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Suicide Attack at PAC Kamra

Details of Kamra Site


Air Weapon Complex (AWC)
Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC)

The Wah Cantonment Ordnance Complex consists of three nearby armament facilities in Wah (Pakistan Ordnance Factories - POF), Kamra (Air Weapon Complex - AWC), and Taxilia (Heavy Industries Taxila -HIT). One or more of these facilities is probably associated with the weaponization of Pakistan's nuclear devices. According to some reports, the main storage and maintenance site of the Pakistani nuclear weapons, particularly the weapons at a 'screwdriver level', is located at the 'ordnance complex' in Wah. The Taxilia facility is devoted to land combat systems, and is an unlikely candidate for nuclear weapons development work. The Air Weapon Complex at Kamra is devoted to air-to-surface munitions, among other activities, and would probably have at least some connection with the development of air-delivered nuclear weapons.
Air Weapon Complex

E5 Officers Colony,
Kamra, Wah Cantonment, 47040,
Tel +92 51 563447
Fax +92 51 524233

The Air Weapon Complex, located in Wah/Kamra, is involved in developing and manufacturing different kinds of air and ground weapons. AWC is one of the leading organisations in Pakistan in the field of Air Delivered Weapons/Systems. The Air Weapons Complex manufactures a variety of air delivered weapons, including extended range bombs, Target penetration bombs and Infra-Red Search and Track Systems. The AWC product range includes: HAFR-1: Anti Runway Weapon; IRST: Infra Red Search and Track System; 250 kg Pre-fragmented Bomb; 250 kg MK-82 Steel Bomb; 500 kg MK-83 Steel Bomb; 1000 kg MK-84 Steel Bomb; Air Burst Electronic Fuses (Impact and Detonating); Low/High Drag Tail Units; 25 lbs and 6 kg Practice Bombs; GPS: Global Positioning System; and the Mushbak Trainer Aircraft. Technical expertise also includes: Electronic system design and production, Mechanical components precision manufacturing, Prototyping and production of specialised mechanical assemblies, TQM practices, Mil-Spec Qualifications, CAD/CAM support.

The Air Weapons Complex embarked on a project for the indigenous development of UAV's in the middle of 1998. The Sky Tracker and Sky Navigator suite of software were developed for the ground-based tracking of remotely piloted vehicles (RPV's) / unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV's). The software gets the UAV's GPS positional data from a radio data link. This data is used to show the position of the UAV as a 2D plot along with essential UAV data like, speed, altitude, heading etc. This plot can be overlaid onto area maps also. This information is used by the pilot for flying the UAV beyond visual range.
Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC)

The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) encompasses four Factories: F-6 Rebuild Factory, Mirage Rebuild Factory, Aircraft Manufacturing Factory and Kamra Avionics and Radar Factory. All the factories of PAC Kamra are ISO-9002 certified including the factories manufacturing drones, Griffo M-7 Radar, and electronic equipment.

The F-6 Rebuild Factory started in 1972 with overhaul of Chinese F-6 aircraft. The factory has come a long way and, in addition to F-6 aircraft, is overhauling FT-5 A-5 and F-7 aircraft. The factory is now fully supporting PAF in overhauling all Chinese origin aircraft.

In 1974 the Mirage Rebuild Factory (MRF) emerged to undertake the overhaul of Mirage III & V fighter aircraft and its engine. The factory facilities are modern and technically advanced and have thus proved extremely useful in supporting Mirage fleet of the PAF. Due to its versatility and elaborate facilities the factory was later easily able to undertake overhaul of F-100 engine powering F-16 aircraft. It is highlighted that MRF has not only overhauled PAF aircraft but has also overhauled Mirages of the United Arab Emirates. MRF has the distinction of being the first defence establishment to achieve ISO-9002 certified.

The Aircraft Manufacturing Factory (AMF) was established in 1975 with the primary role of assembling Mushshak (MFI-17) aircraft from knockdown kits received from abroad. However in 1981, AMF also started manufacturing many parts of Mushshak aircraft. The Factory bought the sole worldwide manufacturing rights from Sweden and went on to build 185 aircraft for Pakistan Defence Services and for export to Iran. Oman and Syria. AMF also developed Super Mushshak, a variant of existing Mushshak, that has more powerful engine, new instruments and facility of cockpit air-conditioning. The Factory is trying to sell the Super Mushshak to potential customers abroad, while continuing its support to the existing MF1-17 fleet worldwide. Later in 1993, AMF began co-production of K-8 jet trainer in collaboration with China. The aircraft development and production is a major achievement in the field of aviation. AMF is also manufacturing drones for aerial target practicing. The Center of excellence at AMF, equipped with latest CAD/CAM and Silicon Graphics facilities, is poised to design and manufacture complicated aircraft parts.

