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Study: Artificial covid vaccine “immunity” wanes after just six weeks

Oct 15, 2017
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Once people get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), they have about six weeks’ worth of “immunity,” according to the latest research.

After that, they will need a “booster” shot, followed by another six weeks later, and so on and so forth for the rest of eternity, researchers from University College London‘s (UCL) “Virus Watch” division found.

A team of scientists from the school analyzed blood samples collected from 552 “vaccinated” people mostly in their 50s and 60s. They found that antibody levels generated from two doses of either the Oxford-AstraZeneca or Pfizer-BioNTech jabs start to wane after a month and a half. In some people, vaccine-induced “immunity” drops by half in less than three months.

For the Pfizer injection, antibody levels were observed to fall from an average of 7,506 units per milliliter (ml) at 21-41 days to just 3,320 units per ml at 70 or more days. For the Oxford jab, that level dropped from 1,201 units per ml at 0-20 days to just 190 units per ml at 70 days or more.

The findings, which show that Fauci Flu shots are an abysmal failure when it comes to providing lasting immunity against the Chinese Virus, have been published in the peer-reviewed journal The Lancet.

Vaccine pushers say failed immunity brought about by covid injections is “no problem”

Hilariously, the vaccine-pushing deep state has concluded that despite the obvious failure of Chinese Virus jabs to provide any tangible protection against Chinese Germs, they are still worth getting to demonstrate the principle of “love thy neighbor.”

Eleanor Riley, a professor of immunology and infectious disease at The University of Edinburgh, declared that the results of the study were “expected,” and that the findings are “not necessarily a problem.”

“In the absence of ongoing antibody synthesis, antibody concentrations decay at a predictable, exponential rate,” she stated, pretending to sound smart and informed.

In Riley’s view, even though antibody levels decrease and “decay” at an exponential rate post-injection, this does not mean that those levels will suddenly and magically increase in the event that a vaccinated person encounters Chinese Germs in the wild.

She does, however, agree that people who were injected might need periodic “boosters” in order to keep them safe while helping to “flatten the curve” of spreading Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “variants.”

“Emerging evidence suggests that antibodies are particularly important for blocking infection and preventing onward transmission of the virus whereas T cells may be particularly relevant for preventing severe disease and death,” she is quoted as saying with zero evidence to back this claim.

“Maintaining sufficient antibody concentrations to reduce transmission will be important to limit the amount of circulating virus but maybe less important for protection against severe disease.”

Riley made no mention, of course, about the growing body of evidence showing that Chinese Virus injections are actively spreading the covid “variants” that the mainstream media is now blaming on the “unvaccinated.”

“Remaining antibodies and plasma stored in bone marrow from naturally contracted virus are showing probable lifelong immunity,” wrote one commenter at The Epoch Times, pointing to this study as evidence. “Pfizer wanes greatly after 8-9 months. It and other ‘vaccines’ also creates microscopic blood clots only detected from D-dimer tests.”

“So, what’s the point other than being a delivery system for the graphene oxide into our body to wreak havoc on our immune system?” asked another commenter about the obvious sham of the covid “vaccination” scheme, which is setting up the jabbed to have to get a lifetime of “booster” shots.

The latest news about the utter failure of Fauci Flu shots to do what the government claims they do can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.
completely wrong article from a well-known fake media that have a long history of publishing lies about vaccine . 1000% of what is published in that site is already proven wrong . as usual @Tai Hai Chen found a worthless disinformation site and help them in spreading their lies.
this site as usual take some research didn't understood it well and reached wrong conclusion
let look at this article from the same site

the title is "
SCIENCE HORROR: Vaccine spike protein enters cell nuclei, suppresses DNA repair engine of the human body, will unleash explosion of cancer, immunodeficiency, autoimmune disorders and accelerated aging

well the reference only says Spike protein will hinder damage repair system of our DNA
well guess what when you use Vaccines , you won't be exposed to full spike protein only parts of it . while when you get Covid-19 you'll be exposed to full Spike protein.

the poor Anti-vaxers could not admit that if you get covid-19 you'll be exposed to all those nasty things they bolded in the title so they lied and said if you get vaccinated it will happen .
completely wrong article from a well-known fake media that have a long history of publishing lies about vaccine . 1000% of what is published in that site is already proven wrong . as usual @Tai Hai Chen found a worthless disinformation site and help them in spreading their lies.
this site as usual take some research didn't understood it well and reached wrong conclusion

It is correct. IgA disappears after about 6 weeks.

source: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0249499

It is correct. IgA disappears after about 6 weeks.

source: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0249499

come on a study on 4 participant.
by the way since when its news that IgA reduce faster than IgG by the way what's your idea about this part of article , guess you forgot to read it
the rapid decay in serum IgA levels is also consistent with that observed in natural disease among health care workers in a Spanish hospital after 3 months of follow-up [22]. Recent studies document that while SARS-CoV-2 spike-specific serum IgA levels decline quickly after infection, local concentrations at mucosal surfaces persist longer and include dimeric isoforms with potent neutralizing capacity, 15X greater than monomeric IgA [10,11].
and you knew we had a discussion previously about intranasal droplet vaccines . they produce the IgA far far more than injectable vaccines
and you knew we had a discussion previously about intranasal droplet vaccines . they produce the IgA far far more than injectable vaccines

While it is true intranasal vaccine works very well, governments do not approve it. Because Big Pharma needs vax to be very ineffective so they can sell more doses to make more money.
The figure I had was 6 months. I believe this is from Israeli studies. This is why you need a booster.

The boosters might be a permanent feature. People with 'vaccinated' status will lose this status if they do not take the booster.
The figure I had was 6 months. I believe this is from Israeli studies. This is why you need a booster.

The boosters might be a permanent feature. People with 'vaccinated' status will lose this status if they do not take the booster.

No use because old vax don't match strain.
The figure I had was 6 months. I believe this is from Israeli studies. This is why you need a booster.

The boosters might be a permanent feature. People with 'vaccinated' status will lose this status if they do not take the booster.

IgG lasts 6 months. IgA lasts 6 weeks. IgA is good at preventing infection but only if it is mucosal.
Useless. 2 years old vax don't match strain. You can take 100 boosters within a month and it will do nothing.
Oh just shut up.... go to a clinic and get some medication. You are a sick kid.

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