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Stupid and Funny from all over the world

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Dictionaries can be dangerous.

Most of the Japanese/English dictionaries used in Japan define the word "intercourse" as close to the English equivalent of "interaction on a social or cordial level". Thanks to this dictionary definition, a Japanese businessman made a big mistake in the use of this word. At a gathering with his client he told his client's wife , "I hope we can continue to have intercourse in the future"...
Jennie wanted to check her boyfriend (James) whether he is honest with her or not.

One day she called him at her home but she hide herself in a room. James knocked the door and Susan (Jennie's sister who were around of same age) opened the door.

As planned, Susan was wearing some short / appealing dress. It was very difficult for James as he could not stop himself from looking at her. Susan, said, come in James, Jennie has gone out, she will be back in one hour. You may wait in the sitting room till then.

James stepped in. While he was on the way to sitting room, Susan hugged him from the back side, and turned his face to her and kissed on his neck. James could not control himself, took her to sitting room, pulled her top and was about to do something..... but suddenly he stopped... got up and headed towards the outside door, then stepped out from the house. When he reached near his car, was about to open the car's door, Jennie came out from the house shouting, James... James... James.... wait...

Oooh James I love you so much, I knew that you also love me, this was all my plan just check you whether you really love me or not...
James asked, so what do you say Jennie?

Well james you had every chance to have sex my sister, who is more sexy than me, but you didn't do..... I trust you now... James I love you...

Moral: Always keep condoms in your Car. :lol:


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whats funny here yaar? they got incident and we rolf on it what a shame . hamari dil pather ho gay hain shayed :taz:
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see the dress the guy is wearing and the bikes
They are Pakistanis..
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This one is real.. Once you leave the city, you can see many 'Saudis' going for Hawk Hunting here in Riyadh.
Humorous way to tackle the mother of all problems :angry: in India.
I wish we could implement China's one child policy :china:

One child policy is already said to be causing serious demographic challenges in China. The best policy forward is state sponsored massive family planning program where by Condoms, Copper T,pills etc should be distributed and operations like vasectomy should be done free of cost. Also laws should be passed by which individuals having more than 2 children will be denied govt jobs or allowed to run for elections. This will cause the common man to be more careful when planning for their family as more children means missed opportunities.

3G is not going to solve our problem as Westerners seems to be far more sexually active (from a very young age), but their population seems to be decreasing.

It Has Been Left Down To This Guy To Save Us All!
Dictionaries can be dangerous.

Most of the Japanese/English dictionaries used in Japan define the word "intercourse" as close to the English equivalent of "interaction on a social or cordial level". Thanks to this dictionary definition, a Japanese businessman made a big mistake in the use of this word. At a gathering with his client he told his client's wife , "I hope we can continue to have intercourse in the future"...

Reminds me of this

few days ago, Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso was given some basic English conversation training before he visited Washington and met president Barack Obama. The instructor said to the Prime Minister Taro Aso, "When you shake hand with President Obama, please say 'How are you'. Then Mr. Obama should say, 'I am fine, and you?' Now, you should say 'me too'. Afterwards we, the translators, will do the work for you.' It looks quite simple, but the truth is... when Taro Aso met Obama , he mistakenly said 'Who are you?' (Instead of 'How are you?'.) Mr. Obama was a bit shocked but still managed to react with humor: 'Well, I'm Michelle's husband, ha-ha... Then Taro Aso replied 'Me too, ha-ha.. ..' Then there was a long silence in the meeting room.
Any Reasonable Explanation?
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