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Stone-throwing at Pandits’ colonies in Kashmir on Diwali

why do hindu pandits live in Kashmir? they should live in Dehli and leave Kashmir to Kashmiris. hindus have no place in Kashmir.
why do hindu pandits live in Kashmir? they should live in Dehli and leave Kashmir to Kashmiris. hindus have no place in Kashmir.

I really wish you were educated in a different country. As I've come to realise, Pakistan is no place for primary education.
These Pandits are used as Spy for Hindutva terrorist in Kashmir against Muslims.
^^^ ... and there it is!

... a most well thought out comment from a good-for-nothin', wamp-dwelling, religious nut job, low life bongolodeshi turd ! :lol:
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Pandit settlers should be provided with or allowed to possess non lethal weapons.
why do hindu pandits live in Kashmir? they should live in Dehli and leave Kashmir to Kashmiris. hindus have no place in Kashmir.
Hindus are the real owners of Kashmir whereas no all but some terrorist kashmiri muslims should have gone to pakistan with there ttp buddies otherwise the no. of unmarked will just keep increasing.lol
These Pandits are used as Spy for Hindutva terrorist in Kashmir against Muslims.

so It is okay if we say Muslims in India are spies and throw stones on their houses.get a mind okay.Its their land their native lands.They are living there for long before your country manufactured by India. They will live there and if required they will get the no Muslim allowed regions for them in Kashmir.
why do hindu pandits live in Kashmir? they should live in Dehli and leave Kashmir to Kashmiris. hindus have no place in Kashmir.

Because Hindu Pandits are native to kashmir. Just because muslims are in majority doesnot mean there cant be native minority.

These Pandits are used as Spy for Hindutva terrorist in Kashmir against Muslims.

We are even using Muslims as spies :D
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