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steel cutting ceremony of Fleet Tanker Manufacture for Pakistan Navy

Imran Khan

Oct 18, 2007
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ISLAMABAD: The Pakistani government is considering setting up a new shipyard at Gwadar port for an expansion in business activities as well as employments, revealed by Minister for Defence Production Rana Tanveer Hussain.He was speaking at the steel cutting ceremony of Fleet Tanker Manufacture for Pakistan Navy at Karachi. The fleet tanker is being manufactured with the cooperation of Turkey.The Minister said ship building industry is playing an important role in generating employment opportunities and the government intends to make this industry more viable in the region.He said Karachi Ship Yard earned over 400 million rupees through tax revenue during the last financial year.Rana Tanveer Hussain said there are vast opportunities for expanding bilateral cooperation in various fields between Pakistan and Turkey. He stressed the need for utilizing these opportunities for the benefit of both peoples.

Pakistan govt plans new shipyard at Gwadar port | The News Tribe


The Details Of Pakistan Fleet Tanker Project

The details of the deal signed between Ministry of Defence Production, Pakistan and STM of Turkey about the construction of a tanker for Pakistani Navy.

The tanker will be 155m long with a 15.600 tons of displacement. The double hulled tanker will be able to make 20 knots and supply three ships simultaneously while the helicopter she carries performs vertical replenishment.

The value of the contract is around 80 million US Dollars. The estimated time for the first steel cut is in summer 2013. The construction of the tanker will take 48 months.

STM as the main contractor will be responsible from the whole project while the construction will be done in Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works Ltd in Pakistan.
It would be great news for both the navy and Pakistan. This should go ahead, full speed!
World Bulletin / News Desk

Turkish Undersecretary for Defense Murad Bayar has reiterated his country's readiness to enhance cooperation with Pakistan in all fields of military production.

"Within the last decade, Turkey has reduced dependence on foreign countries regarding defense production. Pakistan has done the same," Bayar said at a Wednesday steel-cutting ceremony for a 17,000-ton fleet tanker being built by Turkish company STM Turkey.

"Therefore, it's high time for both countries to mutually enhance cooperation in the defense production sector," he added.

The fleet tanker will be built in a Karachi shipyard by Engineering Works, a state-owned Pakistani defense manufacturing firm, with technical and engineering assistance from the Turkish company.

The ship will provide logistical support to Pakistan's navy through the transfer of liquid and dry cargo.

Bayar asserted that both heavyweight countries had the potential to bolster mutual cooperation in the defense production field.

"We are linked by common history, religion and geography," he noted. "Both countries are actively working to promote peace and stability in their respective regions."

Bayar went on to say that the Turkish and Pakistani navies could both benefit from each other's experiences.The two countries, he noted, were already working together on the development of military communications systems for Pakistan's armed forces, the modification of fighter jets, electronic warfare, and the construction of high-speed patrol boats for Pakistan's navy.
Turkey seeks military production deal with Pakistan | Diplomacy | World Bulletin
Construction will take 48 months now thats a long time !!! plus 80 million price tag is also steep!! what the heck is going on !!
nice and congratulation for pak and navy :)
why cant our shipyards make big frigates or destroyers ;( ?
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