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Sri Lanka’s SOS to Pakistan for urgent arms supplies

I would be shell-shocked if RAW was not providing them assistance. How do you think its possible for the Tamils to sustain this war? Only by getting funding from Tamil expats in US and Europe

Yes, expats provide them with enormous funding, sorry I cannot provide the source, but in a leading Tamil magazine I read around ten years ago that Prabhakaran received nearly 2 million dollars in his coffers every month from the expats. That is why they prefer to send refugees to Europe and west since they can become a stable source of income
i dont think that the indians were to provide the LTTE with weapons because this could have a massive blow back for indians. The could turn their guns on the indians just as easily.
doesn't make sense.. so by that logic Pakistan is supporting Taliban and other terrorist groups since their Pashtun/Tribals and Pakistan has many Pashtuns/Tribals

First of all pakistan is not suppporting the tailbans or anyother groups now. Secondly we did supported the tailabns but not because they had some ethnic similarity but inorder to stop the invading russian army. Any by the way we werent the only ones supporting them, US was aswell.

have you seen the type of arms?? as I said Sri Lanka must 've recd go ahead from GoI to go ahead as regards to arms purchase..

What do you mean seeing arms? Srilanka is interested in the JF-17. Now what kind of weapon system is that, i dont really need to tell you that. Besides if the goahead did come from the GOI which i highly doubt in this case, they would have never started to show their concerns and raise their voice in pressurizing srilankans. Its obivious that the goahead did not come from the GOI in this case specially when pakistan is involved.

India tried to rout LTTE earlier which resulted in assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, even know GoI is doing all it can to help SL rout LTTE..
who is having a dialogue with LTTE? LTTE is a terror outfit, not Tamils...
GoI also realises Tamils have a just cause but violence is not the means and most SL tamils still treat SL as home and not India and just want parity with the Sinhalese..

Ok agreed india had to pay a high price in the name of Rajiv Gandhi being assassnated but how could india surrender to terrorism and start negotiationg with the LTTE. Shouldnt india be more willing to route them out forcefully helping the srilankans by all means.

understandably so.. but as I also said that this arms purchase may have a tacit approval of GoI since GoI cannot budge from its official stance.

And why not? What is there that is stoping indians too openly condemn an organisation that was also involved in the killing of your leader. Isnt this hypocrisy on part of india

Nothing wrong with this IMO, India is acting as a responsible power

"'(But) the (Sri Lankan) government would seem to have the single objective of a military victory (against the Tamil Tigers) without any devolution of power.'"
"India opposes any military solution of the ethnic conflict and wants Colombo to devolve autonomy to the minorities."

And what about when LTTE kills people by their suecide bombings all round srilanka, that includes army personal, innocent women&children and even the political leaders. Besides wasnt india doing the same with kashmiries, they never negotiated with anyone there rather used extensive military operation against a group that wasnt even minority at the first place. How could india tell others to do what they have avoided themselves for so long.
The issue was that Pakistan did support the Taliban for its purpose and now they don’t.
I reckon the same could be applied universally as would the ethnicity factor. And universally, there must have been good reasons to do so.

A country is sovereign and whether others join in the effort, it does in no way, add to legitimizing the same.

Each nation must stand for its own belief and actions.

The repeated visits by Sri Lankan personage in their private and public avatars do indicate the close equation Sri Lanka has with India. It indicates that each is sensitive to the other’s sensibilities. Therefore, inter govt parleys between India and Sri Lanka is obviously a prime factor in the geo strategic interplay that is there. Nothing very unusual!

In so far as India surrendering to terrorism or otherwise, suffice it to say, that all avenues are broached to obtain a solution. Without an open mind no solution can be reached.Being pigheaded and bigoted is the last thing one should do to solve a thorny issue. Musharraf, too, adopted this means to talk to the terrorist in FATA and elsewhere and the Gilani govt has indicated that they will also follow the path. Therefore, what is so unusual?

Are both the Indian and the Pakistan govts loopy and others know what is best?

The English phrase comes to mind - Uneasy lies the Head that Wears the Crown!!

Easy for non players to pontificate so long as they don’t wear the Crown!

Indeed, geopolitics is a mug’s game. To believe otherwise would be naive.

Again, one cannot legislate how a terrorist should operate. To believe one could legislate is again being horribly naïve.

