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Story of 9 Para Commandos previous surgical strike in pakistan 1971 Operation 'Mandhol'

Dec 6, 2015
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CHANDIGARH: While hundreds of brave soldiers made the ultimate sacrifice during the 1971 India-Pakistan war, the operation 'Mandhol' carried out by 9 Para Commandos unit in Poonch sector of Jammu and Kashmir was the only classical commando raid executed by special forces in the war.

In this operation, the Para Commandos or special forces of the Indian Army had carried the first raid after their formation by entering enemy territory and eliminating their artillery guns.

Chandigarh-based Colonel (retd) K D Pathak was then a captain and second-in-command of the company of 120 men who had carried out the remarkable operation, which made Pakistan change its war doctrine. Operation 'Mandhol' is also part of the curriculum in the Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun, where cadets are trained as future officers of the Army.

Recalling the night of December 13 and 14, 1971, Col Pathak, 73, said his unit was posted at 'Nangi Tekri' post at the height of 4,665 feet in Poonch sector and was assigned the task of destroying Pakistan's artillery guns positioned near Mandole village, which was around 19km southwest of Poonch. Six 122mm Chinese guns of Pakistani battery were creating trouble for 93 and 120 infantry brigades of the Indian Army.

"We started around 5.30pm on December 13 with one company comprising six officers and around 120 men of 9 Para Commando unit led by Major C M Malhotra," Col Pathak recalled.

According to Col Pathak, it was a cold night and they had to cross waist-deep water of Poonch river to reach Mandole. On reaching the village, they found it completely deserted, but the raiding party locate the enemy guns with the help of an old man. After tracing the gun positions, the party was split into six groups with each attacking one gun. After a fierce battle with the enemy all guns were destroyed with the help of pencil-cell connected timer explosives. During the fight, many soldiers of Pakistan army were killed while several fled. The raiding party of Indians lost two of its men while 20 were wounded.

"It was also an uphill task to return to our territory with wounded soldiers and the body of a soldier. Cots, taken from villages, were improvised and turned into stretchers to carry the wounded soldiers. We reached our post at 6.30am," Pathak recounted.

He, however, has one grouse that their feat was recognized only when the delegations of the Pakistan Army, after ceasefire, narrated the heroic act carried out by the Indian troops at Mandhol. "The act of the raiding team did not fetch it many gallantry awards, but for the overall operations in the Poonch sector, the Para Commandos were awarded the 'Battle Honour' in the 1971 war. What can be more proud for the Para Commandos that the operation carried out by them is part of the curriculum of IMA," Pathak said.

The 'Mandhol' operation had so deep an impact on the Pak Army that it had to raise a second line of troops to secure their artillery guns thereby making a change in its war doctrine.
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One of my friend's father was a part of this mission.
Hearing about this from him was the most awesome experience I had.
One of my friend's father was a part of this mission.
Hearing about this from him was the most awesome experience I had.
You friends father belongs to Vanar Sena regiment since your defense minister declare it Hanuman force.:lol:
Bhai SSG ke photos ke liye also thread nahi hai kya?

First of all you should be ashamed of making fun of such stupid childish and vulgar comments about these people who train so hard and who are much more respectable than any of you pathetic people.
Shame on you.
Bhai SSG ke photos ke liye also thread nahi hai kya?

First of all you should be ashamed of making fun of such stupid childish and vulgar comments about these people who train so hard and who are much more respectable than any of you pathetic people.
Shame on you.
Ask your D.M why he declared them monkey aka Hanuman.
Ask your D.M why he declared them monkey aka Hanuman.
And now you show how insensitive you are towards other's religious beliefs.

Our D.M was practising what is a type of marketing
Many Indians are habitual of hearing such smilies and the D.M was using this to put forward his message in a better way to our population.

One more sir g Kal lol
This was during an active war and may be classified better as an assault than a surgical strike.
Bhai SSG ke photos ke liye also thread nahi hai kya?

First of all you should be ashamed of making fun of such stupid childish and vulgar comments about these people who train so hard and who are much more respectable than any of you pathetic people.
Shame on you.
Ignore them, They are only good in Photoshop cant do anything else.

Ask them do they believe a boy can convert into goat ?
If no then why making this drama (Eid) ?
If yes then why not put there son instead of Goat, after all god will convert him into goat. Why every year this drama ?

Regarding monkey, they are real ansesters of all humanKind accept those of donkeys.
This Ramayan Incident is 7500 years old that time they in real exists in Africa, europe, India Malaysia ....
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Ignore them, They are only good in Photoshop cant do anything else.

Ask them do they belive a boy can convert into goat ?
If no then why making this drama at Eid ?
If yes then why not put there son insterd of Goat, afterall god will convert him into goat. Why every year this drama ?
Bhai I don't think you should follow suit like that

Every religion may have certain customs that may baffle some people but they have no right to pollute something that people have been believing since ages.
After all it is one's religion that may give them hope to battle the darkest of times.
Bhai I don't think you should follow suit like that

Every religion may have certain customs that may baffle some people but they have no right to pollute something that people have been believing since ages.
After all it is one's religion that may give them hope to battle the darkest of times.
I cant even think to follow donkeys on PDF I am no way making fun. Putting a serious qus, they should think abt, blindly cutting a helpless animals for a story whom they them self not really believe . Otherwise Instead of that helpless animal they should put there most loving person as sacrifice towards God. This is Gods command.
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