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Story about the event in Chinese social network and Chinese casualities

But so far it seems like they got the better of the Indians.

BS, the COVID-19 coverup, speaks volumes about their tendency of a coverup/secrets, not admitting casualties officially doesnt mean there were none (their social media accounts have indeed leaked out casualties happened and there were atleast 5 deaths if not more), thats is why, we should not resort to speculations before there is an official release.

Forgive me frankly, the vast majority of Pakistanis don't understand to China. The reality is that everyone(Including Uighurs and Tibetans) is very free in China unless you break the law. The Chinese police are much kinder than the U.S. I live in Shanghai, a very large city of China. I have been to many countries in the last ten years, such as the U.S, Europe, India, Philippines and Japan. Each country has its own unique culture and positive aspects,The same is true in China. If you are interested in China, I think it is necessary to learn Chinese or travel to China. I will invite you to taste Chinese food.
The person you are quoting is Indian ... not Pakistani ...
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hard to believe this story

while on one hand 20 army personnel of india dead and not one single PLA personell even injured, the injured are only construction workers?

why is china hiding the story?

sources in china have already admtted there have been casualties of chinese soldiers.

You gotta understand we didn't kill 23 Indians, we killed 3, the rest fled and jumped into the river, died from cold. Lol

Frankly you sound quite b*tt hurt that no Chinese were killed, hard to believe you say? It was 50-80 Indians vs 200-300 Chinese, the Chinese were armed with clubs with barbed wire , what do you think would happen if one single guy went up against 4 or 5 club weilding people? What happened there was not a battle , it was a one sided massacre, like a horror movie but without the exaggerated effects.
Alot died from fleeing after getting clubbed. They died because no Indian search party dared to venture In to save them in the river, died from cold. So they died from Indian incompetence. We just killed 3.lol

It is possible, PLA are super human. They eat special diet.
Now I agree, CCP is better than bollywood script/drama.
Just simple tactics. We outsmarted you guys. So where are your captured Chinese. Even today our official stand is we didn't capture any Indians. That's to help Modi save face mate. He begged us, so to help him get a victory we don't even admit we captured anyone. Lololol
hard to believe this story

while on one hand 20 army personnel of india dead and not one single PLA personell even injured, the injured are only construction workers?

why is china hiding the story?

sources in china have already admtted there have been casualties of chinese soldiers.

It was nt hard for you to admit when india claimed surgical strikes in 2016 killing scores with no casualty in return. How convenient
LOL no one said that not a single soldier got injured, only that none of them were killed, they do have injuries, and the ones in critical condition are mainly construction workers.

You are incapable of reading, this is what the story says:-

There were injuries among the Chinese & he doesn't know how many of them were PLA, then he takes a guess and says most could be just workers.

@W.11 Reading your previous posts on this thread, you are clearly massively b*tt hurt that no Chinese were killed, even though you are a Pakistani (at least this is what your flags say), are you by any chance one of those very small number of Pakistanis whose views regarding Xinjiang differ 180° from the rest of Pakistanis? Are you one of those who whine & cry about "mah Uyghurs"?
Your assessment is correct
Stupid indians beating construction workers and then getting their brothers killed by running away from battle.

"Wey martay martay maray hain " :pleasantry:. Such evil face modi has. Spit on his face and india.
Maybe Indians can chain themselves together so half of them don't start running away, falling on their face and dying from fright.
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