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Strong Iran-Egypt ties irritate US and Israel: Activist

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Strong Iran-Egypt ties irritate US and Israel: Activist

An international lawyer and political analyst says the restoration of bilateral relations between Iran and Egypt irritates the United States and Israel, Press TV reports.

“We have to admit that Iran is the biggest state that the US wanted to always nail and it is the biggest Islamic pole in this area of the world [the Persian Gulf and the Middle East],” Marwan al-Ashaal said in an interview with Press TV on Friday.

“Egypt is the other counterpart of Iran in this part of the world and adjacent to Israel; this is very much of the fact,” he added.

The analyst went on to say that Iran and Egypt are not only the two poles of the Islamic nations, but are also the controllers of Asia and Africa and their strong ties also irk the Persian Gulf monarchies.

“If Egypt allies with Iran and they restore full relationships as it was in the 70’s and before, this would create a threat to the [P]GCC [(Persian) Gulf Cooperation Council] countries,” the activist added.

Ashaal also pointed out that the restoration of relations between Cairo and Tehran will “put Turkey into the equation as well.”

“So the three hands [of Iran, Egypt and Turkey] are put together and forget about the differences between Sunni(s) and Shiite(s) and just remember that they are all Muslims under one Islamic rule, actually, and very similar regimes, this would make quite a threat [to US, Israel and the Persian Gulf monarchies],” he further explained.

The activist also stated that the United States and Israel have tried to drag Egypt away from the Islamic world by making the country’s foreign exports reliant on the American-Israeli side.

“So restoring relationships [between Iran and Egypt] means that it [Egypt] is not going to be reliant anymore to this cycle of foreign relations with the US and Israel, which would definitely irritate Israel so much,” Ashaal noted.

PressTV - Strong Iran-Egypt ties irritate US and Israel: Activist
Why not? unlike many britain-made monarchies in the region Iran and Egypt are much the same,two nations which are rooted in the history could work together in many cases .The funny thing is our revolution took place in 22nd of Bahman 1357 , and Egyptian revolution took place in 22nd of Bahman 1389 ... both of them overthrew two western puppets ...

Strong bonds btw 2 nations could benefit whole region to restore peace to the ME.
You truly think we give a damned?

Of course you don't! The whole world knows that the US doesn't care if they have an Islamic government or a secular one. I wish the reality was like what you so shamelessly claim.
Why not? unlike many britain-made monarchies in the region Iran and Egypt are much the same,two nations which are rooted in the history could work together in many cases .The funny thing is our revolution took place in 22nd of Bahman 1357 , and Egyptian revolution took place in 22nd of Bahman 1389 ... both of them overthrew two western puppets ...

Strong bonds btw 2 nations could benefit whole region to restore peace to the ME.

I find it very difficult till the Syria is burning, Egypt wants Al-Assad to go and expecting Muslim Brotherhood led government in Syria. Iran supports Al-Assad clan who has banned MB and its membership is considered the treason by law and awards death penalty.

I do not think the rapport would go beyond the working relationship as Iran has very little to offer. Egyptians would be more inclined towards Turkey because Turkey has many things in offing unlike Iran and ofcourse the leadership of Egypt & Turkey are moderately Sunnite Islamic unlike Iranian clerical regime based on Velayti Faghih model of late Khomeini.
I find it very difficult till the Syria is burning, Egypt wants Al-Assad to go and expecting Muslim Brotherhood led government in Syria. Iran supports Al-Assad clan who has banned MB and its membership is considered the treason by law and awards death penalty.

Egypt has invited Iran to be part of a team working on a political solution in Syria. It has also turned down US requests to stop Iranian weapons shipments to Syria through the Suez canal. Even if Morsi is on the side of Syria's Muslim Brotherhood, that doesn't seem to have much bearing on his strategy towards Iran, which seems to be one of rapproachment. In fact, there are analysts who think that Morsi's strategy is to turn attention away from Syria, since the country's situation is something no one can solve right now.
Egypt has invited Iran to be part of a team working on a political solution in Syria. It has also turned down US requests to stop Iranian weapons shipments to Syria through the Suez canal. Even if Morsi is on the side of Syria's Muslim Brotherhood, that doesn't seem to have much bearing on his strategy towards Iran, which seems to be one of rapproachment. In fact, there are analysts who think that Morsi's strategy is to turn attention away from Syria, since the country's situation is something no one can solve right now.

Kindly address the second paragraph of my post too,What has happened to that quadrilateral forum? Yes Egypt allowed the use of Suez Canal for Iranian warships, these small gestures will go on and the mutual relationship would be much better than Mubarak era .

What I said, keeping all the permutation and combinations in mind I do not think rapport will go beyond working relationship. May be in few months they will revoke ambassadorial relationship. That may be a big diplomatic victory for Iran but it does not mean that it will deviate Morsi MB from is Sunnite fold in Middle East.

Bilateral relationship between two countries only grow when there is huge give and take and in my view Iran does not mosses much to offer and its opponents are with full of bounty .

Finally the religious affiliations play much more important role in the present day Middle East than ever.
^^ you are taking shia-sunni thing too serious.Iran's main goal in ME are to isolate (or maybe to destory!) israel and to reduce US influence in ME and finally to boost her influence in ME.has nothing to do with shia-sunni thing.
^^ you are taking shia-sunni thing too serious.Iran's main goal in ME are to isolate (or maybe to destory!) israel and to reduce US influence in ME and finally to boost her influence in ME.has nothing to do with shia-sunni thing.

What Iran wants does not necessarily be wanted by Egypt, so mutual relationships between two countries is devised on convergences and to avoid or minimize the divergences. There are very few points of convergence that are visible in Egypt-Iran rapprochement until and unless Iran withdraws its approach on Syria and Iraq that seems quite impossible as it lies on Iran’s fault line.

Iran is far –far away from Israel so destroying Israel out of Iran’s military might. Iran is almost isolated in Middle East and its first priority is to minimize the isolation by reinstating the diplomatic relationship with the most powerful Arab country. As I said, in my previous post if Iran is able to reinstate ambassadorial relationship it would be a big diplomatic victory for Iran. But that would not change the ground reality of Middle Eastern region.

The escalated Shiet-Sunnite conflict in Iraq, Bahrain and the Syrian uprising where majority of the opponents of Nuseyri regime of Al-Assad are Sunnite.

The reinstatement would help Iran to reduce isolation in Middle East and would give Egypt a bargaining chip against GCC but it remains to be seen that how much bounties of GCC will keep Egypt in its flock.
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