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‘Suicide bombing’ in Ahmadi mosque in Rajshahi, Bangladesh

corrected it for u:-)

i can only say thank you but i prefer the simple words i used and i write to discuss and contribute and not to engage in competitions of "sabse pakka musalmaan kaun". :D

see, if we use pious phrases like "saw" and "pbuh", we also won't reach the hearts and minds of those non-muslims who have been told islam is oppressive and complicated and a burden.

islam was one of the steps in a long line of socialist movements and it will need to progress and evolve like any good idea, but it should be acknowledged that many aspects of islam are still relevant to modern places like south asia, like bringing justice and rights to indian female citizens, be they hindu, muslim, sikh or christian ( like this article's[1] writer )...
When we examine marriage laws in their historic context, it is interesting to note that the universally accepted notion that marriages are contractual rather than sacramental originates in Muslim law, which was accepted by the French law only in the 1800s and incorporated into the English law in the 1850s and became part of codified Hindu law as late as 1955. Today it appears to be the most practical way of dealing with the institution of marriage. Treating marriage as a sacrament which binds the parties for life has resulted in some of the most discriminatory practices against women such as sati and denial of right to divorce and remarriage, even in the most adverse conditions.

there are other ways of respecting the founders of islam than affixing pious words to their name. :)


[1] prenups in indian weddings and islam
i can only say thank you but i prefer the simple words i used and i write to discuss and contribute and not to engage in competitions of "sabse pakka musalmaan kaun". :D

see, if we use pious phrases like "saw" and "pbuh", we also won't reach the hearts and minds of those non-muslims who have been told islam is oppressive and complicated and a burden.

islam was one of the steps in a long line of socialist movements and it will need to progress and evolve like any good idea, but it should be acknowledged that many aspects of islam are still relevant to modern places like south asia, like bringing justice and rights to indian female citizens, be they hindu, muslim, sikh or christian ( like this article's[1] writer )...

there are other ways of respecting the founders of islam than affixing pious words to their name. :)


[1] prenups in indian weddings and islam
Well Yes there are many other ways-----as i was communicating only to you therefore, i added Durrod e PAK--and bro you are entitled to your opinion. PEACE.
You are living on this planet for 25 years and you didn't get what i was implying? :o:
yes brother i don,t know everything and i also belive only when a person die then and only then the learning became stop for that person.
any way .....you join pdf yesterday but your attitude showing over smatness............:nhl_checking::sleep:
yes brother i don,t know everything and i also belive only when a person die then and only then the learning became stop for that person.
any way .....you join pdf yesterday but your attitude showing over smatness............:nhl_checking::sleep:
as iam a Pakistani8-) so------
as iam a Pakistani8-) so------
now i understand what you trying to say...................:azn::disagree:
as you a pakistani so it is very common for you to hearing this kind of news, speaciealy sucide bombing, siya-sonni-what ever fight. road /mosq/school/police station/army barak etc etc bombing. BUT you don,t get it as a bangladeshi it,s very rare to us even in my 25 years first time i hearing a sucude bombing in mosque in my country.
No, she is responsible for letting ISIS get influence in Bangladesh. Becoming an Indian vassal and using law enforcement agencies for her own political gain. It can't be coincidence that terrorists come to power when AL comes to power.

Isis ìsnt there because India has an influence..Isis isn't there because hasina is the pm. ..Isis is there because there is a sizeable sunni population and there is a sizeable wahhabi influence.
now i understand what you trying to say...................:azn::disagree:
as you a pakistani so it is very common for you of this kind of news, speaciealy sucide bombing, siya-sonni-what ever fight. road /mosq/school/police station/army barak etc etc bombing. BUT you don,t get it as a bangladeshi it,s very rare to us even in my 25 years first time i hearing a sucude bombing in mosque.
whats that?
Isis ìsnt there because India has an influence..Isis isn't there because hasina is the pm. ..Isis is there because there is a sizeable sunni population and there is a sizeable wahhabi influence.
No, your beloved Hasina is the reason for terrorism. Bangladesh has almost zero people leaving the country to go and fight for ISIS at Syria. Even USA has more people joining ISIS. These ISIS recruits were allowed to come to Bangladesh and roam around by AL as they are more concerned with protecting the rapists in Chatra League.

