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Stand for anthem, you Pakistani: How man in wheelchair was abused

In india, its not. Indians regardless of their faith are indians first not muslims. No body knew that person sitting on chair is muslim.
Do you live in India. Only extremist Muslims dont sing the National Song - they are hardly 10%.

I dont need to know about my beliefs? But if you insist, i can post videos where indian muslims and their representatives insist the same?

Also if 10% of indian muslims are extremists.. you’d probably be fked by now... 10% of 16 crores is a large number.. do the math.

One of the best renditions of Vande Mataram is by a Muslim - A R Rehman
Good for him.

Alot of muslims commit sins.. doesnt matter.
No one is asking Pakistani Muslims to sing Vande Mataram. However if you are a rational Indian Muslim you have no problem in singing
What a logic... mind fuk.

Its like askin indian hindus to recite shahada.


Meanwhile indian muslims are declared traitors.
Lynched and raped over suspicion of beef.
Threatened with rape of their dead women and killings and whatnot by none other than indian state officials ...

Denied housing and face discrimination when it comes to jobs..... and here we have this guy and his “claims”.

Perhaps he should read, Sachar commission report!
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I dont need to know about my beliefs? But if you insist, i can post videos where indian muslims and their representatives insist the same?

Also if 10% of indian muslims are extremists.. you’d probably be fked by now... 10% of 16 crores is a large number.. do the math.

Good for him.

Alot of muslims commit sins.. doesnt matter.

What a logic... mind fuk.

Its like askin indian hindus to recite shahada.


Meanwhile indian muslims are declared traitors.
Lynched and raped over suspicion of beef.
Threatened with rape of their dead women and killings and whatnot by none other than indian state officials ...

Denied housing and face discrimination when it comes to job.. and here we have this guy and his “claims”.

Perhaps he should read, Sachar commission report!
dont bother with him man, he's probably one of those bakhts who sleep under flyovers n take dumps on rail tracks but modijee provides them internet n they worship him for it, u know it doesnt take much to make hindus worship something, they would worship a squirrel if they liked the flavour of its pee....
similar incident happend last year when they assult a disabled man for not stand up for anthem
What is so wrong in singing the national anthem before a movie?
What has civilized or uncivilized got anything to do with it?
there is nothing wrong in singing national anthem before sh*tting, or having lunch or icecream, or visiting temple or starting work in office or million other situations where we can do... the question is, is it the most appropriate thing to do? what has movies got to do with national anthem?
its not uncivilized to sing national anthem before a movie, its uncivilized to demand it as a token of love towards your motherland, especially part of a pattern (displayed by uncivilized brutes) that ails contemporary India.... as a solitary phenomena, its not 'wrong' as such.
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there is nothing wrong in singing national anthem before sh*tting, or having lunch or icecream, or visiting temple or starting work in office or million other situations where we can do... the question is, is it the most appropriate thing to do? what has movies got to do with national anthem?

Movies have nothing to do with the national anthem. Ill agree with you there...
But the question is, if the govt. in any way shape or form does want to promote nationalism through entertainment. ie. Anthem before movies. Does it do any harm to the fabric of society? Does it in any way hurt the nation, individual, freedom or a host of other rights that we as Indians consider our birth right as part of the nation?

I think I'd rather be forced to sing the national anthem than be forced to live with a beef ban. I consider this "oppression" small potatoes. Potatoes that maybe give an upset stomach to some, but in general no one really minds.

its not uncivilized to sing national anthem before a movie, its uncivilized to demand it as a token of love towards your motherland, especially part of a pattern (displayed by uncivilized brutes) that ails contemporary India.... as a solitary phenomena, its not 'wrong' as such.

The purpose of the anthem is to evoke nationalism and pride for ones country.
I don't see evoking nationalism and love for your country as a negative at any stage.
if anything, maybe an additional dose of nationalism is a much needed shot in the arm for many Indians who daily abuse the country and treat it like a garbage bin.
Or maybe it is totally benign and has zero effect.

Point is, it really isn't harming anyone, only delaying you by a few minutes from the entertainment you paid for.

As an Indian who has spent majority of his life abroad, singing the national anthem anytime brings a tear of joy and gives me the goosebumps. Reminds me of my younger days and living in India. Maybe its just me, but I feel closer to my fellow Indians after. If it can evoke a similar feeling among other Indians, I am all for it and see nothing wrong with it.

Anyways, you're entitled to your opinion. The anthem maybe should not be compulsory before movies, but standing up for it (barring disabilities) is the least you can do for a nation we take for granted most of the time.
there is nothing wrong in singing national anthem before sh*tting, or having lunch or icecream, or visiting temple or starting work in office or million other situations where we can do... the question is, is it the most appropriate thing to do? what has movies got to do with national anthem?
its not uncivilized to sing national anthem before a movie, its uncivilized to demand it as a token of love towards your motherland, especially part of a pattern (displayed by uncivilized brutes) that ails contemporary India.... as a solitary phenomena, its not 'wrong' as such.
Are you calling Supreme Court judges uncivilised brutes that ail contemporary India because it is them who have made National Anthem compulsory before movies?

