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Sri Lanka Attempts to Repair Relations With China Amid an Escalating Financial Crisis

So China should help the keep the favorable governments in such countries intact. This is a strategic game of chess. Even if China doesn't make moves the other side does.
SL is not an important country on the world stage. The US is not going to invest in this country. The SL government borrowed money, cancelled / stalled projects. Interests need to be paid back regardless.

Good luck talking to your bank and re-negotiate your contract.
SL tried to played China and US but ended up screwing itself . Small countries should not act like they are important game players on the international stage. Vietnam is an example.
Tell me one white elephant project?

Now everyone has to agree how shrewd MR on the foreign policy and on choosing friends.

UNP had always done short sighted things like these.
You have to admit that MR did some mistakes on his part. And the money spent for useless projects like building cricket (a sport that is only popular in South Asia and that tol thanks to colonial history) stadiums should have been spent on something useful like upgrading infrastructure particularly a BRT system in Colombo which it badly needs. IMO not one more cricket stadium should be built in the country and it doesn't hurt to convert some of existing ones to accommodate a more globally recognised sport.
China's fiasco in SL and Burma are obvious. Some people believe that their leaders can play balance among A and B. China doesn't play with small developing countries. By nature Chinese hate those who change sides now and then. This is why China value ties with Pakistan.

That said.. Chinese also need to be more sensitive to domestic political compulsions in sovereign nations.. Putting all their eggs in to one basket case does not help their policies either, In most cases those basket cases are tin pot dictators abusing the good will of Chinese developments for their own corrupt agenda.. As in the case of Sri Lanka.. Democracy is fluid, China needs to make point of it
SL is not an important country on the world stage. The US is not going to invest in this country. The SL government borrowed money, cancelled / stalled projects. Interests need to be paid back regardless.

Good luck talking to your bank and re-negotiate your contract.
SL tried to played China and US but ended up screwing itself . Small countries should not act like they are important game players on the international stage. Vietnam is an example.
Unfortunately I have to agree. Islander mentality is rampant in Sri Lanka and that's the reason why they always overestimate their own importance.
You have to admit that MR did some mistakes on his part. And the money spent for useless projects like building cricket (a sport that is only popular in South Asia and that tol thanks to colonial history) stadiums should have been spent on something useful like upgrading infrastructure particularly a BRT system in Colombo which it badly needs. IMO not one more cricket stadium should be built in the country and it doesn't hurt to convert some of existing ones to accommodate a more globally recognised sport.

Building a cricket ground is far more advantageous to Sri Lanka than building a leaking reservoir. As a whole the only issues I find around the MR era is his nepotism, over friendliness towards his corrupt friends and false sense of invulnerability. Other than that he had progressive policies which really intend to take Sri Lanka into a prosperous economy.

People can criticize about what should've done and what could've done. But the thing we need to understand is that no other politicians has done anything to uplift local life in Hambantota, Monaragala and surrounding areas. Therefore we should at-least appreciate what has happened and take advantage of the current situation.

isn't that the old cliche from democracy? Always blame the current problem on the former rulers.

Here in Germany, we have even passed this cliché. Both big parties are in the same gov. now.

Fat biatch Merkel just said, it's not my country anymore if you (the plebs) don't act as I tell you.
China's fiasco in SL and Burma are obvious. Some people believe that their leaders can play balance among A and B. China doesn't play with small developing countries. By nature Chinese hate those who change sides now and then. This is why China value ties with Pakistan.

LOL.... you cant be serious :lol:

China like pakistan because its "loyal" ? :cheesy: ..... its not even loyal to its own people, how on earth can it be loyal to anyone else ? :woot:
SL is not an important country on the world stage. The US is not going to invest in this country. The SL government borrowed money, cancelled / stalled projects. Interests need to be paid back regardless.

Good luck talking to your bank and re-negotiate your contract.
SL tried to played China and US but ended up screwing itself . Small countries should not act like they are important game players on the international stage. Vietnam is an example.

Sri Lanka is a very important country in the world stage. That's not because SL have a bigger economy or military but the geographic location. That's why Portuguese, Dutch, British, US, India and ultimately China have taken such large interest in this little country.

US don't need to invest in Sri Lanka. They need a reliable outpost so they can watch over both IOR and Chinese logistical shipments. Sri Lanka has done what it needs to pay her integrity and now she has to live with the consequences.
LOL.... you cant be serious :lol:

China like pakistan because its "loyal" ? :cheesy: ..... its not even loyal to its own people, how on earth can it be loyal to anyone else ? :woot:

Building a cricket ground is far more advantageous to Sri Lanka than building a leaking reservoir. As a whole the only issues I find around the MR era is his nepotism, over friendliness towards his corrupt friends and false sense of invulnerability. Other than that he had progressive policies which really intend to take Sri Lanka into a prosperous economy.

People can criticize about what should've done and what could've done. But the thing we need to understand is that no other politicians has done anything to uplift local life in Hambantota, Monaragala and surrounding areas. Therefore we should at-least appreciate what has happened and take advantage of the current situation.

Utter BS.. Moneragala remains the most poorest district in the country only 2nd to Mullaitivu, And this after your god kings nephew was given the Uva province to be raped at his heart content for nearly a decade.. White elephants ? More like gargantuan white whales.. Mattala Air port, Where there were more wild peacocks flying about than planes, Hambantota port while actually not his brain child but a project that had been on the cards since the 1940's, Running at huge losses because in haste for your king to dance a jig at the opening date they forgot to blast the bed rock, Stopping mega ships entering the port.. Now at extra cost that needs to be removed, A cricket stadium middle of a jungle ? For the ego of his brats to prance around

What was all this for ? For the benefit of the country ? Or to name all these things under his name unashamedly.. Even a public toilet was not spared and named after Mahinda Rajapaksa.. Did he pay for these from his pocket ? Or is he going to pay the loans and interests from his off shore bank accounts ? Only hero worshipping blind idiots swallow this crap..

And pls do not quote me again in regards to Sri Lankan politics, I'd rather watch a sitcom
Sri Lanka is a very important country in the world stage. That's not because SL have a bigger economy or military but the geographic location. That's why Portuguese, Dutch, British, US, India and ultimately China have taken such large interest in this little country.

US don't need to invest in Sri Lanka. They need a reliable outpost so they can watch over both IOR and Chinese logistical shipments. Sri Lanka has done what it needs to pay her integrity and now she has to live with the consequences.
More islander mentality. You can now see how China will completely disregard sri lanka. It is an irrelevant island. If you are talking about marime traffic, Atlantic and Pacific are two hotspots for ships and when it comes to Asia, now land routes are being built through China's silk road programme which means that they don't have to rely on sea routes to transport cargo. So a country like Sri Lanka will be even more irrelevant in the future.
More islander mentality. You can now see how China will completely disregard sri lanka. It is an irrelevant island. If you are talking about marime traffic, Atlantic and Pacific are two hotspots for ships and when it comes to Asia, now land routes are being built through China's silk road programme which means that they don't have to rely on sea routes to transport cargo. So a country like Sri Lanka will be even more irrelevant in the future.

It's futile to post logic.. These people are like frogs in the well.. Have no idea how insignificant they are in global context.. Think they are indispensable because their political masters make them believe it.. Force fed by a stupid education system first and then later by their politicians they cant see beyond their noses.. All they know is to crow about some glorious past and a civilization that nobody else really gives a hoot about now.. Only politicians and radical monks brings these up to work up these morons on pseudo nationalistic fervor to secure some votes, In turn they hero worship those clowns as their saviors

You can see the same trend in certain Indians here.. Third world politics for you

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