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Stories of Bangladesh IGP Benazir Ahmed

In the US these petty third world thieves are called Kleptocrats.

Klepto=Thief, Crat=govt. functionary

Kleptocrats are well-known sources for laundered money stolen from third world govts.

Yes - all kleptocrat-owned property in US and Canada are subject to forfeiture by Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) legislation in these two countries. Separate AML laws also exist for UK and EU.

Here, I always admire Japanese laws whereby the papers of a Real Estate sales agreement are required to be sent to certain govt offices. If not sent, the Real Estate company may lose its license to operate.

When a house is sold on cash payment, certain laws are activated and officers from the Tax and anti-corruption Offices start investigating the purchase separately.

I am surprised America or Canada does not have the laws to investigate this kind of purchases. It is good to see new laws will be applied from now on retroactively, and thieves from BD will be properly dealt with.

I wonder, how the Mother of Mafia Hasina Bibi's dear son Joy Kumar will be affected in America by the new laws. Some stupid social media says his worth is only $300 million.

@Atlas can give him good advice to forfeit his properties there and come back to BD.
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Former MP Salauddin Ahmed returns to BD from India. You guys must know that he was picked up by the RAB and they threw him on the other side of the border in 2015. He was arrested by the Indian Police.

Now, he returns. I welcome him. This Terrorist Hasina Bibi must face trial. It is all because of her greed for illegally holding power that so many people were kidnapped by the RAB and Police.

@Atlas, do not please cry if I blame your favorite Mother of Mafia to kidnap Salahuddin and throw him on the other side of the border.

Am I right or wrong? By the way, RAB killed seven people in Narayanganj in probably 2015. Is not your mentor Mafia Bibi responsible?
@bluesky, your favorite person professor Taj Hashmi few days ago called BNP as B team of India! (I can post the video if you want)

What's your opinion on it? What if I say that Salahudding fled to India to push BAL as corner?

Well don't jump, I didn't say this ! I was just testing your mentality , I'm sure you just jumped by reason the bold part, later disappointed that trolling chance is missing ! 🤣
No one is firishta. Still armed forces is mostly corruption free organization. For some rotten egg in the basket , it's not wise to call everyone rotten!

Also you ( commoners )have to rely on someone. Armed forces is much better option than others IMHO!

And deep state isn't from 1975. It has been the main power since antiquity. For this region deep state started from 1947.

Bangladesh is just following ancestors. Trump even said in USA deep state is the main player!

Also if now people want this govt fall , who will belt the cat? Only and only deep state can belt the cat , not so called "Bir Bangali" who run way before hearing a sound of a single bullet!

Like it or not , Bengali was never a warrior nation, period!

Onky well trained Bangali military can do it for people if necessary!

Deep state exists in every nation since time immemorial in some form or another. It always existed, it always will just for the virtue of the fact that we are human beings.
I am not throwing the book at the military, but it is the primary driver of power. This is not going to change even when Hasina Admin is history.
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I am surprised America or Canada does not have the laws to investigate this kind of purchases. It is good to see new laws will be applied from now on retroactively, and thieves from BD will be properly dealt with.

This is not entirely true @bluesky bhai. America and Canada both have laws to investigate this kind of purchases. But cash purchases of houses and property are not illegal, in fact that is how a lot of Chinese millionaires buy US and Canadian property for investment purposes, it keeps the real estate market vibrant.

However yes, the elevated level of scrutiny to look at sources of funds from other countries (with document and paper trail) is not as stringent as it should be, notwithstanding the laws on the books (Anti Money Laundering laws or AML laws). But they are tightening the vise-grip by altering some of the laws.
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In the US these petty third world thieves are called Kleptocrats.

Klepto=Thief, Crat=govt. functionary

Kleptocrats are well-known sources for laundered money stolen from third world govts.

Yes - all kleptocrat-owned property in US and Canada are subject to forfeiture by Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) legislation in these two countries. Separate AML laws also exist for UK and EU.

If separate AML laws are really enacted in the UK it will make Rehana Bibi cry a lot. Will this make @Atlas also cry?
I am not throwing the book at the military, but it is the primary driver of power. This is not going to change even when Hasina Admin is history.

I understand it brother.

But you please make our superman ( @bluesky) understand it. Tell him not to rely on Photoshop captions of YouTube or other rumors that long haired mighty BCL gundas were guarding the entrance during the pilkhana massacre and our army was cowardly sucking something because of the fear of mighty BCL!

He always believe that his mighty BAL and BCL is the main driving force of the country.

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AML laws in the UK and EU are even tougher than the US, far tougher. Rehana's wealthy days are numbered.