The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) was almost certainly responsible for the modification of Pakistani aircraft, proabably including F-16 fighters, to a configuration capable of delivering air-dropped nuclear weapons.

Kamra - Pakistan Special Weapons Facilities
Blasts at Pakistan Air Base, Wedding Bus Kill 24

ISLAMABAD — A homicide bomber killed seven people near a major air force complex in northwest Pakistan on Friday, while an explosion killed 17 on a bus heading to wedding elsewhere in the region, the latest in a surge of militant attacks this month.

Also, a car bomb in the northwest's main city wounded 15 people.

The bloodshed has coincided with the run-up and first week of a major army offensive in a Taliban and Al Qaeda stronghold along the Afghan border. Around 200 people have died as the insurgents have shown they can strike in a variety of ways and places in the nuclear-armed, U.S.-allied nation.

The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex at Kamra is the country's major air force maintenance and research hub.

Some foreign military experts have mentioned it as a possible place to keep planes that can carry nuclear warheads, but the army, which does not reveal where its nuclear-related facilities are, strongly denies that the facility is tied to the program in any way.

A lone homicide bomber on a bicycle blew himself at a checkpoint on a road leading to the complex, around 30 miles from the capital, Islamabad. Police officer Akbar Abbas blamed the Taliban for the attack.

The seven dead included two troops. Some 13 people were wounded.

Hours later, a car bomb exploded in the parking lot of a recreational facility in Peshawar, the main city in the northwest. Fifteen people were wounded. The facility includes a restaurant, a swimming pool, a health club and a marriage hall.

"It is part of the violence we are seeing across Pakistan these days," said Mian Iftikhar Hussain, the region's information minister.

Soon after, reports emerged of the blast that struck the bus, which was traveling in the Mohmand tribal region. Four women and three children were among the 17 killed, said Zabit Khan, a local government official.

"It appears to be a remote-controlled bomb, and militants might have hit the bus mistakenly," Khan told The Associated Press.

Mohmand, like other parts of Pakistan's tribal belt, has been a magnet for Taliban militants. The military has carried out operations there in the past aimed at clearing out insurgents but trouble still flares.

There have been at least nine major militant attacks this month, most against police or army targets.

Some have been explosions, while others have involved teams of gunmen staging raids. In one of the most brazen attacks, gunmen attacked the army headquarters close to the capital and held hostages inside the complex for 22 hours.

Pakistan is under intense pressure to eliminate Islamist militant groups sheltering in its northwest that also attack U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan. The military has battled them in various districts, losing hundreds of soldiers, but questions remain about its overall strategic commitment to the fight.

It began its current offensive in South Waziristan tribal region seven days ago.

The army has previously moved into South Waziristan three times since 2004. Each time it has suffered high casualties and signed peace deals that left insurgents with effective control of the region. Western officials say Al Qaeda now uses it and neighboring North Waziristan as an operations and training base.


---------- Post added at 05:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:41 PM ----------

what a show of stupidity by the thread starter

If your intelligent brain needs more independent links let me know :azn::azn:
Blast near aeronautical complex in Attock kills seven

ISLAMABAD: A suicide bomber struck near a major air force complex in northwestern Pakistan Friday, killing seven people as the army pressed ahead with a major anti-Taliban in close to the Afghan border.

The attack happened outside the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) in Kamra Cantt, DawnNews reported.

‘There was a suicide attack and at least seven people have been killed,’ said district police officer, Fakhar Sultan.

‘Two Pakistan Air Force personnel are among those killed in the attack,’ he told AFP.

The attack was the latest in a wave of bombings and raids sweeping Pakistan targeting mostly security-related institutions that has killed more than 150 people.

The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex at Kamra is the country's major air force maintenance and research hub.

Some foreign military experts have mentioned it as a possible place to keep planes that can carry nuclear warheads.

