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Sufi culture is answer to rising extremism: Bilawal

First of all singing an dancing is 'discouraged' not 'prohibited' in Islam.

Secondly the 'Sufi whirl' is not exactly a dance. Its something you have to experiance to know.
the experience (a feeling of dizzyness? fuzzyness?, being one with god is what people say) is much better if some hellucinogenic substance is used.
the experience (a feeling of dizzyness? fuzzyness?, being one with god is what people say) is much better if some hellucinogenic substance is used.

hahahaha thats what uneducated folk do. Nothing to do with Sufi philosophy.

I know it is not a dance but couldn't find the appropriate term for it. I know very little about this and was very surprised to read about their cardinal principle of Talif i Kulub. This moderate version is something we are simply unaware of and I would definitely like to read more how slowly the more intolerant version of Islam (The school of the Wahabis) sided them changing the history of this sub continent.

PS: There is a generalized view about Islam among mango people in India(this forum is an example).Perhaps an orgnaized study about Sufism might educate few of them.

Sufis preached peace, coexistence and inward looking approach towards self realization.

I suggest you read Baba Bulleh Shah, Shah Hussein, Sultan Bahoo, Mian Waris Shah, Baba Fareed, Jelal uddin Rumi, Saadi to understand the philosophical structure of Tassawuf.

Despite what a 'majority' of my Indian friends wrongly assume, a vast majority of Pakistanis are Sufis. We usually take the text book rather dogmatic understanding of Sunni and Shia, ignoring the fact that Sufism is a 'transcendous' doctrine. It doesn't discriminate between sects.
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Its not the fact sufism is talks about coexistence and peace.

It is a fact, Pakistan problems today are because of majority Pakistanis following Afghan & Indian cultures.

First u were saying sufism is pakistan's soul when as per ur words above half of pakistanis foollows extremism and other half Indian culture then who the hell follows sufism??

Is there any one above that 50% + 50% = 100% population?

You didn't get me i guess. Majority of Pakistanis are not following Pakistani culture & i divide that majority not whole Pakistan's population.
It is a fact, Pakistan problems today are because of majority Pakistanis following Afghan & Indian cultures.

You didn't get me i guess. Majority of Pakistanis are not following Pakistani culture & i divide that majority not whole Pakistan's population.
excellent, Indian and afgan culture is to be blamed for all your ills, and your culture is the best.
Aur kuch?
@naveen mishra

Its funny how a rather ludicrious comparision has been drawn between Sufism and Hinduism.

First of all Sufism is not a 'sect'. Its a 'state of mind' or a 'school of thought'.

Sufism is not a product of Hindu Muslim 'infusion' in India. Modern day Sufism has its origins in Turkey, Iran and C.Asia.

If one reads the teanents of Sufism, like 'Tasuwwuf, Maarfat, Ishq, Vijdan' and so on, it will be clear that its a very strong monotheistic Islamic evolution of religious thought rather then so called 'infusion' with Hinduism.

Islam in the sub continent was spread by Sufis, who 'Practiced Islam and didn't have 'empty beliefs'.


Digesting Kashf ul maujoob ain't easy hommie. :D

that is true as well. gave me headache the first time i opened it lool
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