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Sunni extremists: We set off bombs in Iraq .


Jul 16, 2012
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Sunni extremists: We set off bombs in Iraq, more to come – CNN.com

A Sunni extremist group with links to al
Qaeda is claiming responsibility for bombs
that exploded in Iraq over the weekend.

A wave of attacks shook Iraqis as they were
celebrating the Muslim holiday of Eid.

The Islamic State of Iraq said online that
they were fighting against the detention of
Sunni women allegedly held by Iraqi security

In the statement, the ISI claims that the Shiite
Rafidi government have conducted a series of
arrests that targeted Sunni women in order to
pressure their relatives to surrender to
authorities or to blackmail their relatives.
Attacking during Eid was intended to deliver
a message: You are not safe, even during a
holiday built around peace.

“What will come after will be much worse so
be prepared,” the statement warns.

The ISI has a media department, and they
made the statement which CNN cannot
authenticate. But it appeared on various
radical Islamist sites known for posting
similar al Qaeda messages and recruitment
videos. The Islamic State of Iraq is an
umbrella group of a number of Sunni
extremist groups that includes al Qaeda in

The ISI was created to replace the al Qaeda
in Iraq brand in order to appeal to more
Good tactics, periodically kill Shias so that there population become marginal, and then take control over them...

Good going Sunni Extreemists..
They are worst than the "rafidi shiite" government by bombing innocents in terror strikes that to on Eid Ul Adha day. Sounds like a cult of human sacrifice.
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