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Strongest Muslim country?

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every body other than pakistanbcz this thread made a lot of mess here :pakistan:
turkey in everything, military, economy, tech and now upcoming indonesia.
Pakistan. It is the leader of the Islamic world. All Muslim countries look up to Pakistan for inspiration.
Keeping our enemety with Pakistani aside...I feel Pakistan is damn strong militarily than any other country...And if talk about economics....Then Pakistan did not perform any thing significantly bad with respect to the situation surrounding it since last 20 year...

But based on present situation, my lay man impression is Saudi Arab is strong economically and Turkey is most influential one..
TURKEY!!!!!! The reasons are pretty obvious!
Keeping our enemety with Pakistani aside...I feel Pakistan is damn strong militarily than any other country...And if talk about economics....Then Pakistan did not perform any thing significantly bad with respect to the situation surrounding it since last 20 year...

But based on present situation, my lay man impression is Saudi Arab is strong economically and Turkey is most influential one..

Saudi Arabia does have a strong economy, however Turkey has a decent economy, in fact a good economy as well as up to date conventional military hardware and highly professional/ well trained military, so if we take all of these factors into consideration then Turkey wins.
Pakistan!!! Military wise and then Turkey.....but in other fields turkey wins.
Oh shoot.....

We have been hit by " Naya Panchi Syndrome "....

What is a " Naya Panchi Syndrome " you ask ?

Everytime we have a new member with two digit posts, they come up with such GOOFY THREADS that have no head or tail.

Please spare us the agony of going through such foolish threads, Mr. PakistaniandProud.

Please hang around for a while and notice the kind of threads that are appreciated.

Give yourself some time and you will develop the judgement of rights and wrongs.

God Bless you.....
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