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Steel cutting ceremony of 2nd Milgem Corvette held at KS&EW - June 2020

Well Delivery Time is something which stands out , in otherwise wonderful deal

However , if you consider this

  • F22P was manufactured in Pakistan within 1-2 years
  • Azmat Class Missile ships which are fairly large ships were also done around 1.5 years per ship for first 3 ships
  • OPV done in Romanian Ship yards were done at brisk pace of 1 year or so , western tech

Yes I think so, lets look at the timeline and the best part is we have two shipyards working so the delivery will be fast

1st Jinnah Class at Istanbul shipyard
steel cut 30th Sep 2019
keel was laid 4th of June 2020
launch 2024

2nd Jinnah Class at KSEW
steel cut 9th June 2020
and keel laying I would expect Q1 2021
launch 2024

3rd Jinnah Class at Istanbul
steel cut Q1 2021
keel laying Q4 2021
launch 2025

4th Jinnah Class at KSEW
steel cut Q2-3 2021
keel laying Q1 2022
launch 2025

all 4 units in the water by 2025 by which time the 4 x Type 054A/P will be ready too

basically 8 x FFG in next few years all brand new all VLS
What's completion time of this whole project? when will Karachi shipyard start its production?
An interesting journey to follow. Has there been a decision yet on which combat management system PN chose for its Ada-class corvettes?
One thing we really need quite urgently now is the new helicopters. If China and Turkey have cut steel on the new ships and the Dutch ships are almost ready then in 1-2 years we are close approaching a stuation where (like Indian Navy) we will be sending out ships with no helicopters.

Sea King too big and becoming old, also needed to operate from fleet Tanker
Aloutte - Obsolete and retiring
Z-9 - Only have 6 and these are needed for the 4 F-22s, also unsure if compatible with NATO/Turkish systems.

This leaves all the MILGEM/Type054/Yarmook without choppers. It takes at least 2 years to make new helicopters and then we need to train and develop tactics. Situation becoming very urgent and it is very strange PN has not made a purchase yet, or maybe it has and we do not know?
Relax,no need to worry about choppers,by 2024 you will have them.
You have many options.

An interesting journey to follow. Has there been a decision yet on which combat management system PN chose for its Ada-class corvettes?
Can we call them ADA class when they differ so much from the Original?
Relax,no need to worry about choppers,by 2024 you will have them.
You have many options.

Can we call them ADA class when they differ so much from the Original?

I have sentimental reasons. It is called Ada-class because of a reason, home. Founded in 1773 as the Imperial School of Naval Engineering to train the officers of the Ottoman Navy and its shipyards. You know the rest of the story :). The class is named as so and in memory of Bahriye Mektebi, first ship is named TCG Heybeliada (F-511), the name of the island our beloved home is located.

images (3).jpeg
It depends on what's available in 2023-2025. So, HQ-9 or Aster-30.
Aster should be available if finances allow..
Lets hope the "mismanagement" ends in tve economy ..
As what ever mess we are in is artifically created due to election rigging phenomenon ..massive spending in yr 4-5 and artificial low inflation that leads to this problem
Yes I think so, lets look at the timeline and the best part is we have two shipyards working so the delivery will be fast

1st Jinnah Class at Istanbul shipyard
steel cut 30th Sep 2019
keel was laid 4th of June 2020
launch 2024

2nd Jinnah Class at KSEW
steel cut 9th June 2020
and keel laying I would expect Q1 2021
launch 2024

3rd Jinnah Class at Istanbul
steel cut Q1 2021
keel laying Q4 2021
launch 2025

4th Jinnah Class at KSEW
steel cut Q2-3 2021
keel laying Q1 2022
launch 2025

all 4 units in the water by 2025 by which time the 4 x Type 054A/P will be ready too

basically 8 x FFG in next few years all brand new all VLS
How about the time from launch to be commissioned?

For Type 054A FFG, China needs about 13 months.
054A take 3 months to complete. But the test takes 10 months.

Wenchong Shipyard set a record. The 3 type 818 (the Coast Guard version of 054a) was built within 1 month.
An interesting journey to follow. Has there been a decision yet on which combat management system PN chose for its Ada-class corvettes?
Havelsan ADVENT.

Most of the subsystems are the same as the Ada-class: same radar, CMS, ELINT/ESM, etc. Really, the bulk of the changes are in the VLS mod and the weapon systems.
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