If you left liberals would have shown proper respect for the National symbols and not pandered to the vilest creatures in the name of dissent and freedom of speech then this order would not be passed. Congratulation you brought it upon yourself

If you have a problem file a review petition in the Supreme Court
Movies have nothing to do with the national anthem. Ill agree with you there...
But the question is, if the govt. in any way shape or form does want to promote nationalism through entertainment. ie. Anthem before movies. Does it do any harm to the fabric of society? Does it in any way hurt the nation, individual, freedom or a host of other rights that we as Indians consider our birth right as part of the nation?

I think I'd rather be forced to sing the national anthem than be forced to live with a beef ban. I consider this "oppression" small potatoes. Potatoes that maybe give an upset stomach to some, but in general no one really minds.

The purpose of the anthem is to evoke nationalism and pride for ones country.
I don't see evoking nationalism and love for your country as a negative at any stage.
if anything, maybe an additional dose of nationalism is a much needed shot in the arm for many Indians who daily abuse the country and treat it like a garbage bin.
Or maybe it is totally benign and has zero effect.

Point is, it really isn't harming anyone, only delaying you by a few minutes from the entertainment you paid for.

As an Indian who has spent majority of his life abroad, singing the national anthem anytime brings a tear of joy and gives me the goosebumps. Reminds me of my younger days and living in India. Maybe its just me, but I feel closer to my fellow Indians after. If it can evoke a similar feeling among other Indians, I am all for it and see nothing wrong with it.

Anyways, you're entitled to your opinion. The anthem maybe should not be compulsory before movies, but standing up for it (barring disabilities) is the least you can do for a nation we take for granted most of the time.
i am not going to be the provorbial frog that does not know when the water starts boiling... we have been sliding as a liberal democractic country for quite some time(part of global phenomena but that does not make it right).
its typical indian response btw... its just a minor inconvenience.. kya bigad jata hai agar 2 mint ke liye khada ho gyaya... i am arguing from fundamental principle and no issue is too small or too big to discuss here.
lets agree to disagree here..

Are you calling Supreme Court judges uncivilised brutes that ail contemporary India because it is them who have made National Anthem compulsory before movies?

If you left liberals would have shown proper respect for the National symbols and not pandered to the vilest creatures in the name of dissent and freedom of speech then this order would not be passed. Congratulation you brought it upon yourself

If you have a problem file a review petition in the Supreme Court
right, so every issue we discuss here on pdf can be argued to 'seek legal remedy' instead of talking... right?
whats the point of forum then.. and what do you think happens in court? judges just decide things based on divine knowledge of things...?
there is nothing wrong in singing national anthem before sh*tting, or having lunch or icecream, or visiting temple or starting work in office or million other situations where we can do... the question is, is it the most appropriate thing to do? what has movies got to do with national anthem?
its not uncivilized to sing national anthem before a movie, its uncivilized to demand it as a token of love towards your motherland, especially part of a pattern (displayed by uncivilized brutes) that ails contemporary India.... as a solitary phenomena, its not 'wrong' as such.

You are free to ape the west and imitate their values.

Meanwhile we will continue to do what is in our best interest. You don't like it ? too bad. No one gives a $hit.
You are free to ape the west and imitate their values.

Meanwhile we will continue to do what is in our best interest. You don't like it ? too bad. No one gives a $hit.
you do give a sh*t which is why you are replying to me :)
ah the decadent 'west' and its corrupting values....
similar incident happend last year when they assult a disabled man for not stand up for anthem
it happens.

once i was in movie hall Nd one kiddo 3 yr ol girl standing next to us. was jumping around during anthem
when this old lady shouted during the same anthem asking her to stand still.

i had to intervene so i hold this old ladies hand and push the bitch back. told her not to flucking ever do it again.

other people in movie theater tried to make a issue but i respond back. those wussies went back to their hole.

so moral of the story is: these people are wussie
they are only there for attention.
they should be responded violently.
a movie hall is no place for an anthem. if u like to show patriotism stand up but dont force on others.
i am not going to be the provorbial frog that does not know when the water starts boiling... we have been sliding as a liberal democractic country for quite some time(part of global phenomena but that does not make it right).
its typical indian response btw... its just a minor inconvenience.. kya bigad jata hai agar 2 mint ke liye khada ho gyaya... i am arguing from fundamental principle and no issue is too small or too big to discuss here.
lets agree to disagree here..

We don't see eye to eye on this and that is fine.
But when in your opinion is the appropriate time to sing the anthem?
Independence and Republic day only?
you do give a sh*t which is why you are replying to me :)
ah the decadent 'west' and its corrupting values....

To humiliate you my jihadi poster.

To show you how impotent you really are. How desperate you sound and how we can mock you at will and show you the door and laugh at your desperate fantasies.

Its very gratifying. :D
We don't see eye to eye on this and that is fine.
But when in your opinion is the appropriate time to sing the anthem?
Independence and Republic day only?
if you wish to you can sing when u eat bath shit drive brush sleeping having sex getting beaten or doing nothing.

but let him have his choice. why forced patriotism infect if its forced it cant be patriotic.
if you wish to you can sing when u eat bath shit drive brush sleeping having sex getting beaten or doing nothing.

but let him have his choice. why forced patriotism infect if its forced it cant be patriotic.

Did I force anything on anyone?
Why is everyone getting so defensive about this?
I'm simply having a discussion with a fellow Indian about a very minor inconvenience if at all.
Not to mention, I started out by saying that each person is entitled to their own opinion.

Now please do tell what your issue is with my post.
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