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Stupid and funny from all over the world - II

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Difference between girls & boys

Girl was late to reach home

She lies to father that she was at her friend's. He calls her friends, all of them deny that she was there.

Boy was late to reach home

Boy lies to father that he was at his friend's. He calls his friends...

1st Friend : Yes uncle, he was here

2nd friend : He just left

3rd friend : He's here uncle, we are having a combined study...should I put him on?

4th friend : Crosses the limit - "Yes dad, is there any problem"
An Irishman walks into a bar, and tells the bartender "I'll have three rounds, all at once."

So the bartender gets his order but says to the man "Sir, you'd enjoy them better sir if I served them to you one at a time."

The Irishman replies "No, its a tradition. Back in Dublin, my brothers and I would all go to the pub and have a round together. I moved over here a few years ago but I still keep the tradition." Touched by the story, the bartender served the rounds, and went about his business.

The Irishman returned for several nights.

One night, the Irishman comes in and only orders two rounds. The bartender shaken, asks "what happened? Did one of your brothers die? "The Irishman laughed and replied, "No, I quit drinking!"
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