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State TV says Russia could turn US to 'radioactive ash'

At the beginning i just wanted revenge and destruction, but Facing the new order means only destroying yourself. They will live hapily in their shelters and drink wine while the nuclear inferno would destroy everything.

Putin must go. Medwedew must take over. Thats the only solution.

You sheeples dont know the power of the elite. they can control you like drones from thousands of miles away. They can alter your dna with torsionic weapons.

At the beginning i just wanted revenge and destruction, but Facing the new order means only destroying yourself. They will live hapily in their shelters and drink wine while the nuclear inferno would destroy everything.

Putin must go. Medwedew must take over. Thats the only solution.

You sheeples dont know the power of the elite. they can control you like drones from thousands of miles away. They can alter your dna with torsionic weapons.

Questions for you:
1. How do you know Putin is not part of the nwo?

2. There is an easy way to destroy this nwo but most peple are afraid to do so----Everyone in the developed world don't go to work for one day at the same time.
Questions for you:
1. How do you know Putin is not part of the nwo?

2. There is an easy way to destroy this nwo but most peple are afraid to do so----Everyone in the developed world don't go to work for one day at the same time.

Nope they dont control Putin. They cant control people with a strong mind.

The Elite mastered ancient knowledge.

Watch this video and you will increase your knowledge too.
and there would be absolutely no massive US nuclear response in return. The US would just sit there with its nuclear triad and well... do absolutely nothing!! :lol: I repeat, the US would do absolutely nothing in response to a nuclear attack!!

You bring up a very disturbing and interesting point. The entire purpose of having a MAD policy is to prevent a nuclear war in he first place. If the enemy launches an all out attack against you then the only purpose a retaliation would serve would be to satisfy any emotional qualms regarding the situation at hand, it does not serve to further defend your country. Hence, it is not a technical necessity to launch nuclear weapons back towards the aggressor. During Chinese nuclear drills back in the days, much of the troops would refuse to mate the warheads with their ICBM since they no longer viewed nuclear attack as necessary.

No, China can not yet. China does not have enough missiles to guarantee breakthrough U.S. missile defense.
Actually, China has just under half of the US firepower. Moreover, China's current missiles have been upgraded with MaRV, HGV, and MIRV.
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You need about 3000 thousand warheads to put USA/Russia out of action ( including duds, intercepts, malfunctions, etc), from what I've seen speculated

China now has around 300, give or take. It does not need more as it's arsenal is intended to counter India, rather than SUA/Russia (China was a nuclear power back in the '70s and almost got nuked by the Soviets, who couldn't care less about their nuclear response). Same holds true now.
This is also the reason that they have a no first use policy - ie , don't start a war that you can't win.

If the decision is made to massively increase the Chinese arsenal (which it won't because there is no gain in it, on the contrary) , things would look like this : China gets 1000 nukes (just a figure) > Japan gets nukes, > S Korea starts nuclear program > Indonesia starts... and the ball starts rolling. At that point, besides the obvious danger of things going south, and fast, China loses it's conventional military edge (with everyone having nukes it doesn't matter that much anymore as things are bound to get nuclear in any conflict with it's neighbours). Lose-Lose situation.

The rest about some uber-secret Chinese nuclear weapons, subs, dragons or whatever is ga-ga and wet dreams

@SinoSoldier my understanding is that MAD is a side effect of nuclear proliferation, and not a purpose in itself, and that both NATO and the former USSR trained to fight and win a nuclear war.
In that context, everyone will push the button if the time comes, and try to win it out (not that you would need that pretext after your family got incinerated)
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