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Su-27 Turning Directly In Front Of a B-52

Prince Kassad

Apr 19, 2020
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Hong Kong

The Pentagon has released what is possibly the most troubling video we have seen of a so-called 'unsafe intercept' between one of its aircraft and Russian fighters. The incident occurred on August 28th, 2020, when the U.S. Air Force sent six B-52s, four of which are forward deployed to RAF Fairford in the United Kingdom, to traverse every NATO member country's airspace in a show of strength and solidarity for the alliance. This included flights over Eastern Europe and the tense Black Sea region, where the intercept took place.
As much as I support Russia in many of its endeavors and policies and its military prowess, I think these close calls actually makes them look bad more so than the US or NATO. The Mi-8 throwing dust on American troops in Syria is really childish stuff and absolutely silly. I think the Russians are going to end up losing these silly games because what will end up happening if the Russian command doesn't take control of these reckless situation and implement new rules of engagement and behavior of professionalism for the sake of safety, then there will be an accident that will cause causalities (mostly on the Russian side) and things will escalate to an unfavorable situation for Russia.

So is all this childish and super dangerous behavior worth all that? Certainly not and if you look at this action here, that Su-27 is super lucky that its afterburners created enough thrust to push it far enough in front of the B-52 in order not to impact it. It was a little under 100 feet away from the nose of the B-52 I mean why?! That is just plain stupid.
As much as I support Russia in many of its endeavors and policies and its military prowess, I think these close calls actually makes them look bad more so than the US or NATO. The Mi-8 throwing dust on American troops in Syria is really childish stuff and absolutely silly. I think the Russians are going to end up losing these silly games because what will end up happening if the Russian command doesn't take control of these reckless situation and implement new rules of engagement and behavior of professionalism for the sake of safety, then there will be an accident that will cause causalities (mostly on the Russian side) and things will escalate to an unfavorable situation for Russia.

So is all this childish and super dangerous behavior worth all that? Certainly not and if you look at this action here, that Su-27 is super lucky that its afterburners created enough thrust to push it far enough in front of the B-52 in order not to impact it. It was a little under 100 feet away from the nose of the B-52 I mean why?! That is just plain stupid.
The Russians now ‘own’ Syria, they got the UAE and France supporting them on the stage.
Good, those americans deserve it. And the world ought to wake up from its stupidity slumber to understand that america is playing a duplicitous game of playing the victim, while aggressively expanding NATO to Russia's door step. These pathetic liars use scare tactics to portray Russia as the boogeyman, while in reality it's america who is hegemonic devil, along with it's muppets britain, france, netherlands and the rest of idiot states in the west. Ya think you can fool the world again? Nope, that game is up and more of us (the rest of the non-western world) is seeing right through your lies. Cry wolf (or bear in this case, or dragon for that matter) all you want, your lies will NOT work anymore. Pathetic scum!
Until one of these flankers crash into a NATO plane and starts World War III

Do you mean a NATO plane or a USAF plane?

NATO barely exists any more as an alliance, but makes for good PR:

" to traverse every NATO member country's airspace in a show of strength and solidarity for the alliance. This included flights over Eastern Europe and the tense Black Sea region, where the intercept took place"

From Russia point of view, this would be a hostile act in its backyard.
Does any one remember the movie where US navy jets do close flights to a bear bomber causing turbulence and one of them crashes ?

Reminds me of that movie that is some cool flying

Some US born Indians were getting hyper over B52s flying near Russia. In Urdu they say Kaisa Diya :rofl:. Russians have literally put their feet in the mouth of Americans. China should follow suite in south china sea to teach these arrogant morons a lesson.
Russian TU-16 bomber crashed after repeatedly buzzing a US carrier.

Yep, that's a pretty good example. Except this guy in the bomber wasn't even doing half the dangerous stuff this guy in the Su-27 did. He was just flying straight and it looked like he had the throttle maxed out there for a while and probably burnt out both jet engines and lost all power. Even those Su-24s that were buzzing US warships a couple of years ago, in the Mediterranean I think it was, they were more aggressive but still, nothing like this here or the one before that when the Su-35 turned into the F-15 to push it off! That was even crazier than this IMO because what if the US pilot in the F-15 didn't react in time? It would've been a 100% collision. I just don't understand why they go to that extent? It doesn't make any sense and is counter-productive for them, and only them. The US and NATO will be back next week carrying another passing recon mission over the Black Sea's international waters. This won't deter them by any means.

You also have to wonder if they get any disciplinary action from their squadron or base commanders or whomever is in charge of discipline. How does that work in the RuAF? They must be sanctioned to behave like this because they're always doing it and if they were being punished for that behavior, you would see less of it but it's only getting worst. So I doubt the high command has any problems with the way these guys are conducting these interceptions.
How about the Hainan Island thing where the Chinese J-8 got hit with the EP-3E propeller.

I was actually looking for that one myself and couldn't find it. Look at the incredible AoA he needed his jet to maintain just so he can fly with the EP-3s airspeed. If you have to pull that much of an AoA, why on earth would you ever fly so close to a propeller-driven aircraft? They're just asking for it.

We get it. No one wants NATO but particularly the US peeping in their backyard for whatever reason I understand. But why would you do something to harm yourself? Stupid.
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