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Suggest good books

Lady a Non Muslim can never understand the Muslims love for PROPHET SAW what you should do is listen and read books written by those who have converted to Islam non Muslims because of their kufr would have biases lady they can never be clean from bias and we have to judge through Quran and Sunnah not what Non Muslims have to say about something

I know but I also believe and firmly that character and conduct of the Prophet (PBUH) has forced many enemies even to acknowledge his greatness :)

Anyway thanks


as far as ebooks and PDF : Well NO a big NO. I LOVE Books in hands/solid copies. The solid copies under my ownership gives me feeling that I have a treasure seriously. And I am really greedy about letting go my books.

Great! It is really good to know there are people like you among us :)
I myself never like the idea of e-book! It really do miss that extra bit of fun you can have by having a hard copy book with you, laying down on your couch and reading a few chapter before you sleep. I am actually addicted to this and cant sleep well unless i go through a few pages.
Have had an enough dose of serious topics so just relaxing these days with light stories and novels. In this category i hope you will like Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, Kite Runner, Al Chemist, even book like the lost symbol by Dan Brown give you a good time. IN medium category, i find A brief History of Time, The Bear Trap very very interesting and must read!

I hope members will keep sharing more books here. Thanks for starting the thread!
Great! It is really good to know there are people like you among us :)
I myself never like the idea of e-book! It really do miss that extra bit of fun you can have by having a hard copy book with you, laying down on your couch and reading a few chapter before you sleep. I am actually addicted to this and cant sleep well unless i go through a few pages.
Have had an enough dose of serious topics so just relaxing these days with light stories and novels. In this category i hope you will like Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, Kite Runner, Al Chemist, even book like the lost symbol by Dan Brown give you a good time. IN medium category, i find A brief History of Time, The Bear Trap very very interesting and must read!

I hope members will keep sharing more books here. Thanks for starting the thread!

Thank you Arsalan. I have been raised in books and above all literally books had been best partners in hardest time of my life. Always found them pleasure/treasure and a big strength :) .

Have read Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, Kite Runner already so will go for al-Chemist (though have read reviews about it but NOT the book in itself).

few days back I just hurriedly went through "The Golden Notebook" but wana go for some light ones for the time being.


We had a great thread already on books.Please make this thread sticky,as we have lots of bookworms (me too) in this forum.:lol:

Currently am going through Indian Summer: The Secret History of the end of an empire by Alex Von Tunzelmann.The author looks very cute :D

Thank you dint know that so mods can merge and make it a sticky thread.

:P oye gay

@Marshmallow i consider this trolling.

:)))))) still thanked her for her efforts to find something similar to her liking and identity ;)
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Dear All

Kindly suggest some good books Recent/Old .

Its been a year dint read a book though started but unfinished as reading Burton Russell needs full concentration.

So anyone who has flare for good books please suggest.

depends on your liking or taste - fiction or non-fiction?
Being a student of English Literature, I can only suggest books of literature:-
1)Wasteland by T.S. Eliot( a poem of about 450-500 lines. one of the greatest modern poems that changed way of English poem writing)

2) Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett ( one of the greatest short drama on Theater of Absurd)

3)Arms and the Man By G.B.Shaw( a play. very witty and humorous)

4) Six main Odes of Keats(Ode to a Nightingale,Ode on a Grecian Urn,Ode to Psyche,To Autumn(best ode),Ode on Melancholy,Ode on Indolence)

5) Six main sonnets of Shakespeare( Sonnet No.16,64,65,73,116 &130. You can find the whole of Shakespeare in these six sonnets.)

6)The Razor's Edge by W. Somerset Maugham( a novel for peace )
By this you have covered 70% of English Literature. Do not read too many books because in English Literature good books are very small in number.Only the names of the writers are big. This is my experience after reading a huge number of them.
@Spring Onion
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:D first I mentioned the word authoress and mocked you but then edited as her name deceived me :P

Both sir :) rather almost everything.

lets stay in our neighbourhood....

the return of the king
the last moghul...both by william dalrymple.

the duel by tariq ali
Being a student of English Literature, I can only suggest books of literature:-
1)Wasteland by T.S. Eliot( a poem of about 450-500 lines. one of the greatest modern poems that changed way of English poem writing)

2) Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett ( one of the greatest short drama on Theater of Absurd)

3)Arms and the Man By G.B.Shaw( a play. very witty and humorous)

4) Six main Odes of Keats(Ode to a Nightingale,Ode on a Grecian Urn,Ode to Psyche,To Autumn(best ode Ode on Melancholy,Ode on Indolence)

5) Six main sonnets of Shakespeare( Sonnet No.16,64,65,73,116 &130. You can find the whole of Shakespeare in these six sonnets.)

6)The Razor's Edge by W. Somerset Maugham( a novel for peace )
By this you have covered 70% of English Literature. Do not read too many books because in English Literature good books are very small in number.Only the names of the writers are big. This is my experience after reading a huge number of them.
@Spring Onion

:) thank you . I had studied English literature as part of my subject at graduation level classes along with Modern Law apart from that I also studied linguistics and other English literature books meant for Post-graduation classes hence already studied that.

BUT The books mentioned in Red have NOT been read by me so will look for these.
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Since you have studied eng. lit. and also THE WASTE LAND (which is my favorite poem), how did you interpret it's first line:-April is the cruellest month( because it has different interpretations and it's very confusing)

APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
Winter kept us warm, covering
Earth in forgetful snow, feeding
A little life with dried tubers...

JUST ASKING @Spring Onion
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