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Stings, Scams and Science - Publishing fake research papers is a flourishing business in India-China

Since when did "SCImago Journal & Country Rank" portal became an Indian Source??? Don't make a fool out of yourself please.....SCImago Journal Rank (SJR indicator) is a measure of scientific influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from.
Don't try to weasel your way out weasel and move on. Just because i accidently highlighted your wrong post as it happens with these smart phones but doesn't take away from the fact that you been pawned too often with your posts. just accept the fact that you cannot face the fact that you are a sneaky liar capable to fool other Indians but no one else. Be gracious for once and move on fool.
Show me some major discovery from china according to their research papers, please show me in biology?
Don't think for one second this is a problem only in India and China. It is alive and well here in the US too. I have many contacts in research who are appalled at the faked data being used in papers just to get more federal grants.

That's why when somebody makes a big claim in a paper they have like 5 other teams redo the same study to verify it wasn't made up.

Such claims are not new, I remember some politician in EU's PhD was revoked after 5 yrs someone found it had fake data (yea after 5yrs)....

Some Japanese scientist also had a paper pushed into some high ranking journal and the paper was either accepted or published and then later thrown out for fake info....coz someone couldnt repeat the procedure or didnt get the same results...

So it does happen everywhere...in UK you can pay someone to do your thesis...so its nothing new...

Its a world that really revolves on $$

Such claims are not new, I remember some politician in EU's PhD was revoked after 5 yrs someone found it had fake data (yea after 5yrs)....

Some Japanese scientist also had a paper pushed into some high ranking journal and the paper was either accepted or published and then later thrown out for fake info....coz someone couldnt repeat the procedure or didnt get the same results...

So it does happen everywhere...in UK you can pay someone to do your thesis...so its nothing new...

Its a world that really revolves on $$
You do understand the review of a thesis takes atleast 6 months?
And not many get it in the first try.That is why there is a impact factor.
You do understand the review of a thesis takes atleast 6 months?
And not many get it in the first try.That is why there is a impact factor.
review of a thesis varies significantly from how busy your supervisors are and how busy your department is to take your viva. It varies from 2-6 mths or more if you end up with a lazy supervisor or if you mean sending it to a journal depends on how fast the editorial works and how fast peer review can happen and how fast you can do your corrections and send it back... You do know a thesis is not crumbled into a journal usually a single chapter is 1-2 rarely 3 article in a journal (usually sent to different journals).

Well, as for not many get it in the 1st try, that depends on who and how much 1 is trying...and how fast they work on corrections...

The impact factor (IF) of an academic journal is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to recent articles published in the journal. It is frequently used as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field, with journals with higher impact factors deemed to be more important than those with lower ones. The impact factor was devised by Eugene Garfield, the founder of the Institute for Scientific Information. Impact factors are calculated yearly starting from 1975 for those journals that are indexed in the Journal Citation Reports.

This has nothing to do with the 6 mths required to review a thesis....thesis and journal article are not the same things..
review of a thesis varies significantly from how busy your supervisors are and how busy your department is to take your viva. It varies from 2-6 mths or more if you end up with a lazy supervisor or if you mean sending it to a journal depends on how fast the editorial works and how fast peer review can happen and how fast you can do your corrections and send it back... You do know a thesis is not crumbled into a journal usually a single chapter is 1-2 rarely 3 article in a journal (usually sent to different journals).

Well, as for not many get it in the 1st try, that depends on who and how much 1 is trying...and how fast they work on corrections...

This has nothing to do with the 6 mths required to review a thesis....thesis and journal article are not the same things..
i talk about sending it to a journal and the time they send you suggestions to to improve your article.I said not many get it in first try, because that is what you need to expect generally speaking unless you are some Ronald ross, or koch etc.
i talk about sending it to a journal and the time they send you suggestions to to improve your article.I said not many get it in first try, because that is what you need to expect generally speaking unless you are some Ronald ross, or koch etc.
No one sends a thesis to the journal they send a piece or a summary of the whole 100 + pages...so when you said review thesis that was a little vague...

