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Status quo in Ladakh, no success so far, it’s not a positive development, says Rajnath Singh

Ap ko bhi mushabihat nazar a rahi hai?
Ya mujhe nazar ka dhoka hua hai?
Bhai sub Insaan Allah nae banaen haen, Lekin in ko Allah nae khas NAHOSAT di ha. :D
Time will tell the long-time outcomes of Modi govt's policies in seeking conflicts with India's neighbors: China, Pakistan, Nepal.
Modi's policies are a blessing in disguise for his foes, he will surely bring the downfall of his country.
Modi is covering the blatant incompetence of his govt in handling the pandemic, created scenes in the border with China to divert the attention of the Indian population from his govt. He may have sold out India's Non-aligned status to kiss Trump's @$$ by jump in the Quad gang and creating stories against China... some costly adventure in the long run, earning just small gains in that process.

Strategically I think Modi did plan the border scenes to also cover his J&K takeover, then the ugly handling of pandemic in domestic India made the diversion necessities were even more compelling!

Time will tell the long-time outcomes of Modi govt's policies in seeking conflicts with India's neighbors: China, Pakistan, Nepal.
The Indian Army on the two front are hostage of PA and PLA now.

India joined the GUAD for some $$, as well as western media covering up curfew in IOK. Modi & BJP wish PLA will sit still and just watch the alignment of US and India. Not possible.

China actually made it very clear we have enough diplomacy leverage in the toolbox. CPEC will play a big role to strengthen Pakistan, while PLA on the border will make sure India can only bad mouth but can NOT do $hit.

Pakistan will win a time window to focus on economy, good for Pakistan.
China will NEVER let India escape so easily.

My understanding is, the China will only let go its foot off Indian neck when it will get assurances from Indian establishment that they will play along BRI/CPEC and will not try to sabotage it.
My understanding is, the China will only let go its foot off Indian neck when it will get assurances from Indian establishment that they will play along BRI/CPEC and will not try to sabotage it.
You are confusing India with Pakistan. China has firmly established itself as a criminal in a average Indian's mind. India will never accept BRI or cpec , as it passes through Indian territory.
The Indian Army on the two front are hostage of PA and PLA now.

India joined the GUAD for some $$, as well as western media covering up curfew in IOK. Modi & BJP wish PLA will sit still and just watch the alignment of US and India. Not possible.

China actually made it very clear we have enough diplomacy leverage in the toolbox. CPEC will play a big role to strengthen Pakistan, while PLA on the border will make sure India can only bad mouth but can NOT do $hit.

Pakistan will win a time window to focus on economy, good for Pakistan.
I read an article by some smart guy explaining Modi's policy of joining the QUAD and the border scenes with China, on how Modi is aspiring to get some economic gains from Trump's trade war against China... thinking on how India can be the next manufacturing hub hosting those manufacturers exiting China. This may turn out as Modi's pipe dreaming. Time will tell. Just keep on watching for next couple of years!

Unfortunately I did not keep the info on that article, just lost it totally in the forest of info :p:
China has badly blundered. Xi probably wanted to divert attention from the Chinese virus and initiated all these incursions. But he just helped India make up its mind. Knee hao.
Chinese do everything after proper planning and strategy . They are famous for this .
You are confusing India with Pakistan.

LOL.. What are you on about?

China has firmly established itself as a criminal in a average Indian's mind.

Doesnt matter because the average Indian has no value. China is dealing with Indian powers to be and will push them into submission sooner then later. India cannot afford a super power breathing down its neck, which also happen to be its neighbour. Its not like American sitting oceans apart.

India will never accept BRI or cpec , as it passes through Indian territory.

Its just a rhetoric which has no substance or any takers. Pakistan and China are already building CPEC at lightening pace. This Chinese operation in Laddakh only happened when India in its stupidity tried to harm CPEC through the use of terrorism in Pakistan. Signals are very clear to India, either behave or face the music.
China has badly blundered. Xi probably wanted to divert attention from the Chinese virus and initiated all these incursions. But he just helped India make up its mind. Knee hao.
The SARS-CoV-2 is NOT a Chinese or China's virus!!!

The virus came to China via 7th CISM Military World Games, OCT 18–27, 2019 in Wuhan, with nearly 10K athletes from over 100 countries competing in 27 sports. US brought 172 (total of 369-member strong contingent) military athletes to Wuhan for that event.

I read an article by some smart guy explaining Modi's policy of joining the QUAD and the border scenes with China, on how Modi is aspiring to get some economic gains from Trump's trade war against China... thinking on how India can be the next manufacturing hub hosting those manufacturers exiting China. This may turn out as Modi's pipe dreaming. Time will tell. Just keep on watching for next couple of years!

Unfortunately I did not keep the info on that article, just lost it totally in the forest of info :p:
something like this below

I read those article too. The west is good at fabricating false info, to lure those elected leaders, those leaders has no technical or economy background.
I can remember 2 of those fabrications.
  • String of pearls
  • India demographic dividend

Modi has no tech background at all. He asked his pilot to attack Pakistan using cloud as shield. I can see how absurd and stupid he is.
Modi good at public speech, advocate nationalism, boast, just like Trump.

Those elected leaders are much more easily to be used as cannon fodder. Many countries fall into the western propaganda trap.

It's fine. India is not our friend anyway. China better exhaust India for next 2 decades, and let their so called demographic dividends become burdens.

Only skilled, disciplined, educated youth can be called demographic dividend. Illiteracy can only be called physical labor.
WRONG!!!!..........China has in FACT conquered 38,000 Square kms of Sovereign indian territory:

bharat mata ko noch liya ?
something like this below

I read those article too. The west is good at fabricating false info, to lure those elected leaders, those leaders has no technical or economy background.
I can remember 2 of those fabrications.
  • String of pearls
  • India demographic dividend

Modi has no tech background at all. He asked his pilot to attack Pakistan using cloud as shield. I can see how absurd and stupid he is.
Modi good at public speech, advocate nationalism, boast, just like Trump.

Those elected leaders are much more easily to be used as cannon fodder. Many countries fall into the western propaganda trap.

It's fine. India is not our friend anyway. China better exhaust India for next 2 decades, and let their so called demographic dividends become burdens.

Only skilled, disciplined, educated youth can be called demographic dividend. Illiteracy can only be called physical labor.
Nope, the one I read not belong to the western MSM, it's a South Asian media but I simply forget it.

Btw this kind of thing, the policies a nation may choose, the direction it goes.... whom to make friend, whom to confront... the impact may not be obvious in short period, but over years then we may identify its outcomes.... but by then, it may be too late, too costly, too much efforts are needed to correct the navigation of the mother ship, let alone one with nearly 1.4B head counts (the gap between the two largest is less than 60 millions -- the only two civilizations ever reach 1B mark in mankind history). Let's watch over years to come whether Modi will bring betterness or bitterness to IND... but he may not be around for that long.
India is very desperate as even Russia has thrown them into the dust bin to join forces with China. India will remain 3rd world sub saharan hell hole dreaming of the modern cities and wealth china has.
India is utterly powerless and helpless against China. That realisation hit the Indian ego hard.

Biggest winner of 2020: China
Biggest loser of 2020: India

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