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Spymaster Petraeus may inflame ties with Pakistan

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Drones based at Shamsi air base SW of Quetta have been used on targets within Pak !

Spymaster Petraeus may inflame ties with Pakistan | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

NEW YORK - The selection of American commander in Afghanistan, Gen David Petraeus, as CIA director could further inflame relations between Pakistan and the United States, according to media reports.

The New York Times said Friday that Pakistan’s military leadership does not regard Petraeus as a friend and now at CIA he will have direct control over the armed drone campaign that the Pakistani military says it wants stopped. In a dispatch from Islamabad, the newspaper said Pakistan Army Chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani has made little secret of his distaste for General Petraeus, calling him a political general. On his part, General Petraeus has privately expressed outrage at ISI’s “most blatant support yet for fighters based in Pakistan who are carrying out attacks against American troops in Afghanistan.”

Officials on both sides say they expect the two nations’ relationship to become increasingly adversarial as they manoeuvre the endgame in Afghanistan, where Pakistan and the United States have deep — and conflicting — security interests.

Repairing the frayed ties between the CIA and ISI will be difficult, the Times said, citing the American officials. “In its current form, the relationship is almost unworkable,” Dennis Blair, a former American director of national intelligence, was quoted as saying. “There has to be a major restructuring. The ISI jams the CIA all it wants and pays no penalties.”

One top adviser to General Petraeus sought to play down the animosity with Pakistani officials, noting that the general had regularly met with the Pakistanis for nearly three years, most recently on Monday. Still, the adviser acknowledged that with General Petraeus leading the CIA, “the pressure may be more strategic, deliberate and focused — to the extent that it can be.”

A Pakistani official described the mounting tensions as a game of “brinkmanship,” with both Admiral Mike Mullen, who as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has been the Obama administration’s point man on Pakistan policy, and General Kayani growing impatient because they have little to show for the many hours they have invested during more than two dozen visits over the past three years.

Admiral Mullen surprised Pakistani officials by publicly accusing the ISI of sheltering fighters from the Haqqani network. American commanders in eastern Afghanistan claim they have killed or captured more than 5,000 militants in the past year, but fighters continue to pour across the border from sanctuaries in Pakistan to Paktia, Khost and Paktika provinces in Afghanistan.

In a private meeting here in Islamabad last week, Admiral Mullen told General Kayani that the CIA would not reduce the drone strikes until Pakistan launched a military operation against the Haqqani network in Pakistan’s tribal areas, an American official said, pleas that the admiral has been making for the past two years with nothing to show for them.

Pakistan’s military and its intelligence agency are increasingly embarrassed by the United States’ drone campaign, which they publicly condemn but quietly allow, according to the Times. They have asked the CIA to remove its personnel from Shamsi air base, about 200 miles southwest of Quetta, where some of the drones are based, a senior American official said.

The withdrawal has not occurred but is expected soon, the official said. The drone attacks would then be flown out of Afghanistan, where some of them are already based, the official said.

There have also been sharp disagreements over a proposed code of conduct that would define what American soldiers and intelligence agents can do in Pakistani territory, a Pakistani official said. The Pakistanis have, for now, dropped the idea of such an accord, fearing that the Americans are looking for “legal cover” for intelligence operatives like Raymond Davis, the CIA contractor who killed two Pakistanis in January, a Pakistani official said.

“The relationship between the two countries is very tense right now,” said Congressman William Thornberry of Texas, a senior Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, who visited Pakistan last week. “And the Pakistan government fuels the anti-American public opinion to increase pressure on us.”

Newly disclosed documents obtained by WikiLeaks have also stoked tensions, the Times said. One of them, from the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, lists the ISI along with numerous militant groups as allies of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, an indication of how deep American suspicions run when it comes to Pakistani intelligence. The document is undated but appears to be from 2007 or 2008.

A former general said the alliance established after 9/11 to get rid of Al-Qaeda on Pakistani soil was built on shaky ground, with few aligning interests beyond stopping the terrorist group. Tensions over issues big and small — like accounting for American grants to the Pakistani military and the failure of the US to deliver helicopters that would help in counterterrorism efforts — clouded the hastily arranged alliance from the start, he said.

But now the collision of interests over how to end the war in Afghanistan, and the bitterness over the Davis affair, have exposed deep-seated differences, he said.

