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Suicide Blast in Mardan Army Training Centre

I agree with you about indoctinating children.. would you like to see what the Ultra Zionists are teaching their children? accroding to them they are they are the chosen ones and it is the will of their God to spill the blood of the lesser races including Palestinians. such behaviour exists among others (nonMuslims too) please dare to be different and not follow the crowd all the time. you could have mentioned the child soliders of LTTE as well but .....never mind....

But Irfan Bhai, even if we were to accept your claim at face value. Why are these ultra zionists children not blowing themselves up in the Palestinian camps while the moderate Pakistani teens blow themselves up in the midst of what they should be supposing as their gaurdians? The problem cannot be wished away. The acceptance of radicalism by the mainstream of Pakistan's society only gives legiticimacy to these devils which lead the children to slaughter even before they have known what life is. That is the truth and that is what you should focus on instead of drawing totally unrelated parallels.

People should not be executed or fired upon on the basis of suspicion. Seriously! Imagine yourself in such a scenario. Military cannot afford to alienate Pakistani civilians. Otherwise, this nation will fall apart.

It is better to make some security arrangements around places threatened by suicide attacks. And appropriate methods be devised to deal with suspects.

If a suspect is cited near sensitive regions than the individual should be warned first to cooperate (and allow bodily search if necessary). If the suspect tries to make strange moves, only then action be taken against the individual; the suspect should be shot with a tranquilizer or something which puts the individual in a unconscious state. In this manner, military will know if they have caught the right person or not.

Multiple level security is required bro. In that case, even if there is a detonation on the outer perimeter, at least the losses are minimized. They should issue identity cards to people who are living off the cantonment even if school children. This could give some added credibility to the process but at the same time it risks alienating the civilians even more from the Army. Has to be multiple level of security so that the outer perimeter/s resolve the threat.
Weapons and training are being provided in Afghanistan with the covert support of ISAF and Baloch terrorist have safe havens in Kabul. All Indian Consulates are also stations of terrorism and covert oops and ISAF is allowing that to happen.

Every post from you tries to portary a rosy picture but actually terrorism in Pakistan is being funded and supported from Afghanistan, do not try to make to make it "home grown insurgency".

If you are now finshed with the accusations, please take a breath and put up some evidence for what you claim. Till then, it is a Pakistani (tribal or otherwise) attacking other Pakistanis for which the most apparent reason is internal strife.
But Irfan Bhai, even if we were to accept your claim at face value. Why are these ultra zionists children not blowing themselves up in the Palestinian camps while the moderate Pakistani teens blow themselves up in the midst of what they should be supposing as their gaurdians? The problem cannot be wished away. The acceptance of radicalism by the mainstream of Pakistan's society only gives legiticimacy to these devils which lead the children to slaughter even before they have known what life is. That is the truth and that is what you should focus on instead of drawing totally unrelated parallels.

Palestinians are not allowed anywhere near the Israeli areas..They have built walls and barricades to keep away the Palestinians,and you can easily differentiate an Arab Palestinian from an Immigrant Israeli..
Pakistan's case is totally different..
If you are now finshed with the accusations, please take a breath and put up some evidence for what you claim. Till then, it is a Pakistani (tribal or otherwise) attacking other Pakistanis for which the most apparent reason is internal strife.

There is only one thing i know..Since Pakistan participated in WOT these attacks have risen many folds...Before that it wasn't this bad,and before that Pakistan's economy was Growing Rapidly.
And India has every reason to destabilize Pakistan..For a start they dont want competition in economy and foreign investment..If its all calm and quiet in Pakistan,then Pakistan is as much attractive for foreign investors as India...
Just speculating....
I'd like to thank Jana, Abu Zulficar and others for their eloquent posts, regarding the takfiri sympathizers, I have had enough of their bullshit, either your with Pakistan and Islam or your with the animals who strap bombs on to children and turn them into precision guided munitions.

This is not America's or india's or Sweden's war - this is our war - for the soul of Pakistan and Islam - it's either us or them, their objective is to destroy our whole civilization, if you are not willing to fight for Pakistan then you have no right to talk on it's behalf.

Nice chest-beating speach but it doesnt mean anything. Try living a day near my village in Peshawar, or any of the other Pashtoon heartlands. If you so much as speed up during a checkpoint, you're getting a bullet in the forehead by security forces. Last year a lady was shot dead in a burka by police as she didnt want to be exposed infront of crowd. She was innocent. The whole region is like living in a fortifide city with barracades everywhere. If theres a group of 5 mates, you're automatically stopped an searched. How the hell is anyone suppose to go about their business?

