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Su-34 Fullback: Russia's Hottest Bomber

Why India did not work with Russians to develop a MPA version of Su-34? It could be a beast because if your MPA can handle all threats it will need lesser support from other assets like escort, AWACS etch and will be cheaper to operate because it will be doing many things on its own not needing support.

With TVC will be able to fly low and slow to hunt subs while MAD can be installed in tail section with required increase in tail length and 3rd person station can be created in modified version if required.

Also would be able to carry EW system in external pods, so no need to install all MPA related stuff in plane, as per mission requirements it would be able to carry pods and weapons.

My take on it is that InAF always preferred western aircrafts to Russia ones. InAF always bought Russian aircrafts only under political pressure/compulsions from/of Government of India
My take on it is that InAF always preferred western aircrafts to Russia ones. InAF always bought Russian aircrafts only under political pressure/compulsions from/of Government of India

But traditionally India bought Russian weapons with some western weapons, all main weapons systems are Russian and no one in west pushed India towards USSR/Russia nor later put any pressure on India to purchase weapons from them only.

Current situation clearly shows that.
But traditionally India bought Russian weapons with some western weapons, all main weapons systems are Russian and no one in west pushed India towards USSR/Russia nor later put any pressure on India to purchase weapons from them only.

Current situation clearly shows that.

I was alluding to the pressure of higher authorities in government of India on InAF (which itself is part of the government)
@gambit can this bird be modified as MPA? With awesome weapons load, endurance, range and capability to defend it self can make it potent, maritime asset in extreme hostile environment.
Ultimately, you can assign any aircraft to maritime patrol.

But...Maritime patrol is more surveillance than response/combat. Yes, you can load an MP with torpedoes and/or bombs, but that is more to fend off limited incursions than for genuine combat. Depending on the sea area that is under your control, something like a fighter-bomber may be suitable, but if you are to have persistent airborne presence to monitor your sea access, you need a platform that is designed more for long duration flight than for ordnance.

Comfort is relative. I have been a passenger in a C-27 Sherpa, a few C-130 Herc, a couple of C-141 Starlifter, one C-5 Galaxy, and one KC-135 refueler. For the Sherpa, the joke is that it is the only plane in USAF inventory that get bird strikes in the rear. All of them were designed purely for transport. They got web seating on bare metal frames. I slept atop cargo pallets when we finally reached cruising altitudes. But even all of them is better for long duration crew comfort than the cockpits of the F-111 and F-16.

Maritime patrol is monotonous duty. You are basically carrying cargo from A to B. The cargo is surveillance gear and humans to operate them. If I was cargo on a maritime patrol flight, I would take web seating over an ejection seat in terms of physical comfort so that I can focus on watching the vast expanse of sea for anything suspicious.
The Su-34 is a state-of-the-art Russian fighter bomber, developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau in the mid-1980s.
The two-seat Su-34 is primarily designed to destroy a variety of ground and naval targets. It is capable of performing solo and group missions in daytime and at night, under favorable and adverse weather conditions and in a hostile environment.

5 decades too late response to the US F-111......!!!! But nevertheless, great weapons load-out, variety and digitization (compared to previous Russian aircrafts).
In fact, the response to the F-111 was the Su-24. The Su-34 is a development of the conception.

The first prototype of Su-24 make its first fly in the same year as F-111.

Conception of Su-24 are common for the aviation of those years: The planes with "variable-sweep wing" were trend in those years.

The Su-34 is a different conception, bassically there is no fighter-bomber in the world comparable to this jet.
awesome firepower indeed.
but on a second thought, what makes a Russian fighter from "rusty decade old technology" to "hottest bomber/fighters"?
----- now now, i dont want a ban for a flimsy reason, guess the answer urselves.
The first prototype of Su-24 make its first fly in the same year as F-111.

Conception of Su-24 are common for the aviation of those years: The planes with "variable-sweep wing" were trend in those years.

The Su-34 is a different conception, bassically there is no fighter-bomber in the world comparable to this jet.

F-15 Strike Eagle comes to mind.

Su-30 is counterpart of F-15E, both are strike fighters. Su-34 is strike plane like F-105 and F-111 and F-117 and Su-24, not the same type as F-15E. Su-34 replaces Su-24.

Sukhoi Su-34 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
USAF F-111 variants were retired in the 1990s, with the F-111Fs in 1996 and EF-111s in 1998. The F-111 has been replaced in USAF service by the F-15E Strike Eagle for medium-range precision strike missions, while the supersonic bomber role has been assumed by the B-1B Lancer. The RAAF was the last operator of the F-111, with its aircraft serving until December 2010.
The UOMZ Sapsan E Electro-Optical Targeting System pod
View attachment 260389 Electro-optical system ventral aperture. Note the GNPP KAB-1500L 3,000 lb laser guided bomb on the centreline station
View attachment 260386

Russian fighters to use Thales Damocles targeting pods
  • 16 January, 2008
Russia will license-produce the Thales Damocles reconnaissance and target designation pod for its air force strike aircraft, following successful tests of the system with Malaysia's Sukhoi Su-30MKM multirole fighter
Comparative trials involving Damocles and the Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant (UOMZ)-produced Sapsan and Solux targeting pods went in favour of the French design.
Su-27SM2 and Su-34 fighters are considered lead candidates, along with upgraded Su-24M2s and Su-27SMs
Russian fighters to use Thales Damocles targeting pods

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