The drone campaign, which the CIA has run against militants in Pakistan’s tribal areas since 2004, will now become the preserve of General Petraeus, and it has moved to centre stage, at least for the Pakistanis, the paper said. Since Davis’s release from custody in Pakistan after the killings, the CIA has carried out three drone attacks, each one seemingly tied to sensitive events in the US-Pakistan relationship and aimed at Afghan Taliban militants that Pakistan shelters.

The day after Admiral Mullen left Pakistan last week, a drone attack in North Waziristan killed 23 people associated with Hafiz Gul Barhadur, whose forces are fighting Nato in Afghanistan. Earlier in April, after Lt Gen Ahmad Shuja Pasha, the ISI chief, left Washington, a drone attacked another group of Afghan Taliban.

Another former Pakistani general who speaks to General Kayani said he believed that the Pakistan Army’s leader had concluded that the drone campaign should end because it hurt the army’s reputation among the Pakistani public. Those being killed by the drones are of midlevel Taliban or even lesser importance, the general said.

Besides Afghanistan, perhaps the biggest issue on Petraeus’s agenda at the CIA will be the agency’s relations with Pakistan’s ISI, which over the last six months have suffered a series of grave setbacks.
“I think it is going to be a very strained and difficult relationship,” said Bruce Riedel, a former adviser to President Barack Obama on Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Riedel characterised the relationship between Petraeus and Pakistani leaders as “mutual distrust.”

Agencies add: President Barack Obama Thursday charged his reshaped national security team with managing a “new phase” in the long war in Afghanistan - the struggle to put Afghans in charge of their own security.

Obama nominated CIA boss Leon Panetta as defence secretary, veteran diplomat Ryan Crocker as ambassador to Kabul and chose Lieutenant General John Allen as the new Afghan war commander, refashioning his security braintrust.

He also announced his choice of famed General David Petraeus, the mastermind of US strategy in Iraq and current Nato commander in Afghanistan, to lead covert intelligence operations as new director of the CIA.

While political Washington is cheering General Petraeus’ nomination to head the CIA, the mood at the agency’s headquarters and in Pakistan’s intelligence service is less celebratory.

Petraeus is expected as CIA director to embrace the campaign of drone strikes in Pakistan, a nominally covert CIA operation that has fueled anti-American sentiment but put heavy pressure on militant safe havens.

Continuing or stepping up drone attacks is likely to further strain relations between the CIA and ISI and, according to some experts, possibly exacerbate the awkward personal chemistry between Petraeus and top Pakistani officials.

Petraeus, nominated by President Barack Obama on Thursday to replace CIA director Leon Panetta, has a reputation for brainpower and political savvy, which he used to help salvage the US campaign in Iraq.
"Pakistan’s military and its intelligence agency are increasingly embarrassed by the United States’ drone campaign, which they publicly condemn but quietly allow"...They have asked the CIA to remove its personnel from Shamsi air base, about 200 miles southwest of Quetta, where some of the drones are based, a senior American official said.,

These lines mentioned in Post #1 serve as an eye opener !

Establishes the oft repeated point of numerous power centers within Pak and ' running with the hare & hunting with hound' approach within Pak.
This is great news! :cheers:

Baygani Shadi may abdullah dewana........

No matter what the situation may be...... if there is even a shadow of doubt that.....it could possibly effect Pakistan adversely in any way...You Indians wont let it go...without celebrating... and that too loud and blunt......

This we already know.....but the reiteration of this despicable behavior from Indian members every now and then...... Assures and reminds us...that they never were...are ..... and will be our friends ..... but enemies... that need to be dealt with....and paid in the same coin........

All their talk about peace..... tranquility..... love.....friendship...... is meager....... peace rather heap of crap....... who will never wish us well... and keep on playing their usual double faceted role........ All this crap.... is just throwing dust in eyes of the world......

Proxy it is..... proxy will it remain......

Interesting times ahead.

Will he be able to do another Iraq in Afg.

Only time will tell. :pop:
The US-Pak relationship is already bad & this when they are supposed to be allies in the same war. The important question is what happens when the leverage enjoyed by Pakistan in the form of Afghanistan disappears?

This will simply spell doom for Pakistan. I was under the impression that Kayani was smarter than Musharraf, but guess he is just waiting a bit longer to shoot himself in the foot.The policy of "strategic depth" & cultivating terrorist proxies is gonna cost Pakistan dear.
If the US attacks Pakistan from Afghanistan, this effectively makes it a foreign country attacking Pakistan. I wonder if Kayani would show some spine and hit Afghanistan back.