You probably face a one off attack every month and that's all you've experience in your life. A little delay on the bus home and a news bulletin whilst your eating warm food. Excellent. We've been suffering for past 5 years now... constantly whereby nearly everyone i know, knows someone killed innocently through this mess, a relative, friend, a teacher, even university lecturers.

Something has to change.
Nice chest-beating speach but it doesnt mean anything. Try living a day near my village in Peshawar, or any of the other Pashtoon heartlands. If you so much as speed up during a checkpoint, you're getting a bullet in the forehead by security forces. Last year a lady was shot dead in a burka by police as she didnt want to be exposed infront of crowd. She was innocent. The whole region is like living in a fortifide city with barracades everywhere. If theres a group of 5 mates, you're automatically stopped an searched. How the hell is anyone suppose to go about their business?

You probably face a one off attack every month and that's all you've experience in your life. A little delay on the bus home and a news bulletin whilst your eating warm food. Excellent. We've been suffering for past 5 years now... constantly whereby nearly everyone i know, knows someone killed innocently through this mess, a relative, friend, a teacher, even university lecturers.

Something has to change.

One has to go through daily humiliation, if you live in such disturbed area, where security forces operate. To be fair to security forces, even they have a right to live, and they face challenges at every moment. Even innocent looking kid or burqa wearing aunty is a potential threat.

It is not difficult to understand why kashmiris are pissed off. It should not be difficult to understand the difficulty security forces faced there daily.(during militancy)
Anyone even remotely suggesting any justification for this act should be rounded up by the military and just shot , also going by this logic the military should wipe off every one in FATA since those people are responsible for far worse, there are plenty of videos to go by that show torture and killing of our soldiers by these animals in the worse possible way.

They all celebrate the killings of our soldiers , any killing for that matter .

The army units deployed in Waziristan listen in on their conversations on wireless sets and like subhuman animals they congratulate each other when any of our soldier is killed. And other things these rats do on the wireless sets is do fake celebrations , like say 'the attak on covoy at point x is going well' when its checked ' convoy x has not come under attack at all.

They are really scared of the Cobra Gunships and run away when the hellis come in.

The military has now made the SOP of engaging and killing these mother fuckers very clear so its good that if any head is seen within the operational radius , they are just shot

And all this bull about these ‘children’ being innocent is just that , its bull

Remember the 12 year boy the Taliban used to behead one of our soldier, how can we forget that?

These people are biggest hypocrites and are far away from Islam they have to be killed mercilessly, it’s not possible to share a country with these animals

Many of them have houses in FATA which they have given on rent to the militants who pay them good amounts in dollar (up to 3000 - 4000 dollars rent) and these mofos are living in Islamabad and enjoying life in Pakistan's capital all the while giving shelter to the enemies of Pakistan.

The military has caught young and old from ALL ages involved in terrorist activities, even 67 years old have been caught in SWA doing sniping on the army convoys.

On top of that when the first convoy arrived in SWA these SOB would tell them 'go from here we will not cooperate with you this is our elaqa' , well that !!

These people are accepting funds form all the enemies of Pakistan and their cloak of being 'Islamic' is just that it’s a cloak,

I hope we kill them all. ALL without exception and with extreme prejudice. Amen Sum Ameen

May the Fallen Soldiers rest in Peace , we will avenge their deaths .. Insha Allah
so the army should go wipe out FATA residents....

great, sustainable solution Hailing from that area myself, I really appreciate it.

I really hope I just misinterpreted your post; kindly elaborate.
so the army should go wipe out FATA residents....

great, sustainable solution Hailing from that area myself, I really appreciate it.

I really hope I just misinterpreted your post; kindly elaborate.

what I've written is very clear and I dont have to elaborate anything.
we are at war and enemies of Pakistan , wherver they may be , must be elminated and they will be elminated .. Insha Allah
what I've written is very clear and I dont have to elaborate anything.
we are at war and enemies of Pakistan , wherver they may be , must be elminated and they will be elminated .. Insha Allah

I'm sure the residents there, whom you want wiped out, would agree with you since they seem to have suffered the most from the ongoing conflict and fighting. Whole nation and its economy has suffered.

however, you need to be cool-headed and not get emotional on such matters. Yes, what you wrote is very clear.

