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Star Wars film sets records in China

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States
Nocookies | The Australian

Global blockbuster movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens broke records in China with an estimated $US33 million ($A47 million) in ticket sales on its first day in the world's second-largest film market, Walt Disney Co says.

The figure represents the Disney film studio's biggest opening day ever in China and the highest Saturday opening day in the country in industry history, the company said on Saturday.

Force Awakens, the seventh installment in the science fiction franchise created by George Lucas, is the top-grossing movie of all time in the biggest movie market - the United States and Canada - and has set records around the world.

Global sales through to Thursday reached $US1.6 billion, Disney said. Updated results will be released on Sunday.

China will help decide if Force Awakens tops Avatar as the highest-grossing film in Hollywood history. Avatar took in $US2.8 billion after its December 2009 debut.

The Star Wars film saga that began in 1977 had not been a cultural phenomenon in China like it was in other countries.

The original movies weren't shown in Chinese theatres until last June.

Disney launched a marketing blitz to build buzz, featuring 500 Stormtroopers on the Great Wall and promotions with a pop star dubbed China's answer to Justin Bieber.
Nocookies | The Australian

Global blockbuster movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens broke records in China with an estimated $US33 million ($A47 million) in ticket sales on its first day in the world's second-largest film market, Walt Disney Co says.

The figure represents the Disney film studio's biggest opening day ever in China and the highest Saturday opening day in the country in industry history, the company said on Saturday.

Force Awakens, the seventh installment in the science fiction franchise created by George Lucas, is the top-grossing movie of all time in the biggest movie market - the United States and Canada - and has set records around the world.

Global sales through to Thursday reached $US1.6 billion, Disney said. Updated results will be released on Sunday.

China will help decide if Force Awakens tops Avatar as the highest-grossing film in Hollywood history. Avatar took in $US2.8 billion after its December 2009 debut.

The Star Wars film saga that began in 1977 had not been a cultural phenomenon in China like it was in other countries.

The original movies weren't shown in Chinese theatres until last June.

Disney launched a marketing blitz to build buzz, featuring 500 Stormtroopers on the Great Wall and promotions with a pop star dubbed China's answer to Justin Bieber.

Now Hollywood needs to take China market into consideration when they write the screen plays. Not too long ago, Chinese were still portrayed as bad guys in those "good vs evil" brainwashing Hollywood pieces, and starting from "Red Dawn", the trend has been reversed. In last years "The Martian", those evil commie even came up with a solution and saved NASA's Mars Mission. Nobody hates money, no even those always politically correct in Hollywood. :D
Now Hollywood needs to take China market into consideration when they write the screen plays. Not too long ago, Chinese were still portrayed as bad guys in those "good vs evil" brainwashing Hollywood pieces, and starting from "Red Dawn", the trend has been reversed. In last years "The Martian", those evil commie even came up with a solution and saved NASA's Mars Mission. Nobody hates money, no even those always politically correct in Hollywood. :D

Red Dawn (1984) was Russians. Not even sure why they picked North Koreans nevermind Chinese in the 2012 remake.
What a joke, they remake the original with cosmetic changes and it gets a Billion Dollars, people are just stupid.

whoever made the original Star Wars was a Genius (im not talking about George Lucas, i dont think he was the real brains as the sequels showed his lack of imagination)
What a joke, they remake the original with cosmetic changes and it gets a Billion Dollars, people are just stupid.

Brand name and reputation count too. Some novels published under the Tom Clancy were way below par but they made money because they had the name Tom Clancy on them.
Probably because there were no major characters of Chinese heritage in the movie.


Well they did have some issues with the poster and changes were made.
Brand name and reputation count too. Some novels published under the Tom Clancy were way below par but they made money because they had the name Tom Clancy on them.

agreed, just business ventures with fans being the suckers who foot the bill. I hate J J ABRAMS.
Now Hollywood needs to take China market into consideration when they write the screen plays. Not too long ago, Chinese were still portrayed as bad guys in those "good vs evil" brainwashing Hollywood pieces, and starting from "Red Dawn", the trend has been reversed. In last years "The Martian", those evil commie even came up with a solution and saved NASA's Mars Mission. Nobody hates money, no even those always politically correct in Hollywood. :D

So my guess is that Hollywood should make movies that has Vietnamese and Filipinos as enemies just to cater the Chinese market?
whoever made the original Star Wars was a Genius (im not talking about George Lucas, i dont think he was the real brains as the sequels showed his lack of imagination)

you got it backwards.

Lucas wrote and directed the first film.

The screenplay for The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and Force Awakens was by this guy:

Lawrence Kasdan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So my guess is that Hollywood should make movies that has Vietnamese and Filipinos as enemies just to cater the Chinese market?

No, they wouldn't stoop to that. They will cater by targeting them in some sci-fi flicks. Like maybe remaking Forbidden Planet with Morbious as Chinese. Hey they could even leverage an asian daughter defying her father and running off with a white guy.

Screen Shot 2016-01-09 at 10.43.15 PM.jpg

Picture Morbious as Chinese, cute asian girl, standard white guy.
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you got it backwards.

Lucas wrote and directed the first film.

The screenplay for The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and Force Awakens was by this guy:

Lawrence Kasdan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What a shame everyone knows George Lucas and hardly anyone knows Kasdan(for my money the original Jedi), he should have been the one to carry on the Star Wars line, not hacks like Lucas or JJ ABRAMS.
So my guess is that Hollywood should make movies that has Vietnamese and Filipinos as enemies just to cater the Chinese market?

My guess is Chinese could not care less if Vietnamese or Filipinos are good guys or bad guys in Hollywood movies, but people in Hollywood may care, who knows.
My guess is Chinese could not care less if Vietnamese or Filipinos are good guys or bad guys in Hollywood movies, but people in Hollywood may care, who knows.

I prefer having aliens as bad guys.

No, they wouldn't stoop to that. They will cater by targeting them in some sci-fi flicks. Like maybe remaking Forbidden Planet with Morbious as Chinese. Hey they could even leverage an asian daughter defying her father and running off with a white guy.

Well it would be better if aliens are the bad guys, though this could end up either as good as Star Trek or Star Wars, or movies with bad story/plot.
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