The army, which does not reveal where its nuclear- related facilities are, has denied that the facility is tied to the program in any way.

A lone suicide bomber on a bicycle blew himself at a check point on a road leading to the complex, around 30 miles from Islamabad.

Police officer Akbar Abbas blamed the Taliban for the attack. The seven dead included two security troops, while 13 people were wounded.

The complex at Kamra or its workers have been targeted at least once before. In December 2007, a suicide car bomber struck near a bus carrying children of Pakistan Air Force employees, wounding five of them.

DAWN.COM | Provinces | Suicide blast kills seven near aeronautical complex in Attock

I think dawn is Pakistani newspaper.....
Even if it is a Pakistani news paper the information is just plain WRONG!

First up Kamra is not in Attock.

Global Secrity has got its info wrong also , Wah is no where near Kamra .. lol

I have traveled on these roads and I know where Kamra is , a nuke facilty is never built near a main road , Kamra's entrance is.

Also there is no airfiled in Kamra where exactly are these 'planes that can carry nuclear warheads' fly from.

Stupid sensationlist articles that are getting the hinduvata terroritsts excited for nothing.

And yes we intend finishing off all sorts of terrorists threats be it Taliban or be it hinduvata terroritsts
If it makes India happy we can have conspiracy theory as follows:

A HOT A/C was waiting in the hanger with nukes and it had vertical take off capability and terrorist reached the cockpit of the aircraft but then all of a sudden blew themselves up for no reason. The A/C and the Nukes survived but the question is were the nukes safe :rofl:
Some foreign military experts have mentioned it as a possible place to keep planes that can carry nuclear warheads.

Some foreign military experts have mentioned it as a possible place to keep planes that can carry nuclear warheads, but the army, which does not reveal where its nuclear-related facilities are, strongly denies that the facility is tied to the program in any way.

Guys pls stop RAW took it personally. :rofl:

YUP Nukes were there in the check post waiting for a taxi:rofl:

What a show of intelligence! Even a stupid can understand that things like "Nuke" can't be kept in a place which is known to others and specially to foreigners. What do you think, let us agree to you that Nukes wer there, haven't we put them elsewhere after knowing that someone else knows. They even not at Kahota, bet it. They are where you can't search and think of. Remember your agencies continued looking somewhere else and we tested our nukes in Chagi to turn a mountain pale.

And by the way it is impossible to keep nukes on the pylons of plane. We are not in a state of war with an opposition on which we may bomb a nuke. Are u out of ur mind? Its common sense. Even an ordinary missile needs to be fired or detonated at spot once installed to launch.

and yes once again:rofl:

KIT Over
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Do not post articles without their source link. Creating misleading thread titles will get you another ban. Consider yourself warned.

Do not post articles without their source link. Creating misleading thread titles will get you another ban. Consider yourself warned.

The article is published in Times of India.... with the same title....

Suicide attack near nuke-linked complex in Pakistan, 7 killed

Suicide attack near nuke-linked complex in Pakistan, 7 killed - Pakistan - World - The Times of India

The facility has been linked with the planes by the various newspapers and defense analyst. Can you please let me know how the title is misleading when your own newspaper says so
Ironically, attack took place just after hours PAF chief visited one of the air base and applauded PAF men for their work in SWA operation against TTP. I think TTP without foreign help don't have this kind of capability outsode FATA to strike just few hours after PAF chief address.

IMO, intentions behind this timing is to make it look like it has occured in revenge from PAF what it is doing against TTP. But i am sure, trail leads outside our border. I would rather include Afghanistan (Northern Alliance/Karzai RAAM other than Indian RAW) as well in potential perpetrators of this particular attack.
I think people are waiting for some nuts to get hold of these nukes and detonate it somewhere in Pakistan before they realize how critical the situation is. Closing eyes to everything which is happening and feeling safe is not always good. Armed personel are the main target these days. Do you think the armed personel and security agents when they themselves are not safe what about the people and the content they are safeguarding. People should realize the criticality of the situation rather than laugh it off before it is too late.
It just Kamra and road goes to F6 Rebuilt factory. That Mullah explodi didn't even cross any Air force security check point. It GT road for general traffic and thats about it. If you see last night news, all around was small business. PAF installation is miles across. And unreachable for anyone.
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