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Stupid & Funny from Around the World :Continued

When Instagram & Facebook are down.

12:20 PM · Oct 4, 2021·

After abusing, slapping , turning on off my wifi 10 times I came to know WhatsApp is down

My wifi:


3:53 PM · Oct 4, 2021

I mean, we just finally had eight hours of uninterrupted sleep...
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No matter what happens, there will always have been this pure, beautiful moment when we lived in a world without Mark Zuckerberg's products.


6:16 PM · Oct 4, 2021
Mark zuckerberg Working so hard to fix the gad damn error


Mark zuckerberg trying so hard to explain to Facebook users what really went wrong in the headquarters

Now that all Zuckerberg products are down, take a long breath & maybe gaze at the ceiling of your room.

Yes, that wall is cream not white or off white but cream.

It has always been cream. How you doin’?
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