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Statue of Qaid e Azam demolished by BLA I(BRA).In High security zone

Village life

Oct 8, 2016
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According to the news the Statue of Qaid is destroyed by explosives installed by BLA and they have taken the responsibility of this act. More concerning and depressing news is this that it all happened in a red zone area of Gawadar which is claimed to be highly secured.
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Quaid-e-Azam is the greatest Muslim leader of the past four, five centuries but putting statues to honour someone is not Muslim civilization. There will always be someone who will do something because of some kind of hate or ignorant differences.
I dont think that destroying a statue shall constitute more than damage to public public property under law.
opposing the statues is last in the list as far as I am concerned.
since Islam is dragged into argument I would start with stopping the sale of donkey and dog meat by the butchers. raping of boys in Madrassahs by Muftis and Clerics. harassing of women who step out of home to study, shop or work, hoarding during Ramzan and finally lying and cheating.
once that is done I will join the movement to remove unislamic statues and pictures because the list of items I have given affects our society and our faith more severely than statues.
Chinese will be more concerned for their security , because if this can happen to Qaids statue any thing can happen to them even in red zone،
opposing the statues is last in the list as far as I am concerned.
Here - Here.

I second the thought to everything you have pointed out.

It seems we've always been a society where we choose when to bring Islam into the conversation.

I could put up a list about the Islamic way of life & we'd surpass KSA/Afghanistan put together.
I would like to know why my post was deleted and who was the genius who did it? and what sort of excuse do they have for doing that?

And for idiots making up idiotic lists I would suggest they take a look at the thread title.

Now Can I have my post restored please? Since there was obviously nothing wrong in it.
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Spineless Bajwa inaction and incompetence
Perhaps we should rebuild the statue and build another monument by its side to commemorate the dead statue.

Building of these statues is a bigger offense to the great personalities than the act of destroying them.

I do agree that those in power are spineless and incompetent.
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Total failure in balochistan. Leadership and agencies busy in afghanistan issue while own house is on fire. This is same bla that tried to enter inside Karachi stock exchange. They can carry out attacks anywhere and that is depressing.
Muslim league will have to rehabilitate this like they did with Jinnah residency in Ziarat.
Too many Mir Jaffers in Pakistan, willing to sell themselves for foreign $$$.
Makran region should have been given pseudo provincial status since it was never part of Balochistan. Same goes for Bela and other districts in Balochistan.
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