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Sri Lanka Attempts to Repair Relations With China Amid an Escalating Financial Crisis

Jun 12, 2014
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Modi-ji should help Sri Lanka pay off the debts. $70 billion is not much for a country as wealthy as India.

Sri Lanka Attempts to Bury the Hatchet With China

Sri Lanka Attempts to Repair Relations With China Amid an Escalating Financial Crisis

Sri Lanka appealed to China this week to partially relax the immense foreign debt owed by the South Asian island nation that has contributed to one of its worst-ever financial crises.

“I urge China to put the acrimony of the past behind us and come and help us by adjusting the terms of the loans to make them more viable,” Sri Lankan Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake said in an exclusive interview with the South China Morning Post on Sunday.

Sri Lanka is chock-full of Chinese investment, with nearly 70% of the country’s infrastructure projects funded and built by China — thereby leading to a near tripling of its foreign debt over the past five years. However, many of those projects, initiated under Sri Lanka’s former strongman President Mahinda Rajapaksa, have been halted — much to China’s displeasure — by the government of his successor Maithripala Sirisena over allegations of widespread corruption.

Even as it dispatched a special envoy to liaise with Sirisena’s government earlier this month, Beijing remains firm that none of the much-needed foreign direct investment (FDI) to salvage Sri Lanka’s economy will be forthcoming until the impasse over ongoing projects — worth billions of dollars — is resolved.

“We did not create the problem, we inherited it,” Karunanayake said about the Chinese projects. “But it has to be fixed all the same.”

Whether they created the problem or not, Sirisena’s election earlier this year marked a monumental shift in his country’s rapidly progressing alliance with China under Rajapaksa, which was being watched with some consternation by Sri Lanka’s northern neighbor and South Asian power India.

Sirisena and his new Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe insisted in a previous interview with TIME that their pledge to enhance cooperation with India and Western powers didn’t necessarily represent a shift away from China but a more general nonaligned foreign policy.

However, the stark picture painted by its rapidly escalating foreign debt has thrust the Sri Lanka–China relationship back into the spotlight and made its mending a priority.

“Chinese loans are a big part of our problem,” said Karunanayake. “A bulk of the government expenditure goes into servicing them.”

His words are thrown into sharp relief through figures cited by Palitha Ekanayake, a former director general of the country’s Ministry of Rural Economy.

“In 2010, foreign debt was 36% of the GDP (gross domestic product),” Ekanayake told the Post. “By the end of 2013, it was about 65%, and is estimated to rise to 94% this year.”

Karunanayake has even gone to the extent of promising “no questions asked” while calling for his compatriots with Swiss bank accounts to move their money back into the country, as he tries to shore up foreign reserves before presenting a crucial budget.

Sri Lanka’s eagerness to re-engage with China is also illustrated by the fact that Karunanayake’s comments coincided with a statement by one of its top defense officials, saying an unofficial suspension of Chinese naval ships docking on Sri Lankan shores — another reported allowance by the previous government that caused India greater alarm than any economic activity — could potentially be reconsidered.

The country’s recently appointed Defense Secretary, Karunasena Hettiarachchi, told Reuters on a visit to the Chinese capital that he would give “due consideration” to requests for Chinese ships to stop over.

Karunanayake, meanwhile, reiterated the rapidly growing Asian superpower’s status as a key stakeholder in Sri Lanka’s faltering economy.

“We are serious about putting our relationship [with China] on the right path and mending the pathetic finances we have inherited from a corrupt regime,” he said.
@Gibbs you were talking how RW-M3 was doing a balancing act with going back to SL's non aligned policy
@Gibbs you were talking how RW-M3 was doing a balancing act with going back to SL's non aligned policy

Are you saying renewing strong relations with China is not a good thing or non aligned ? One thing though these idiots nearly bit off the hand that fed them in their quest to prosecute MR on corruption.. Good thing they realized that before major damage was done viz a viz China.. Morons like Mangala or Ravi K should not be anywhere close to national policies but then again we're talking about a third world democracies
Are you saying renewing strong relations with China is not a good thing or non aligned ? One thing though these idiots nearly bit off the hand that fed them in their quest to prosecute MR on corruption.. Good thing they realized that before major damage was done viz a viz China.. Morons like Mangala or Ravi K should not be anywhere close to national policies but then again we're talking about a third world democracies

Sri Lanka should ideally play both the Chinese and Indians against each other and try to remain as neutral as possible. If I think from a Sri Lankan nationalist perspective that would be the best course of action. Do you agree?
Are you saying renewing strong relations with China is not a good thing or non aligned ? One thing though these idiots nearly bit off the hand that fed them in their quest to prosecute MR on corruption.. Good thing they realized that before major damage was done viz a viz China.. Morons like Mangala or Ravi K should not be anywhere close to national policies but then again we're talking about a third world democracies

But the problem is why did the previous government go on such a debt binge and what are the terms of Chinese loans that they so soon have become difficult to service. Instead of productive uses have the loans been put to unproductive ones. That should be the issue. There should be proper due diligence, whether going on a Chinese debt binge driven spending help Sri Lanka achieve self sufficiency or just burden the future generations and make you a full time pawn.
But the problem is why did the previous government go on such a debt binge and what are the terms of Chinese loans that they so soon have become difficult to service. Instead of productive uses have the loans been put to unproductive ones. That should be the issue. There should be proper due diligence, whether going on a Chinese debt binge driven spending help Sri Lanka achieve self sufficiency or just burden the future generations and make you a full time pawn.

