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Stupid & Funny from Around the World :Continued

A boyfriend pillow for single women:

And what about single man
Do you like MADtv too? :cheesy:

Yes bro. already watched this video.

Another Great Skit from MadTv.

"we can blow bubbles"...oh man I can't believe they snuck that in.


Chinese groom arrested over fake wedding guests

A man in northern China has been arrested on his wedding day after his wife's family realised that the 200 guests he invited from his side as family and friends were paid actors.

According to local media in Shaanxi province, the family of the wife, surnamed Liu, became suspicious during the conversations they were having with people from the groom's side who said they were "just friends" and not making clear how they knew him. When the ceremony started without any trace of the groom's parents, the game appeared to be up.

In interviews with regional TV station Shaanxi TV "guests" said they were paid 80 yuan ($12; £9) by the groom, named as Mr Wang, for the day to pose as family and friends. Some said they are normally taxi drivers and students, and one man revealed a conversation he had with the groom on social media platform WeChat, negotiating a price for him to be there.

As for the bride, it's reported that the couple had been together for three years, but didn't notice anything wrong at first as they had completely different circles of friends.

It's not entirely clear what the motives were behind the groom's stunt, or even which laws he's deemed to have broken. Some media claim that the wife's family did not agree to the marriage because he was poor, so he stopped his entire side from coming so as not to shame them. Regional state news portal Xibu Onlinesays that a police investigation is ongoing.

Agog at the circumstances behind the wedding, Chinese social media users have attempted to make sense of what happened. "How can he be so poor, and then pay 200 guests?" one Sina Weibo user asks; while others speculate whether there might be some other circumstance that made him too embarrassed to invite family and friends.
Here's proof Maharana Pratap actually won Battle of Haldighati
Damning photographic evidence against the secular narrative provided by pro-Mughal historians surfaces.
| 3-minute read | 09-02-2017


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The Indian Express, three senior ministers of the Vasundhara Raje government have backed a proposal to rewrite history. This proposal suggests altering what is being taught at the university level; quite specifically about the Rajput ruler Maharana Pratap.

According to Satish Chandra’s Medieval India: From Sultanat to the Mughals - Mughal Empire, the Battle of Haldighati, fought between the forces of Akbar led by Man Singh and those of Maharana Pratap, assisted by an Afghan contingent led by Hakim Sur, failed to break the stalemate. The battle, Chandra notes, can neither be considered a struggle between Hindus and Muslims, nor be considered a struggle for Rajput independence.

Original historical photograph. Not Photoshopped at all. [Photo: DailyO]

But the proposal backed by former higher education minister (presently health minister) Kalicharan Saraf, school education minister Vasudev Devnani, and urban development and housing minister Rajpal Singh Shekhawat suggests rewriting it to fit a thoroughly different narrative. According to their proposal, Maharana Pratap won the Battle of Haldighati against the Mughal army of Akbar.

As per Kalicharan Saraf, Akbar was a foreign invader, and Maharana Pratap actually won the battle.

“Yes, it has been established. A distorted version of history has been taught to generations of students. But the fact is that Akbar was a foreign invader and Maharana Pratap was a brave, patriotic ruler. And if there is a proposal to correct this mistake and tell students that Maharana Pratap actually won the battle, then what is wrong with it?” Saraf told The Indian Express.

Alt-history, ladies and gentlemen.

But perhaps, there is some truth to the BJP version of history. A little shallow digging on Google revealed a well-documented series of photographs that prove that Maharana Paratap did indeed win the battle and it is the liberal media and anti-national, pro-Mughal pseudo-historians who gave us the wrong version of history.

We present to you a list of photos that provide nothing but damning evidence against the secular narrative provided by historians in India.

Akbar and his generals fearing their inevitable defeat (1576 AD)

Maharana Pratap's army at Haldighati (1576 AD)

Maharana Pratap attacking Man Singh at Haldighati (1576 AD)

Maharana Pratap helping wounded soldiers mid-battle (1576 AD)

Maharana Pratap standing tall, before the Battle of Haldighati (1576 AD)

Maharana Pratap accompanied by Hakim Sur's Afghan Army (1576 AD)

Maharana Pratap giving a battle speech to motivate his men, before the Battle of Haldighati (1576 AD)

Maharana Pratap's horse Chetak at the Batte of Haldighati (1576 AD)

General Man Singh afraid of the might of the Mewar ruler's army (1576 AD)

History is only what you choose to believe.
A 1964 Johnnie Walker ad in a Pakistani newspaper.
Not now..............:cheers:

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