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Steve Razzetti - Photographer came to GB


Mar 21, 2007
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Steve Razzetti - Photographer

"If there is a deeper and more lasting message behind our venture than the mere passing sensation of a physical feat, I believe this to be the value of comradeship and the many virtues which combine to create it. Comradeship, regardless of race or creed, is forged among high mountains, through the difficulties and dangers to which they expose those who aspire to climb them, the need to combine the efforts to attain their goal, the thrills of a great adventure shared together." - Sir John Hunt

Balti porter on the Biafo Glacier in the Central Karakoram, Pakistan. July 1996.

Nikon FM2, 28mm, Fuji Velvia


Random Pakistan memory for the day. Above Baintha on the Biafo on our way to the Hispar Pass in 1989. Almost 30 years ago. How is that possible?!

Bronica ETRS, 50mm, Kodachrome


Steve Razzetti - Photographer
October 15, 2018·

Today I am paraphrasing a post I just saw by Saad Munawar on The Karakoram Club's Instagram feed with this picture I took in July 1989 on the Hispar Pass in Pakistan. It is a Bronica ETRS photo, taken with Kodachrome slide film.

"I saw you crossing crevasses in Rs 100 rubber slippers while I was hesitant doing the same in mountaineering boots. I saw you traversing glaciers with 30kg loads tied to your back with string while I carried half that in a state-of-the art backpack.

You brought me tea in bed before dawn, offered me steaming tea and noodles at lunch in the middle of glaciers, brought me dinner in the evening and then washed the dishes while I took my cameras out to photograph the stars.

You were awake working before me, awake working when I went to sleep. While I dreamed in a down sleeping bag in a warm tent, you slept wrapped in your blanket under a tarp in the rocks.

Under the stars, round fires of juniper, we sang and danced together as friends.

And when I came back to my comfortable, safe house here in England, you stayed in those incredible, hostile mountains. Working the land. Building the bridges. Fixing the trails.

And yet I am the hero. The crazy, tough mountain guy. You look for real life heroes - I give you the porters, cooks and guides of Gilgit-Baltistan! ZINDABAD!!"

The Alpine Club National Geographic

Steve Razzetti - Photographer

Hindu Kush, Pakistan. Coming down from Karambar An in July 1992 we met this shepherd from Ishkoman crossing the Chatterbox glacier. His incredulous expression shows how rare it was for foreign trekkers to venture into these parts. This was my second attempt to get to and over the Chillinji An, and, like the first, was aborted due to inclement weather. I finally made it over in 1994, and subsequently crossed on three other occasions. Due to its proximity to Afghanistan, the whole area is now even more difficult to access. Our permits were only forthcoming due to the efforts of Maqsood ul-Mulk and Hindu Kush Trails. Those were the days!

Bronica ETRS, &5mm, Fuji Velvia



Shahi Masjid, Chitral. This beautiful mosque was started in 1910 and completed in 1922 by Shuja ul-Mulk, the mehtar or ruler of Chitral and grandfather of my good friend Siraj ul-Mulk. In the clouds beyond is Tirich Mir, 7708m, the highest mountain in the Hindu Kush. August 1994.


Crossing the scree slopes high above the Gondokoro glacier on the climb to the Gondokoro La in the Karakoram. This pass links the Hushe valley with the Vigne glacier and Concordia / K2. Layla Peak in the background. June 1989.

Bronica ETRS, 50mm, Fuji Velvia


Nanga Parbat, 8126m. On countless occasions during my times working in Pakistan we travelled the legendary Karakoram Highway between Khunjerab and Rawalpindi. Often we would travel from Gilgit, rising at 4am to make the 14-20hr journey in a single shlep. This view of Nanga Parbat, from just outside the village of Juglone, was the last really epic view of the mountains we would get en-route before the road plunges into the furnace heat of the Indus valley to Chilas and Besham. Often we would stop for breakfast in Janglote. I can still feel the delicious cool of the mountain air and smell the rotis cooking.

Bronica ETRS, 150mm, Fuji Velvia


Karakoram! July 1988. Approaching the Hispar La from the Sim Gang / Biafo, with Baintha Brakk (The Ogre) etc beyond. Perfect conditions!

Canon A1, 28mm, Kodachrome
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