This is not a conventional war where the enemy wears uniform. Counter-insurgency is much more complicated; killing blindly will create more enemies and more problems. Factionalizing tribes and supporting one against the other wont help either. Not in the long-run at least. Individuals or groups who are, who support or who help terrorists should be nabbed; killed if given the order, if they resist......more valuable alive though.

it's very easy to come up with a solution......whether its napalm or whether its sit idly.. A number of solutions can be drawn on the table and looked at, many of them can be dismissed.

with all due respect, yours is one of them. Please learn more about how COIN works,and the Army's role ---in the absence of a proper political system in FATA.

i have been entertained and agreed with some of your previous posts--- but i strongly disagree with your assesment on how to deal with the issue of terrorism troubling our country

I've lost comrades; friends; family by our common enemy. So believe me, i want them dealt with as much (if not more) than you do. But it should be done smartly, in calculated manner (i'll be happy to elaborate when i have time) ...

wiser councils, common sense and sound judgement always should prevail
In an odd way, the dynamics of terrorists living amongst peaceful people is like the Mexican drug cartels just South of the Mexico/U.S. border. What you have are a solid minority of exceptionally evil people who thrive for two reasons - they have totally cowed (made afraid) regular people and even otherwise honest police. Disagree with them, hinder them, report on them, and you will find yourself (or your family) dead in a terrible way. And there is inadequate presence of dedicated (and incorruptible) government forces.

The honest and peaceful people are helpless. And the evil people recruit from among them, seeking out youth who are stuck in a cycle of poverty for brainwashing of the worst sort.

The only answer I can see is the insertion of well-trained, led, and equipped, government forces (military or police) in a mass large enough to ensure the protection of the people and the suppression of the terrorists, both inside and external to Pakistan. Once people become less afraid, then they will point out those who should be captured. There will be a cycle of bloodletting - the terrorists will not go peacefully - but it's like a tooth extraction... it'll be better once the rotten tooth is removed.
Weapons and training are being provided in Afghanistan with the covert support of ISAF and Baloch terrorist have safe havens in Kabul. All Indian Consulates are also stations of terrorism and covert oops and ISAF is allowing that to happen.

Every post from you tries to portary a rosy picture but actually terrorism in Pakistan is being funded and supported from Afghanistan, do not try to make to make it "home grown insurgency".

Isn’t your disagreement less credible without verifiable evidence? Without such evidence doesn’t the sum of your claims amount to nothing more than conspiracy theory? CENTCOM’s mission is not to “portray a rosy picture” but to state the facts. TTP and other terrorist organizations routinely – and boastfully -- claim responsibility for these terrorist attacks. Time and again we see confessions, statements by Pakistani witnesses and law enforcement officials that all point to the same obvious culprits. But you would have us ignore this mountain of evidence in favor of a theory which is more convenient to your world view, but for which you have not a shred of proof? Their suicide bombings over the past weeks target specific demographics throughout the country. That the roots of terrorism in Pakistan lie deep and spread far indicates that a home grown insurgency is at work.
In addition, would it make sense for the US to commit billions of dollars in military and developmental aid to Pakistan over the next few years only to undermine our own efforts by providing “covert support” to the terrorists with whom we are locked in a daily life and death struggle? Would it make sense for ISAF to support infiltrators when it weakens our strongest cross border ally in this war on terror? Do your claims not run counter to our progress in Afghanistan? We are committed to fighting insurgency and removing the terror network. Here you can watch how American, Italian and Afghan forces have taken control of Bala Murghab back from the Taliban.

YouTube - Securing Bala Murghab

Here you can watch Afghan and US troops involved in a major operation to drive the Taliban out of districts surrounding Kandahar.

YouTube - Operation Dragon Strike Courtesy NATO TV CHANNEL

Does this not show that we are committed to securing Afghanistan and defeating terrorism? Do our efforts in Afghanistan suggest that we would permit the “funding” and “training” of terrorism in Afghanistan?
The US and Pakistan have been working closely in fighting insurgency and our growing strategic alliance carries a common mission of eliminating terrorism. In fact; Afghanistan, Pakistan and coalition forces worked together Dec. 23 at a tripartite commission aimed at discussing areas for future cooperation all allies and partners work to consolidate gains against terrorism..

Afghanistan, Pakistan, ISAF Military Leaders Seek Future Cooperation | ISAF - International Security Assistance Force

The US wishes and desires stable and safe environment in Pakistan for the sake of both nations and will continue to fully support Pakistan in fighting terrorism.

CDR Bill Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command
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