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Success Story : Chashma Canal (Project Asian Development Bank)

1. crop selection
Have a look at the table for crop yields. Our crop yields are way less than USA/Europe. Even India has better crop yields than us. If we can even find a parity in crop yields it will be enough for our increased population for short to medium term. We need to introduce modern agriculture techniques. There is a long way to go.

they are small , reservoir types only
They are not small dams. Pakistan's total water reservoir are about 17maf. In the table I have given names of places where half of Pakistan's total Indus catchment water can be stored (around 80maf). These are off channel and on channel sites. Rohtas site is very good.

I heard on Pakistan TV, 6 times more water flows to sea than Pakiatsn uses
Please think about it! If Pakistan's total surface water equates to ~145maf then that means Pakistan is only using around 24maf of water? If you read my research you will find out that more than 25maf is lost during conveyance (seepage, evaporation etc). Pakistan canal system has the ability to deal with around 95maf of surface water.
As per One discussion I heard on Pakistan TV, 6 times more water flows to sea than Pakiatsn uses. Why Pakistan does not use this water for the use of Pakistan people?

not 6 times. but a lot of. around 20 MAF annyally (To Sea only).... Canals like Kacchi canal will help us divert water from Indus river to other parts of country, which will ultimately help us in rising water table of those areas as well as utilization of that area for agriculture purpose. only this Kacchi canal is supposed to irrigate 350000+ hectares of virgin land in Balochistan upon it's completion. similarly we have 2 other canals in pipeline since decades (Chishma right canal and chishma left canal) that if completed, can help us irrigate those areas which were not possible to irrigate from our irrigation system due to high elevation of those areas.. and that too in hundreds of thousands of hectares. but we will prefer blowing kishanganga...

Pakistan canal system has the ability to deal with around 95maf of surface water.

that is the "Planned" capacity of this canal system. due to silting and deposition now, we will be around 70% of that capacity.
As per One discussion I heard on Pakistan TV, 6 times more water flows to sea than Pakiatsn uses. Why Pakistan does not use this water for the use of Pakistan people?

pl get out of here . you are not welcome !
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