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Strip-search uproar: What about the nanny?

Bhai aap rehne do,,,,jaake apna ghar sambhalo

Ghusa nahi karna.

But think of the disproportionate response.
Just because the political parties are getting a chance to go crazy giving nationalistic speeches this issue has taken center stage.
But if you think about the fact that this matter is nothing more than rule of law from americans and lack of rights for women as far as subcontinent is concerned
All will come to its place.
LOL. Why not ? You will ONLY believe on intent of Americans ? :lol:

For the rest of us, facts disclosed by any other Indian is just as valid.

So the US if free to RAPE Indian diplomats ? :cheesy:

Her MIL used to work for an American diplomat, her FIL worked for the US embassy, her BIL worked for the US embassy, her Husband worked for the S embassy, yet this is ignorant and ignorant baby :lol:

None so blind as those those who choose not to see.

Why are you chanting this rape mantra, no rape has happebned.And this is my last reply to you please read properly :
It does not matter what she was promised to pay was higher or lower compared to india.It again does not matter whether she knowingly or unknowingly accepted and signed the document.If she would not have done, then there are thousands other in line to sign it.All i am asking was she was no power to refuse to sign it, if she did someone else will agree to even lower wages and sign the document.That is called EXPLOITATION. If deviyani ji could not afford the wages then she should not have employed her...instead she choose the easy or lets indian way out, falsification.
Indians are angered, that some one else got to run their respective fingers in her cavities instead of the Indians getting to rape her first ?
I don't know about what your parents taught you about behaving ,but I request you to keep your civility.
Why are you chanting this rape mantra, no rape has happebned.And this is my last reply to you please read properly :
It does not matter what she was promised to pay was higher or lower compared to india.It again does not matter whether she knowingly or unknowingly accepted and signed the document.If she would not have done, then there are thousands other in line to sign it.All i am asking was she was no power to refuse to sign it, if she did someone else will agree to even lower wages and sign the document.That is called EXPLOITATION. If deviyani ji could not afford the wages then she should not have employed her...instead she choose the easy or lets indian way out, falsification.

The US marshals have admitted to Strip search and cavity search. Both are constituted as RAPE under INDIAN LAW.

So it is already established that RAPE has occurred.

What you term as 'exploitation' is called 'market forces' in the real world. That is why the US companies outsource their software coding to India, to EXPLOIT the lower wages in India. That is why the US buys cheap goods from China, to EXPLOIT the cheap labour in china.

The maid also participated in the Visa fraud and is just as much guilty as the Indian diplomat and deserves NO SPECIAL TREATMENT. Instead by law, the maid too should have been prosecuted for visa fraud.
The US marshals have admitted to Strip search and cavity search. Both are constituted as RAPE under INDIAN LAW.

So it is already established that RAPE has occurred.

What you term as 'exploitation' is called 'market forces' in the real world. That is why the US companies outsource their software coding to India, to EXPLOIT the lower wages in India. That is why the US buys cheap goods from China, to EXPLOIT the cheap labour in china.

The maid also participated in the Visa fraud and is just as much guilty as the Indian diplomat and deserves NO SPECIAL TREATMENT. Instead by law, the maid too should have been prosecuted for visa fraud.

You are one ignorant dude, an indian I.T profession if he visits U.S gets the same basic pay as an U.S citizen.I am tired dude, lets leave it at that.
You are one ignorant dude, an indian I.T profession if he visits U.S gets the same basic pay as an U.S citizen.I am tired dude, lets leave it at that.

If you do not understand English Comprehension go back to school. Do not showcase your stupidity to the world.
@Zarvan @queerbait What about the nanny? Yesterday on TV one of our ex-Indian diplomat at US G. Parthasarathy clearly said that this is a common and widely accepted practice among ALL developing and under-developed countries. Developed country's diplomats hire locals in other countries as the salaries are less and highly affordable for them, while diplomats of ALL developing and under-developed countries when posted in developed countries hire people from their own country at lesser salaries as local hires are not affordable for them, actually their own salaries are lower than the minimum wages of developed countries. Note that what the nanny was getting (all expenses+insurance+travel fare paid+Indian Rs.30,000) is actually unbelievably good for any nanny or maid in India, that's in rupee terms is similar to the salaries of a mid-level officer!! And that's why we Indians won't call the nanny "A victim". G. Parthasarathy asked one of the panelist, an ex-US diplomat; "Will you do what you did in this case to all such cases from all developing and under-developed countries"? The US diplomat was silent.

