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Stupid & Funny from Around the World :Continued

But it is fair to understand that one does not need to be publicly, organizationally religious as well.

Saying "non-religious" but publicly sitting in front of a big Shiva's face in the grounds of this organization... how does that gel ?
No force on any one
Definite Aurat March material
The science behind it was fake.

He was using battery power to generate hydrogen from water which as a result was running the car but as soon as batter dries out the car will not run.

Argument that engine will charge the car is flawed as energy required to break water into hydrogen and oxygen is much higher than the energy given back by engine to recharge battery.

Basic law of physics.


Thank you for the post.

You are incorrect---the science behind his experiment is NOT FAKE---. It is REAL---as real as the bright sun shining above on clear day.

The only issue was the implementation.
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