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Suicide bomber caught alive in Afghanistan


Mar 12, 2013
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A Pakistani suicide bomber was arrested by Afghan security forces in eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan on Monday.

Afghanistan intelligence agency — National Directorate of Security (NDS) following a statement announced, “Afghan NDS forces on Monday arrested a Pakistani suicide bomber along with a suicide vest, an AK-47 along with ammunition and explosives in Nangarhar province.” The statement further added, “The detained suicide bomber was recognized as Saifullah also known as Shamsullah, and is a resident of Baluchistan province.”

National Directorate of Security (NDS) in its statement also added that the suicide bomber was looking to carry out attack in Jalalabad city, and was injured during clashes with the Afghan security forces. This comes as Afghan intelligence forces today thwarted a suicide attack on National Directorate of Security compound in capital Kabul. A suicide bomber in Afghan military uniform was shot dead before he manage to carry out attack.

Pakistani suicide bomber arrested in Jalalabad city - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan Online Newspaper

Here's a video of the incident on FB:

P.S: The Afghanis say he's Pakistani, but no proof of identity has yet been presented. I'm not ruling out the fact that he may be Pakistani (we're all well aware of the proxy wars our army fights) I'm just saying the news should be taken with a pinch of salt until the allegations are substantiated.
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Its NOT enough to catch them alive, you have to send international reporters to their villages in Pakistan and interview the neighbors before the family ''disappears'' and neighbors refuse to talk to them, then, and may be then, after a couple of weeks and after lots of reluctance and rona dhona, then the Pakistanis, I mean about 20% of them agree.

Until then these non state actors look afghani or indian or have non Pakistani accents or are Sikhs named amar singh or this or that or something else. Its twilight zone.

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