over public funds, after all, is there some right to higher education that all Indians have or what?
Even if the Government wants to open such centers they will fail miserably.

Super 30 works because the Person who has started this coaching puts in night and day effort for those 30 children. Those 30 children are also doing it as they make it their life's mission to get into IIT's.

If the government starts Coaching centers, then it will be exactly like the government schools, the teacher will collect pay and not teach and the students will not come.

It will become another scheme for corruption is is indeed a 'lollypop' for Muslim communities. This scheme has value only in its PR. And by God, if they vote for Congress on the basis of such lies then they deserve to remain in the state of backwardness they are currently in.
The problem arises when we ask why one group but not another? See, govt playing the role of your rich uncle or your parents is a very slippery road, I think -- So, I was in Kuwait for a business meeting, and at the home of our host, He introduced his maid/house help - anyway, this lady ha 8 children, and she was working and living away from her children - She put 6 of those children through college - it's a personal, societal/cultural value, education is - you can't force feed it - and I agree that many persons who need the assistance should get it, but why through government?, why not through private organizations and associations, Muslims where ever they are and what ever their nationality, contribute to so called "charitable" organizations, why not encourage them to contribute to their own communities and within the community that needs it most?, the same with any group based on any identity, why not help them help themselves? Why make it a fight over public funds, after all, is there some right to higher education that all Indians have or what?
Is not govt already doing it for others?
Anyway, I made my point, positive discrimination in India is different topic, dont want to get into pros and cons of it.
Is not govt already doing it for others?
Anyway, I made my point, positive discrimination in India is different topic, dont want to get into pros and cons of it.

If it is then is robbing herself of her credentials -- Affirmative action serves to convey to the larger public that some citizens are special and that opens a Pandoras' box
WTF!!!:angry: What is so special with muslims???? what about Christians, jains,sikhs & other minorities ?? Congis are preparing for 2014 elections. nothing else :hitwall:
I think time has come for rest of us to be mature and accept the fact that there is deprivity in muslim communities and like ST/SC/OBC, they need positive discrimination.
If govt fails to show why they are doing it, thats a problem. Govt policy based on sound statistics is not really electoral politics, although I dont see the reason why a party wont try to gain from it.

I am not talking about coaching instituions btw. Just making a larger point. There are certain issues in doing it for all muslims, thankfully(?) Indian muslims also follow caste system and one can target policies easily based on that.

I am all for positive discrimination, but why not on basis of economic condition of the family/individual.
Why do we have to give it a communal/casteist colour? You mean to say there are no poor/deprived people of so called "Upper Castes" in our country? This caste/religion based politics is making me sick.
I would infact love it if the Government of India decides on a priority basis to open up more Government Schools in every district with a high Muslim population.

What Muslim kids need is education so that they can compete for jobs in India. They are losing out because of their parents backward mentality of preferring to send their kids to madrassas instead of schools - and they get no job opportunities later on because of this.

This is the most pressing need of Muslims in India - great education!
I would infact love it if the Government of India decides on a priority basis to open up more Government Schools in every district with a high Muslim population.

What Muslim kids need is education so that they can compete for jobs in India. They are losing out because of their parents backward mentality of preferring to send their kids to madrassas instead of schools - and they get no job opportunities later on because of this.

This is the most pressing need of Muslims in India - great education!

That may be the only positive we can take out of this news.
I am all for positive discrimination, but why not on basis of economic condition of the family/individual.
Why do we have to give it a communal/casteist colour? You mean to say there are no poor/depraved people of so called "Upper Castes" in our country. This caste/religion based politics is making me sick.

Then you should probably read and listen to people who make policies.
Finding poor/depraved people is extremely difficult in India, trust me. :) ... just check the number of BPL users.. lol
Govt need to target its social spending properly and caste is a good indicator of deprivity, there is high degree of correlation between specific caste and poverty.
Sure there will be rich dalit and poor brahmin but they are small in percentage terms. I know it sounds inherently unfair but we live in a deeply unjust and unfair society, without govt's help its not going to change.
Is not govt already doing it for others?
Anyway, I made my point, positive discrimination in India is different topic, dont want to get into pros and cons of it.

Positive Discrimination???

Dude, If @Umair Nawaz was not banned than he would have said - LOL.

It's called SUCKULARISM not Positive Discrimination.......

In a TRUE SECULAR country, policies should be made for ALL who are need, not just SOME.
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Positive Discrimination???

Dude, If @Umair Nawaz was not banned than he would have said - LOL.

It's called SUCKULARISM not Positive Discrimination.......

In a TRUE SECULAR country, policies should be made for ALL who are need, not just SOME.
why is it positive discrimination when its about ST/SC/OBC... and suddenly suckularism when it comes to muslims? Congress does play vote bank politics(who does not?) but will you be against it if say BJP or communists did it?
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why is it positive discrimination when its about ST/SC/OBC... and suddenly suckularism when it comes to muslims? Congress does play vote bank politics(who does not?) but will you be against it if say BJP or communists did it?

India is a SECULAR country, which means the STATE has no Preference for any religion.

I agree that they give reservation to SC/ST/OBC, but that is not religion based as you will find these castes in every religion & every religion benefit from this.

Since Congress boast of it's secular credentials & accuse BJP of Communalism than why it is SEPERATING Indians based on it's religion??

Reservation for SC/ST/OBC is not equal to Reservation based on religion as our Constitution gives the Govt. the power for Former not Later.

The most neutral institution in India - The SC had rejected Reservation based on RELIGION but not Reservation based on CASTE, so you can understand.
India is a SECULAR country, which means the STATE has no Preference for any religion.

I agree that they give reservation to SC/ST/OBC, but that is not religion based as you will find these castes in every religion & every religion benefit from this.

Since Congress boast of it's secular credentials & accuse BJP of Communalism than why it is SEPERATING Indians based on it's religion??

Reservation for SC/ST/OBC is not equal to Reservation based on religion as our Constitution gives the Govt. the power for Former not Later.

The most neutral institution in India - The SC had rejected Reservation based on RELIGION but not Reservation based on CASTE, so you can understand.

surely state has no preference for any religion, but for last 50 years, the recipient of reservation have been hindus, mostly, right? No violation of secular credentials I guess.

Constitution can be changed, and SC can reinterpret it, whats so big deal.. :)
surely state has no preference for any religion, but for last 50 years, the recipient of reservation have been hindus, mostly, right? No violation of secular credentials I guess.

Of Course Mostly were HINDUS.....

& Why Not?? Don't they form 80% of Indian Population??

Constitution can be changed, and SC can reinterpret it, whats so big deal.. :)

Constitution can only be AMENDED not CHANGED.

For it you need 3/4th majority (means support of Opposition as well), Congress cannot do it alone.

+ The basic Structure (i.e. SECULARISM) cannot be TOUCHED EVER.
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