Indeed, bigoted minds, devoid of knowledge of current affairs, would state that India has not negotiated. The Hurriayat Conference, which claims to represent the terrorists, have repeatedly been in discussion at the invitation of the govt.

While one would like to attempt brownie points, one must be also aware of the environment and events and not be uni-focussed with bigotness burning the innards. There likes the pitfall of one's views taking a drubbing at the hands of truth and facts!

First of all pakistan is not suppporting the tailbans or anyother groups now. Secondly we did supported the tailabns but not because they had some ethnic similarity but inorder to stop the invading russian army. Any by the way we werent the only ones supporting them, US was aswell.

Refer to Salim's post..

What do you mean seeing arms? Srilanka is interested in the JF-17. Now what kind of weapon system is that, i dont really need to tell you that.

India doesn't sell SL offensive military weapons..

Besides if the goahead did come from the GOI which i highly doubt in this case, they would have never started to show their concerns and raise their voice in pressurizing srilankans. Its obivious that the goahead did not come from the GOI in this case specially when pakistan is involved.

If India wouldn't have protested they would've been hounded by the opposition... which is not privy I would imagine to clandestine meetings..

I think it is only in the case of Pak does GoI give a go-ahead or not!

Ok agreed india had to pay a high price in the name of Rajiv Gandhi being assassnated but how could india surrender to terrorism and start negotiationg with the LTTE. Shouldnt india be more willing to route them out forcefully helping the srilankans by all means.

LTTE are not creating trouble in India at the moment, and India did send IPKF to fight them but it was a sort of a debacle which ultimately resulted in Gandhi's assassination.. so now we let the Lankans fight their own battle.. Further if India directly participates there is a chance of polarizing the Tamils...

And why not? What is there that is stoping indians too openly condemn an organisation that was also involved in the killing of your leader. Isnt this hypocrisy on part of india

it is a declared terror organization and its cadre routinely arrested...
Post-Gandhi LTTE is not carrying out any terror activity against India or in India so I don't India would again try sending its forces in SL to hound them out..

And what about when LTTE kills people by their suecide bombings all round srilanka, that includes army personal, innocent women&children and even the political leaders.Besides wasnt india doing the same with kashmiries, they never negotiated with anyone there rather used extensive military operation against a group that wasnt even minority at the first place. How could india tell others to do what they have avoided themselves for so long.

Kashmir is a different matter from LTTE.. and Terrorists in the name of Islam kill many innocents, women, children, govt officials, army personnel etc in Kashmir must be stamped out with full might..
Refer to Salim's post..

Nothing new. Mr.Salim views are his personal and can be argued as his word agaisnt mine.

India doesn't sell SL offensive military weapons..

To defend someone from an attack doesnt fall into the category of offensive. And i mentioned JF-17 meaning that because india does not sell them suitable weaponery to defend themselves, they come to pakistan for that. For example the MBRLs.

If India wouldn't have protested they would've been hounded by the opposition... which is not privy I would imagine to clandestine meetings..

I think it is only in the case of Pak does GoI give a go-ahead or not!

So not supporting the srilankans against tamil terrorist organisations just because of the opposition that india will face, isnt this an open violation of india's stance for WOT?

LTTE are not creating trouble in India at the moment, and India did send IPKF to fight them but it was a sort of a debacle which ultimately resulted in Gandhi's assassination.. so now we let the Lankans fight their own battle.. Further if India directly participates there is a chance of polarizing the Tamils...

LTTE not making trouble for india doesnt exclude them of the terrorism that they commited. OR for you it is alright if someone is not making trouble for you to actually support them. Tailbans were not making any trouble for pakistan or should i say that the western borders of pakistan were more safe during the tailban regime then it is currently, still we supported the WOT, because the tailban were supporting the wrong cause of AQ. And besides if you want to let srilankans fight their own battle, ok fine but why to cry out loud when they go to pakistan for weaponery. Isnt this a doublestandard as far as india's commitment against terrorism is concerned.

it is a declared terror organization and its cadre routinely arrested...
Post-Gandhi LTTE is not carrying out any terror activity against India or in India so I don't India would again try sending its forces in SL to hound them out..