2ndly, it depends my article was published in less than 2 mths....maybe I had a better supervisor who gave good advice as to what should be put in and what shouldnt...However, yes it is true it takes forever....esp the peer review as well as the review from the editor....then the corrections and all...However this has nothing to do with the impact factor...
No one sends a thesis to the journal they send a piece or a summary of the whole 100 + pages...so when you said review thesis that was a little vague...

2ndly, it depends my article was published in less than 2 mths....maybe I had a better supervisor who gave good advice as to what should be put in and what shouldnt...However, yes it is true it takes forever....esp the peer review as well as the review from the editor....then the corrections and all...However this has nothing to do with the impact factor...
Good journals have higher impact factor and they don't publish crap articles.Im talking about New england journal and nature etc.
Every supervisor wants their student to publish in a good journal some professors have a requirement that you publish atleast in a good impact factor journal above 10 etc. So, for that it takes time sometimes.
Good journals have higher impact factor and they don't publish crap articles.Im talking about New england journal and nature etc.
Every supervisor wants their student to publish in a good journal some professors have a requirement that you publish atleast in a good impact factor journal above 10 etc. So, for that it takes time sometimes.
What did I say? :undecided:
What did I say? :undecided:
Well never mind., you said it takes 2 months, i say it can take 2 months or maybe more than that, it depends on the journal you publish in and it is normal to expect atleast 6 months, if it happens earlier much better.
I can publish a article too in a month depends on what journal im sending it to, some publish anything, so things happen fast.While others take long as they crosscheck to see if its genuine or not.
This is why India never progress, their entire country is totally corrupt.

India makes our corruption look mild in comparison.

India will be where they are today in 2030.

I think the best thing for India is to go under British rule for a few decades until Britain develops India a bit more.
Don't try to weasel your way out weasel and move on. Just because i accidently highlighted your wrong post as it happens with these smart phones but doesn't take away from the fact that you been pawned too often with your posts. just accept the fact that you cannot face the fact that you are a sneaky liar capable to fool other Indians but no one else. Be gracious for once and move on fool.

Spare me genius - seems like all the accidents, misinterpretations, lack of comprehensiveness is happening in this thread only - Damn was that my problem when two morons rant all around and at last to conclude "Its not my fault - its all yours"???
Well not china cheating but definently India cheats on medical papers which is why 50% of surgeries in India end up with the person dead or their kidney being stolen

Cheap medical treatment in India is a big scam...beside the problem of professionalism..there is serious lack of hygine..i have a relative dead due to botched heart surgery..and another relative dead due to complications after liver transplant..as per medical report in Pakistan...the procedure was not done with adequate hygiene..

This is why India never progress, their entire country is totally corrupt.

India makes our corruption look mild in comparison.

India will be where they are today in 2030.

I think the best thing for India is to go under British rule for a few decades until Britain develops India a bit more.

If they do not stop reproducing...they will be worst off in 2030..
Chinese are often seem to be allergic towards Indian media reports when something doesn't please them well - Its primarily focused on India and maybe that's the reason it is being posted in this section - never-mind here is what "The Economist" has to say about your queries in the same concern -

Source:- Scientific research: Looks good on paper | The Economist

Meanwhile in Canada -

Source:- China’s academic ‘black market’ fooled Canadian journal, report says

And many others on the go -
China’s Research Problem
Academic fraud in China is getting out of hand
Fake research paper accepted into hundreds of online journals - Salon.com
Faking of scientific papers on an industrial scale in China
Big trouble in little China: Two looks at what warps scientific publishing there | Retraction Watch

- You will find hundreds of these reports online - the only condition being - don't call it a western propaganda against China please!!!! And frankly speaking India is much better off in this concern - that's not done on an Industrial scale here....

I guess you should rather grow up a brain first - His name is well mentioned both in the original article as well in this thread - High IQ right????
India is the only country in the world obsessed with china. When the Chinese began to focus on India. The Indian asked, "why do Chinese care about me?"

When 3 years of economic development in India, Indians confidently declared themselves a superpower...
I don't expect any indians.

India is now ranked No. 7 in the world with the number of research papers published? Well done India.

... but it's a fraud. What a shame.
I almost missed the last word...

I even started trying Google...
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