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have you tried e-ink based e-book readers? kindle,nook etc. kindle costs around Rs5000 only.
Since you have studied eng. lit. and also THE WASTE LAND (which is my favorite poem), how did you interpret it's first line:-April is the cruellest month( because it has different interpretations and it's very confusing)

APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
Winter kept us warm, covering
Earth in forgetful snow, feeding
A little life with dried tubers...

JUST ASKING @Spring Onion

:) have to go back few years back but ok. yes indeed confusing precisely in my opinion for the reason that April is linked with feeling of hopelessness whereas other poets linked it with hope and also being spring time it is cherished.

if check the collection well you see more sad titles like

Burial of Dead
death by water

etc etc

Anyhow personally feel April being a month of both hope and bringing in past memories both cherished and somewhat sad stirs many imaginations among the poets and has been subject of their poetry work.

As T.S. Eliot termed it cruelest others are also not far behind for example Robert Frost thinks its a month that bounced between March and May again somewhat harsh months .

And Edna St. Vincent Millay call it stupid.
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The monk who sold his ferrari.

Yes it is a very good books for marketing guys......

But one of my friends version of this book..


"The Monk made me sell my Ferrari"
@Spring Onion
Thank you for your reply. But, I have a different interpretation. Waste landers( the modern day people) abhor work or want to bypass it. Since April is the month of the beginning of works or rejuvenation, this month is the most cruel to modern day people. They are lazy and do not want to work or get activated for work. So, lazy winter keeps them warm.
Thank you.
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Dear All

Kindly suggest some good books Recent/Old .

Its been a year dint read a book though started but unfinished as reading Burton Russell needs full concentration.

So anyone who has flare for good books please suggest.
i dont know whether u r interested in lov stories or not but if u are here are some of an indian author(if u dnt hav any problem :))

^^ this book has some reality of gujrat riots also nd how people of different religion clash and differ...its an awesum read!




thats all what i have read till now and will advice u too must read 3 mistakes of my life..it goes by cricket...love....gujrat riots(includes a muslim boy character also that how he was followed by people to kill him during riots nd how he survived! )
:) hope i helped u
@Spring Onion
Thank you for your reply. But, I have a different interpretation. Waste landers( the modern day people) abhor work or want to bypass it. Since April is the month of the beginning of works or rejuvenation, this month is the most cruel to modern day people. They are lazy and do not want to work or get activated for work. So, lazy winter keeps them warm.
Thank you.

:) Thank you. That's what our teachers used to interpret it though the foreigners have interpreted it differently and also T.S Eliot

had his end notes for it defining different expression and their use BUT personally I believe that its somewhat a failure where you need to explain your own poetry work :).

On the other hand Since April also means "opening, beginning or start" hence its wonderfully put cleverly started by T.S Eliot I mean this poem also started with same.

NOTE: Some foreigners also interpret it linking with heavy rains
i dont know whether u r interested in lov stories or not but if u are here are some of an indian author(if u dnt hav any problem :))

^^ this book has some reality of gujrat riots also nd how people of different religion clash and differ...its an awesum read!




thats all what i have read till now and will advice u too must read 3 mistakes of my life..it goes by cricket...love....gujrat riots(includes a muslim boy character also that how he was followed by people to kill him during riots nd how he survived! )
:) hope i helped u

Thank you. I have NO issue with Indian Authors

JUST for Your Information here in my province KPK we studied science books specially botany, zoology, etc etc at BSc level written by Indian authors besides history books taught at graduation level and post graduation.

Thank YOU ALL: this thread is very interesting and a good addition to my library
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Thank you. I have NO issue with Indian Authors

JUST for Your Information here in my province KPK we studied science books specially botany, zoology, etc etc at BSc level written by Indian authors besides history books taught at graduation level and post graduation.

Thank YOU ALL: this thread is very interesting and a good addition to my library
actaually i mentioned it cuz u bash india alot :P
anways @ topic if u ever get time please read 3 mistakes of my life
If it's not too boring for you - start with small, collective short stories by Jeffrey Archer.if you like court case/murder mystery try John Grisham.and horror king - Stephen king is good.

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