I really don't know what to expect from him. He has shown signs of patriotism before, but lately its been America's show in Pakistan and everyone's inclined to expect some ji hazoori.

Although the primary fault is of the democratic government which has to give the orders of defending the nation - I'm assuming Kayani must have orders to NOT defend the nation since normally defending the nation from a foreign attack should be a given, but since hes not doing that, then perhaps its Zardari's fault - perhaps they are both two faces of the same coin.

They have muddied up the situation so much that we just don't know. Kayani managed to get the Army's repo up, but the ji hazoori has again brought the Army's standing down to the Musharraf days. Musharraf was at least booed for non-military purposes, Kayani does not even have that excuse.
If the US attacks Pakistan from Afghanistan, this effectively makes it a foreign country attacking Pakistan. I wonder if Kayani would show some spine and hit Afghanistan back.

Not Afghanistan. Make it US/NATO bases. Specially the one built at Ghaki pass. keeping in view the recent border attacks inside Pakistan and on Pakistani posts by US/NATO using Afghan army as well, it seems they are expanding the spare of their engagement making it a dangerous situation not for civilians on both sides but also for their ownself.
Not Afghanistan. Make it US/NATO bases. Specially the one built at Ghaki pass. keeping in view the recent border attacks inside Pakistan and on Pakistani posts by US/NATO using Afghan army as well, it seems they are expanding the spare of their engagement making it a dangerous situation not for civilians on both sides but also for their ownself.

Well the same way that its primarily Zardari's fault from our side, its primarily Afghanistan's fault for allowing Nato troops to attack us. Hit whoever you can as long as you can stop the attacks, the nation would stand behind you. If you cower and hide, the nation would ultimately rise up.
Well the same way that its primarily Zardari's fault from our side, its primarily Afghanistan's fault for allowing Nato troops to attack us. Hit whoever you can as long as you can stop the attacks, the nation would stand behind you. If you cower and hide, the nation would ultimately rise up.

well to be honest Karzai has no backing force or to say that backing force aka ANA is composed of all those elements selected by US whereas our backing force aka our army is an entity with more national specific policies and can be instrumental in many ways to tackle the issue.

So yes in case of continued or direct attack by CIA/US/NATO from Afghanistan we have to stand up firmly supporting hitting back and trust me we here in KP and FATA will be in forefronts to fight a ground battle against the attackers but only if the Govt give a nod
It would be worth considering if the US enjoys what its doing in Af ? Obviously No.

Countries who are impacted by what happened / happens or does not happen inside Pakistan are bound to react in one way or the other. India , EU et all fall under this category.

Pak ( be it Kayani, ISI, GOP ,Political parties,and the people ) needs to take a look at where the nation is heading and if this is where they want it to go. If satisfied then there is no issue.

If not, then it is worth evaluating through a common profit / loss check of whom to hold on & whom not to.
It would be worth considering if the US enjoys what its doing in Af ? Obviously No.

Countries who are impacted by what happened / happens or does not happen inside Pakistan are bound to react in one way or the other. India , EU et all fall under this category.

Pak ( be it Kayani, ISI, GOP ,Political parties,and the people ) needs to take a look at where the nation is heading and if this is where they want it to go. If satisfied then there is no issue.

If not, then it is worth evaluating through a common profit / loss check of whom to hold on & whom not to.

Thank you for clubbing India unnecessarily here.

what Pakistan and our national institutes like Army, ISI have to do is our internal issues and we dont hold any value for what Indians want and think.
Thank you for clubbing India unnecessarily here.

what Pakistan and our national institutes like Army, ISI have to do is our internal issues and we dont hold any value for what Indians want and think.

Notice , the theme of my post in Q & almost all my posts is that its for Pak & its ppl to decide...

Only living in the neighborhood India gets impacted as well.

I express my views as an Indian.
well time to stand up to america! they currently need a scape goat and are eyeing pakistan! this is the time to show them that we are not spineless we are no iraq or palestine!

they got davies released and that was a punch below the belt! tiem for us to reciprocate
hit Afghanistan back.
Why does Afghanistan have to be involved in all this, If Pakistan could only take control back of its own territory in NW we wouldnt be facing none of these problems, attacking Afghan areas would further complicate the situation since it would be a violation of Afghan sovereignty fueling the anger of Afghan people and retaliation of ANA.Your gov needs to have balls to stop drone entering its airspace before even thinking about attacking the bases where they are stationed.
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