Necessity.. Post war rapid development needed investments and big money, Especially money with no strings attached.. China provided that.. When non others could.. Some unwilling because of their policies, Most doesn't have that kind of money.. The problem was the previous regime abused China's involvement for their corrupt benefits and white elephants to satisfy the ego of a despot.. If those Chinese investments were done the right way in to the right projects, I dont see there would have been a backlash
“In 2010, foreign debt was 36% of the GDP (gross domestic product),” Ekanayake told the Post. “By the end of 2013, it was about 65%, and is estimated to rise to 94% this year.”

WOW.... China literally OWNS Sri Lanka.

Discovering the joys of doing "business" with the Chinese.
Chinese know how to put these filth like UNP goons in their place. They were barking at China first as if they are policymakers of the most important country in the world but they quickly realised that they are irrelevant to the world and they can't do shit without Chinese. Funny how they thought US would rush to invest in SL so they discouraged Chinese investments including the biggest investment in Sri Lanka which is Port City but even after begging few times they still couldn't find any US investor. People have to get used to the reality that China is the new USA.

President invites US investors to undertake investments in Sri Lanka | ITN News

It's hilarious how these idiots overestimated their own importance.

I don't think letting projects idle and servicing loan interests at the same time has been helpful either.

Solving corruption is one thing, but getting things done to improve the economy and thus paying off debts is another thing.
It has nothing to do with corruption because corruption exists regardless of the party in power. The previous party was pro-China and current party is pro-US. When the current party came to power, they thought that if they appeal to the US government by destroying Chinese investments, they would manage to get US investors to fill the void left by Chinese investments but unfortunately for them the US investments didn't come as they hoped even though even the president himself formally invited US investments. Who in the right mind would invest in a country where jungle law prevails and change of party mean cancelling of investments made by the previous government? Cancelling Chinese investments turned things from bad to worse. It destroyed investor confidence which will take years to repair and that is if they are interested in fixing it.
Necessity.. Post war rapid development needed investments and big money, Especially money with no strings attached.. China provided that.. When non others could.. Some unwilling because of their policies, Most doesn't have that kind of money.. The problem was the previous regime abused China's involvement for their corrupt benefits and white elephants to satisfy the ego of a despot.. If those Chinese investments were done the right way in to the right projects, I dont see there would have been a backlash

Tell me one white elephant project?

Chinese know how to put these filth like UNP goons in their place. They were barking at China first as if they are policymakers of the most important country in the world but they quickly realised that they are irrelevant to the world and they can't do shit without Chinese. Funny how they thought US would rush to invest in SL so they discouraged Chinese investments including the biggest investment in Sri Lanka which is Port City but even after begging few times they still couldn't find any US investor. People have to get used to the reality that China is the new USA.

President invites US investors to undertake investments in Sri Lanka | ITN News

It's hilarious how these idiots overestimated their own importance.

It has nothing to do with corruption because corruption exists regardless of the party in power. The previous party was pro-China and current party is pro-US. When the current party came to power, they thought that if they appeal to the US government by destroying Chinese investments, they would manage to get US investors to fill the void left by Chinese investments but unfortunately for them the US investments didn't come as they hoped even though even the president himself formally invited US investments.

Now everyone has to agree how shrewd MR on the foreign policy and on choosing friends.

UNP had always done short sighted things like these.
China's fiasco in SL and Burma are obvious. Some people believe that their leaders can play balance among A and B. China doesn't play with small developing countries. By nature Chinese hate those who change sides now and then. This is why China value ties with Pakistan.
Are you saying renewing strong relations with China is not a good thing or non aligned ? One thing though these idiots nearly bit off the hand that fed them in their quest to prosecute MR on corruption.. Good thing they realized that before major damage was done viz a viz China.. Morons like Mangala or Ravi K should not be anywhere close to national policies but then again we're talking about a third world democracies

That's what we always said be careful when choosing the government. Idiots will always do foolish things. But you people blinded by the slogans and banters of 'Good governance' and 'anti corruption' voted the same people who has shown in their past behavior that they aren't mastered any of the said virtues.

I don't think letting projects idle and servicing loan interests at the same time has been helpful either.

Solving corruption is one thing, but getting things done to improve the economy and thus paying off debts is another thing.

isn't that the old cliche from democracy? Always blame the current problem on the former rulers.
China's fiasco in SL and Burma are obvious. Some people believe that their leaders can play balance among A and B. China doesn't play with small developing countries. By nature Chinese hate those who change sides now and then. This is why China value ties with Pakistan.

So China should help the keep the favorable governments in such countries intact. This is a strategic game of chess. Even if China doesn't make moves the other side does.

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