Maybe not still they assissnated one of your top leaders. This means that india the worlds biggest democracy got intimidated by an terrorist organisation.Wow now that was a surprise. What you should not forget is that maybe at current stage they would not like to get involved with india and open a new front as they are having their hands full with the srilankan army but once if they establish their control and are able to achieve their goal, next thing would be they could turn their attentions towards indian parts having tamil population. Have you ever thought about that.

Kashmir is a different matter from LTTE.. and Terrorists in the name of Islam kill many innocents, women, children, govt officials, army personnel etc in Kashmir must be stamped out with full might..

You missed the majority part. Unlike the LTTE muslims are a majority in kashmir. And the women and children you are talking about they were not killed by kashmiries rather the suppressing indian army not to forget the rape of kashmiri women done by the indian army.LTTE on the other hand has killed a number of innocent women and children in their attacks. They have attacked from civilians to every military installations and political leaders. So stamping out from kashmir, the same principle can be applied to LTTE. They should be rooted out with full force and pakistan will help the srilankas achieve that.
True they are my personal opinion. I am not connected to intelligence agencies as others maybe! Obviously, they would know more!

In international defence circles and COIN, small arms are taken to be defensive weapons. Weapons that can cause area devastation are taken to be offensive weapons. I reckon that military aircraft that can devastate would qualify as weapons of offence and area destruction. Artillery, MBRLs, aircraft qualify under such a category.

In a democracy, the opposition does have an important say in governance. To suggest otherwise, indicates the lack of knowledge how a democracy operates.

Unfortunately, some are not keeping abreast with the international situation and living in their own dream world! India is against the LTTE, but if weapons that could cause devastation and an exodus into India causing an internal security situation, then anyone would be worried. It is the same with Pakistan fret and fuming at the ingress of the AQ and Taliban into Pakistan because of ISAF action and unilateral bombing! Before one comments with pet peeves, one must understand that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander too!

It is a ridiculous thought that to show that India is for the WoT, it should go into SL and attack the LTTE. It indicates that those suggesting so have no idea of international niceties. No one has invited India to enter SL. Therefore, any such action would be termed as an invasion and interference!

A juvenile thought at best!

As far as Kashmir is concerned, it matters not whether they are Mos*lems. India has the second or the third largest Moslem population in the world. So?

In any COIN operation there is collateral damage. Just like what is happening in FATA and elsewhere. Of course innocents suffer, just as it happens in NW Pakistan. What’s new?
It would be in Pakistan’s interest to solve her own problems which escalate by the day than worry about SL! ;)
It is a ridiculous thought that to show that India is for the WoT, it should go into SL and attack the LTTE. It indicates that those suggesting so have no idea of international niceties. No one has invited India to enter SL. Therefore, any such action would be termed as an invasion and interference!

No one is saying for india to go in and attack the LTTE. To support and to go in are two different things. In this case you are neither supporting the srilankans nor letting them have some sort of support from other countries which suggests that infact india is helping the LTTE to gain the support within the tamil miniorties inside india. And spare me with the invitation part. Like india does everything else with Srilankas permission. You are already involved in the matters of srilanka to that extent that i'm pretty sure srilankans must have completely forgotton what the word interference means.
It would be in Pakistan’s interest to solve her own problems which escalate by the day than worry about SL! ;)

DOnt worry about that! We are capable of not only handling our own issues but rather helping those as well who are facing the same problem of terrorism that we are.
India angry as Lanka turns to Pakistan again

New Delhi has once again expressed serious concern over Sri Lanka’s continued reliance on Pakistan for arms.
The Indian anxiety comes after reports mid last week claimed that Sri Lanka has ordered emergency military supplies from India’s arch rival Pakistan, as hostilities between government forces and LTTE rebels took a turn for the worse.

Agency reports claimed that the Army has sought 150,000 rounds of 60mm mortar ammunition and as many hand grenades for immediate delivery to Sri Lanka from Pakistan.

“Sri Lanka has requested US$ 25 million worth of 81mm, 120mm and 130mm mortar ammunition to be delivered within a month,” IANS said, in a news report filed in New Delhi.

The report claimed that the military links between Islamabad and Colombo are worrying India because they allow Pakistan access to Sri Lankan defence and intelligence establishments.

New Delhi mid last year publicly expressed displeasure over Sri Lanka’s military purchases from Pakistan and China.

It may affect India's geostrategic aims, but it is just too bad!

SL is a sovereign nation!

She is entitled to buy from wherever it is cheap!

Market economy!

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