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Stupid & Funny from Around the World :Continued


Qasim Khan

My grandparents always mentioned your posts they used to dream about your posts day and night then they gave me a testament to your precious posts before you die giving me a testament that you first get some education then our A wonder will come to the country, who will post such posts , looking for him and taking oath for him . Just then I got some education and started searching for such posts and have lost many mobiles and packages . Finally , I found him today . Got the post . In this blessed hour , air firing has also been done in the area and many of my friends are coming from all corners of the world with trucks and private jets just to see your post . Then I have again . I started my education and became a teacher and took extra time to inform the coming generations about your valuable posts . Second , I wish to assign this to my students as a continuous charity to advertise your posts . Hide me to the corners of the world so that I can find peace in my grave..... :D :D :D
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