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Sri Lanka detains five Arab nationals for distributing documents


Jul 6, 2009
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United States
Sri Lanka : Sri Lanka detains five Arab nationals for distributing documents insulting Buddhism

July 12, Colombo: Sri Lanka police had arrested five Arab nationals for distributing literature insulting Buddhism, reported the state owned Sinhala daily The Dinamina.

The Arab nationals have been arrested in Nuwara Eliya district by Nuwara Eliya police on July 10.

They have distributed the offending documents with a stock of dates to the poor families.

The arrested persons have been handed over to the Criminal Investigation Department for further investigations.

They are to be detained in the detention center of the Immigration and Emigration Department. The suspects are likely to be tried before deportation.
Sri Lanka : Sri Lanka detains five Arab nationals for distributing documents insulting Buddhism

July 12, Colombo: Sri Lanka police had arrested five Arab nationals for distributing literature insulting Buddhism, reported the state owned Sinhala daily The Dinamina.
The Arab nationals have been arrested in Nuwara Eliya district by Nuwara Eliya police on July 10.

They have distributed the offending documents with a stock of dates to the poor families.

The arrested persons have been handed over to the Criminal Investigation Department for further investigations.

They are to be detained in the detention center of the Immigration and Emig.ration Department. The suspects are likely to be tried before deportation.

WTF, the nerve of these Arabs. Please hand them over to me, I will deal with them appropriately.

How dare they say anything against MIGHTY BUDDHA ?
Woh paanch hai aur aap akele padh jaayenge :butcher:

Woh civilians hain aur yeh Ex-PAF...he'd do an MM.Alam on their sorry butttsss ! :D

On a serious note : These shady characters are found a plenty in the world and regrettably increasingly so ! I wouldn't for a second attribute this to any particular ideologies because I've known some pretty..pretty decent Salafis and neither would I be racist enough to condemn an entire race for the actions of a sporadic few but we - the Muslims - really need to take concrete steps against such propagations....I've come across Pakistanis here in Lahore who are doing nothing but corrupting the youth, for e.g they talk about 'Jihad', now I as a Muslim I'm mindful of what Jihad is and how important it is to us, but these guys instead of telling the youth to join the Universities, the Bureaucracy and become the leaders of tomorrow to build Nation up....talk about a perverted notion of 'Jihad' in which you're supposed to go and fight the infidels just because they're infidels, you're supposed to target their civilians because they end up killing a lot of ours in collateral damage and the sort - Perversion at its very worst ! I wonder if these bearded bufoooons have ever actually opened up the Quran never mind actually reading the exemplary works of the Islamic scholars from the 9th to the 13th Century - the Avicennas, the Averroes, the Ghazalis and the Ibn Kalduns of the Muslim World.
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