If your AL govt. is an Indian vassal then India is indirectly helping ISIS getting hold of Bangladesh...o_O....I mean, do you guys even think before commenting??......India itself being one of the targets of ISIS and other Islamic militancy will help such organisations gain foothold in their backyard?? :o:
India's only problem in Bangladesh is keeping Hasina and a puppet at power. They don't care what else happens in Bangladesh as long as it doesn't affect your country. Whereas for maintaining law and order in Bangladesh, India don't care much about that as their only concern is keeping a pro-India regime at Bangladesh and stop China from getting influence within the country.

But you Indians will blindly ignore common sense before posting.
No, your beloved Hasina is the reason for terrorism. Bangladesh has almost zero people leaving the country to go and fight for ISIS at Syria. Even USA has more people joining ISIS. These ISIS recruits were allowed to come to Bangladesh and roam around by AL as they are more concerned with protecting the rapists in Chatra League.

India's only problem in Bangladesh is keeping Hasina and a puppet at power. They don't care what else happens in Bangladesh as long as it doesn't affect your country. Whereas for maintaining law and order in Bangladesh, India don't care much about that as their only concern is keeping a pro-India regime at Bangladesh and stop China from getting influence within the country.

But you Indians will blindly ignore common sense before posting.
I dont see Hasina burning vehicles and innocent citizens in hartals?While Khaleda teams up with Jamaat
whats that?
i am not going to argue with you , you think you are smartest person of all of us but i think you are the dumba$$ person in PDF.
THIS IMEG WILL HELP YOU TO UNDERSTAND THE BIGGER CONSEPT of this bullshit so called religious war.
I dont see Hasina burning vehicles and innocent citizens in hartals?While Khaleda teams up with Jamaat
AL did that when they were part of the opposition. These people don't care about the people at all. That's why I was very happy with the Army led government.

So it has started in BD too. I hope that situation will improve and they will live like brothers and wont think to kill each others.
Very tragic incident to begin with but when we start accusing each other then we are indirectly playing at the hands of those who want us to fight and a small incident like this planted as a catalyst by anti-Islam forces instigates violence and hatred in the society. Rest assured no Muslim either 'deobandi' or from any other sect in his right mind can think of doing such an inhumane act. It started out in our country like that and the pattern almost resembles in every example out there.
It's surprising to see, this cancer spreading in Bangladesh. And, I wish for speedy recovery of the injured.
No, your beloved Hasina is the reason for terrorism. Bangladesh has almost zero people leaving the country to go and fight for ISIS at Syria. Even USA has more people joining ISIS. These ISIS recruits were allowed to come to Bangladesh and roam around by AL as they are more concerned with protecting the rapists in Chatra League.

India's only problem in Bangladesh is keeping Hasina and a puppet at power. They don't care what else happens in Bangladesh as long as it doesn't affect your country. Whereas for maintaining law and order in Bangladesh, India don't care much about that as their only concern is keeping a pro-India regime at Bangladesh and stop China from getting influence within the country.

But you Indians will blindly ignore common sense before posting.

Change the record man - every time a dog barks you blame AL.

You are devaluing your voice, next time AL really does something wrong what is your view going to be worth?

We have a massive hidden problem with radicals in Bd. Are you wilfully ignoring the British citizens repeatedly caught recruiting and financing terror? How many do you think are undiscovered? Be a decent citizen and be sincere in dealing with your country's problems.

Read these:

Briton arrested in Bangladesh ‘confessed to recruiting’ for Isis | World news | The Guardian

Who is behind the Bangladesh killings? - BBC News
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