However, I have read a newspaper account where Hasina Bibi was countering by saying that Rehana travels by buses every now and then in London. She was claiming that Rehana, and of course she herself, has little passion for money and wealth.

তারা দুজনেই ধোয়া তুলসীর পাতা। আরে মামা, তারা যাই বলুক না কেন, খুব শিগগিরই খবর হয়ে যাবে।

I hope the British govt applies its AML to off-guard the ill politics of this new royal family from Bangladesh. This killer and greedy family must be forced out of BD politics and as far as I understand it is going to happen because BAL has no other choice left than to organize the next election under a CTG form of govt.
However, I have read a newspaper account where Hasina Bibi was countering by saying that Rehana travels by buses every now and then in London. She was claiming that Rehana, and of course she herself, has little passion for money and wealth.

তারা দুজনেই ধোয়া তুলসীর পাতা। আরে মামা, তারা যাই বলুক না কেন, খুব শিগগিরই খবর হয়ে যাবে।

I hope the British govt applies its AML to off-guard the ill politics of this new royal family from Bangladesh. This killer and greedy family must be forced out of BD politics and as far as I understand it is going to happen because BAL has no other choice left than to organize the next election under a CTG form of govt.
কোন নির্দলীয় সরকার আসবে না জনাব নীল আকাশ (@bluesky)! যেটা হবে সেটা হল সর্বপদলীয় সরকার। লিখে রাখেন আমার কথা। বাংলাদেশের খবর গুলা পড়েন। তবে মেইনস্ট্রিম বা গুজব কোনটাই পড়বেন না।

নুরুল হক নুর, জেনারেল ইব্রাহিম, অলি আহমেদ, মাহমুদুর রহমান মান্না প্রমুখ যা আলোচনা করে সেদিকে নজর রাখুন।

আবার বলি লিখে রাখুন নির্দলীয় তত্বাবধাক সরকার আসবে না। যেটা আসার জোর সম্ভাবনা সেটা হল সর্বদলীয় জাতীয় ঐক্যমতের সরকার।

হাসিনার থাকা না থাকা এখানে ব্যাপার না। সে বৃদ্ধ হয়ে গেছে, মনে হয় আপনার চেয়েও তার বয়স বেশ খানিকটা বেশি!
6th December Pinaky Bhattacharya posted a status please read it carefully.

I can't provide any other evidence other than something like that because deep state information isn't available for right reason! But Pinaky isn't any hejipeji person.

"মুরাদ কি হাসিনার একিলিস হীল হতে যাচ্ছে? মুরাদের অডিও ক্লিপ শোনার পরে হাসিনার রিয়াকশন দেখে বুঝা যাবে।

আমি বলছিলাম, আওয়ামী লীগ হইতেছে "কাচা গু"। এক মুরাদ গুয়ের গন্ধে বিচলিত হইয়েন না। সব কয়টাই একই রকম। কম বা বেশী।

যারা এইটা লিক করছে, সেইটাই ডীপ স্টেইট।

ডীপ স্টেইট এক্টিভেটেড হইতেছে। বাংলাদেশ রাষ্ট্ররে ডীপ স্টেইট মরতে দেয়ার কথা না।
ধারণা হইতেছিলো ডীপ স্টেইটকেও হাসিনা ধ্বংস করে দিছে।

হাসিনা সেইটা পারে নাই। সামনের সপ্তাহে আরো কিছু দেখার আশা রাখি।

চিত্রনায়িকার জন্য আমার সমবেদনা থাকলো। ক্ষমতাবানদের হাতে এই ভয়াবহ এবিউজ তাদের সহ্য করতে হয় এটা ভাবতেই শিউরে উঠছি। কোনদিন আমার শত্রুকেও যেন এমন এবিউজের শিকার হইতে না হয়।

হাসিনার ক্ষমতার লোভ আর প্রতিহিংসা চরিতার্থ করার বাসনা, একটা মডেস্ট দেশকে কোন আস্তাকুঁড়ে এনে ফেললো তা ভাবতেই কষ্ট হচ্ছে।

মুক্তিযুদ্ধের ত্যাগ, বেদনা এসবই কি বৃথা যাবে?"

Please look at the bold part of the status of Pinaky Bhattacharya,@Species Bhai!