Going forward all maid/nannys/other personal staffs will be hired by the consulate itself on contractual basis and their salaries will be deducted from the hiring staff's salary, US minimum wages law doesn't apply to consulate staffs. The decorum of maintaining diplomatic relations were breached here, and we will reciprocate in kind if this is not settled amicably.
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If you do not understand English Comprehension go back to school. Do not showcase your stupidity to the world.

Dude you again resorted to cheap insults rather than relplying. Ahhhh but thats expected of the foolish
Because that is what fools deserve.

You are arrogant, are not capable of a civil discussion be happy sir we are foolish in front of you , as you alone are a great pinnacle of wisdom, my last response to you sir.
@Zarvan @queerbait What about the nanny? Yesterday on TV one of our ex-Indian diplomat at US G. Parthasarathy clearly said that this is a common and widely accepted practice among ALL developing and under-developed countries. Developed country's diplomats hire locals in other countries as the salaries are less and highly affordable for them, while diplomats of ALL developing and under-developed countries when posted in developed countries hire people from their own country at lesser salaries as local hires are not affordable for them, actually their own salaries are lower than the minimum wages of developed countries. Note that what the nanny was getting (all expenses+insurance+travel fare paid+Indian Rs.30,000) is actually unbelievably good for any nanny or maid in India, that's in rupee terms is similar to the salaries of a mid-level officer!! And that's why we Indians won't call the nanny "A victim". G. Parthasarathy asked one of the panelist, an ex-US diplomat; "Will you do what you did in this case to all such cases from all developing and under-developed countries"? The US diplomat was silent.

Going forward all maid/nannys/other personal staffs will be hired by the consulate itself on contractual basis and their salaries will be deducted from the hiring staff's salary, US minimum wages law doesn't apply to consulate staffs. The decorum of maintaining diplomatic relations were breached here, and we will reciprocate in kind if this is not settled amicably.

@queerbait, Please read this and reply.
You are an Indian, do you think 30,000 INR is pittance? And that too with all her expenses borne by her employer?

How can you say that the US is not at fault? So would they be okay if we handcuffed and arrested their diplomats on any trivial matter? I don't think so. India just removed the barricades on the road around the embassy and the US Govt. was "concerned" about its diplomats.

Her father-in-law worked for a US diplomat in Delhi and yet the maid was ill informed?
I am not saying that high society Indians do not treat their staff with dignity. There are many who really think that because they are rich, they own everything around them. But that is not the case here. The maid was too smart , not only she blackmailed, got away scot-free and also got herself and her family moved to US to live happily.

That's one crucial point.
Boss @Zarvan

Let's get some things straight. At least you guys (Pakistanis and Chinese) don't dare stand on your high horses here. Not that Americans can either, but when you guys do, it makes me laugh.

Sangeeta at best is a kaam walli bai who can speak English. Period.

She was getting 30K a month + free trip to US + food and board and telephone. Which means she was basically saving everything she was earning.

How much does a full time kaam walli bai make in Pakistan bro?

Here it's around 3-5K depending on town or city or locality. That's less than 100 USD a month.

Give me a break with this mistreatment/slavery/trafficking CRAP. She is basically a greedy woman who saw (or was made to see) an opportunity, and she took it. Period.

Moral of the Story: Women are the root of all cluster-f***s on Earth.
Boss @Zarvan

Let's get some things straight. At least you guys (Pakistanis and Chinese) don't dare stand on your high horses here. Not that Americans can either, but when you guys do, it makes me laugh.

Sangeeta at best is a kaam walli bai who can speak English. Period.

She was getting 30K a month + free trip to US + food and board and telephone. Which means she was basically saving everything she was earning.

How much does a full time kaam walli bai make in Pakistan bro?

Here it's around 3-5K depending on town or city or locality. That's less than 100 USD a month.

Give me a break with this mistreatment/slavery/trafficking CRAP. She is basically a greedy woman who saw (or was made to see) an opportunity, and she took it. Period.

Moral of the Story: Women are the root of all cluster-f***s on Earth.

You know exactly why they dig up these stories. The same reason they spam rape stories about India.

As if nothing of the sort happens in pakistan
To be honest, stripping and cavity searching for labor charges doesn't make any sense at all..
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