আমারও কেন ডিপ স্টেট তত্বে বিশ্বাস হয় জানেন? ঐ একই কারনেই। যেভাবে আওয়ামী লীগ ( আগের বার বিএনপি, যদিও এত প্রবল না, তবে তাদের ধ্বংসাত্মক আচরন দেশের বারোটা বাজানোর জন্য দায়ী ছিল) সব জায়গায় ঢুকে গেছে, এর পরেও যে ৫০ বছর ধরে দেশ টা বেঁচে আছে ( সব সরকারের দলীয় করন আর মাস্তান কালচার ছিল), সেটা ডিপ স্টেইটের জন্যেই!

আর এই জন্যেই আমি ডিপ স্টেটের সমর্থক , কোন স্পেসিফিক দলীয় সরকারের না, কারন আমিও মনে করি প্রকৃত পক্ষে ডিপ স্টেটই স্ট্যাবলিশমেন্টের প্রান। দরকার হলে এরাই রাজনৈতিক সরকারের হাত থেকে রাষ্ট্রকে বাঁচাতে পদক্ষেপ নেবে! আর ডিপ স্টেট মানে কোন ভাবেই পুরা সেনাবাহিনী বা এদের মাথাগুলি নয়, এটা ভিন্ন জিনিস!

এটা সিরাজুদ্দৌলার জামানা নয় যে মীর জাফরের কথায় সেনাবাহিনী মুভ না করে বসে থাকবে।

যদি সিরাজের জামানাতেও সেনাবাহিনীর হাতে সিরাজের বার্তা পৌঁছে দেয়া যেত, তারা বসে থাকত না। ধন্যবাদ!

Ps - এখানে সিরাজুদ্দৌলা = বাংলাদেশ! উদাহরণ হিসাবে সিরাজুদ্দৌলা কে টেনে বাংলাদেশ কে বুঝাইছি, হাসিনা কে না!

Pinaki's posts usually make sense but this is definitely not one of them.

Murad is a petty leader within AL ranks, nothing significant. And it doesn't take much to leak the recording of a drunk idiot, one of those actors must have leaked it.

I would have to be really really naïve to believe this conspiracy theory of deep state. Of course, regime changes happened in Bangladesh's history, but they could be easily explained by internal politics or external geopolitics, there is no mystery. Just like there is no mystery behind why Army didn't do anything despite losing 57 of its "experienced" and talented officers. Army used to enjoy autonomy earlier but now they don't.
It is Hasina Bibi who controls Army, Police, DGFI, and RAB. All are Her Master's Voice. They have to reflect her wishes in the activities of the organizations above.

No one can be independent of Hasina Bibi. All bad orders are given by her and the Forces' Chiefs follow them without question. And they are awarded money looted from many unnecessary projects undertaken with foreign borrowings.

This is how many of these guys bought big multi-million dollar houses in America and Canada. But the American govt has already declared (December 6, 2021) to check the sources of money of all those who bought by cash payment.

The West appears to be in a new ideological war and this time its democracy vs authoritarianism.


All those Cold War-era theories have now become relevant again. If Bangladesh falls to authoritarianism it will spread throughout South Asia (domino effect). Already Modi is seen adopting several of Hasina's tactics to suppress dissent.

In any case, US sanctions have come as a boon for Bangladesh. Hasina can only survive by working for the interests of foreign powers because that is the source of her power. A democratic system will bring a strong government to be able to navigate these super power rivalry and to work for Bangladesh's interests.
one of those actors must have leaked it.
Then why after two years? And just after the incident during durga puja. If you remember, Murad guy suddenly started over acting or 1972 constitution just when the time was not right ; when Bangladesh was under threat of massive communal riot?
. .
কোন নির্দলীয় সরকার আসবে না জনাব নীল আকাশ (@bluesky)! যেটা হবে সেটা হল সর্বপদলীয় সরকার। লিখে রাখেন আমার কথা। বাংলাদেশের খবর গুলা পড়েন। তবে মেইনস্ট্রিম বা গুজব কোনটাই পড়বেন না।

নুরুল হক নুর, জেনারেল ইব্রাহিম, অলি আহমেদ, মাহমুদুর রহমান মান্না প্রমুখ যা আলোচনা করে সেদিকে নজর রাখুন।

আবার বলি লিখে রাখুন নির্দলীয় তত্বাবধাক সরকার আসবে না। যেটা আসার জোর সম্ভাবনা সেটা হল সর্বদলীয় জাতীয় ঐক্যমতের সরকার।

হাসিনার থাকা না থাকা এখানে ব্যাপার না। সে বৃদ্ধ হয়ে গেছে, মনে হয় আপনার চেয়েও তার বয়স বেশ খানিকটা বেশি!

Eida ki koilen bhai? :lol:

Boyosh nia khota dewa thik na.

Boyosh hoiley uni amader sroddhar patro.

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