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Speed up delivery of S-400 missiles, India to tell Russia


Sep 20, 2014
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India wants Russia to speed up the delivery schedule of the advanced S-400 Triumf surface-to-air missile systems , which can detect, track and destroy hostile strategic bombers, jets, spy planes, missiles and drones at a range of 380-km, after having now paid the first instalment of around Rs 6,000 crore for them. The faster delivery of the five squadrons of S-400, under the $5.43 billion (Rs 40,000 crore) deal inked in October 2018, will be discussed in the 19thIndia-Russia intergovernmental commission on military and military technical cooperation (IRIGC-M&MTC) to be held in Moscow on Wednesday, said sources.

India’s lease of a Akula-1 nuclear-powered attack submarine under the over $3 billion (Rs 21,000 crore) deal inked in March this year as well as a reciprocal military logistics pact will also be among the issues to figure in the delegation-level talks, which will be co-chaired by defence minister Rajnath Singh and his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu.

The Akula-1 submarine is meant to replace INS Chakra, the Akula class submarine taken on a 10-year lease from Russia in April 2012, under the over $900 million deal inked way back in January 2004. India has also sought an extension of INS Chakra’s lease till the Akula-1 submarine is ready for induction into the Indian Navy by 2025 or so. But the delivery schedule for the S-400 squadrons, originally slated from October 2020 to April 2023, will figure higher on the agenda, with Rajnath Singh even likely to visit the production facilities at St Petersburg on Thursday.

This comes after India and Russia recently worked out a payment mechanism to get around the US sanctions regime against acquisition of Russian weapon systems, as was earlier reported by TOI. “The first instalment of 15% for the S-400 deal got delayed by several months. But it has now been paid, with the remaining instalments being linked to deliveries. Russia has assured India it will stick to the original delivery schedule. India, however, is trying to quicken it further,” said a source.

The IAF has described the acquisition of the five S-400 squadrons as well as the 36 Rafale fighters from France, under the Rs 59,000 crore deal inked in September 2016, as “game-changing” for combat capabilities and warfare in the region. The S-400 squadrons will come equipped with missiles with an interception range of 120, 200, 250 and 380-km as well as battle-management systems of command posts and launchers, long-range acquisition and engagement radars, and all-terrain transporter-erector-launcher vehicles.

With it being possible to load as many as 128 missiles per battery, the highly-automated and mobile S-400 systems will be deployed on the borders with Pakistan and China to shoot down aerial threats before they come close to Indian airspace during hostilities. The air defence system can even intercept intermediate range ballistic missiles with a velocity of 4,800 metres per second.

India seems to be building up to try to stage a rematch of 27 Feb, after a false flag attack as IK warned in his UN speech.

Their armed forces have been humiliated, so we need to expect a major attack within the next 5 years.

Any chance we can mount Turkish weapons systems on our F-16s; such as their BVR and High off boresight WVR missiles, as well as AESA based jamming pods to counter the S-400s?


India wants Russia to speed up the delivery schedule of the advanced S-400 Triumf surface-to-air missile systems , which can detect, track and destroy hostile strategic bombers, jets, spy planes, missiles and drones at a range of 380-km, after having now paid the first instalment of around Rs 6,000 crore for them. The faster delivery of the five squadrons of S-400, under the $5.43 billion (Rs 40,000 crore) deal inked in October 2018, will be discussed in the 19thIndia-Russia intergovernmental commission on military and military technical cooperation (IRIGC-M&MTC) to be held in Moscow on Wednesday, said sources.

India’s lease of a Akula-1 nuclear-powered attack submarine under the over $3 billion (Rs 21,000 crore) deal inked in March this year as well as a reciprocal military logistics pact will also be among the issues to figure in the delegation-level talks, which will be co-chaired by defence minister Rajnath Singh and his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu.

The Akula-1 submarine is meant to replace INS Chakra, the Akula class submarine taken on a 10-year lease from Russia in April 2012, under the over $900 million deal inked way back in January 2004. India has also sought an extension of INS Chakra’s lease till the Akula-1 submarine is ready for induction into the Indian Navy by 2025 or so. But the delivery schedule for the S-400 squadrons, originally slated from October 2020 to April 2023, will figure higher on the agenda, with Rajnath Singh even likely to visit the production facilities at St Petersburg on Thursday.

This comes after India and Russia recently worked out a payment mechanism to get around the US sanctions regime against acquisition of Russian weapon systems, as was earlier reported by TOI. “The first instalment of 15% for the S-400 deal got delayed by several months. But it has now been paid, with the remaining instalments being linked to deliveries. Russia has assured India it will stick to the original delivery schedule. India, however, is trying to quicken it further,” said a source.

The IAF has described the acquisition of the five S-400 squadrons as well as the 36 Rafale fighters from France, under the Rs 59,000 crore deal inked in September 2016, as “game-changing” for combat capabilities and warfare in the region. The S-400 squadrons will come equipped with missiles with an interception range of 120, 200, 250 and 380-km as well as battle-management systems of command posts and launchers, long-range acquisition and engagement radars, and all-terrain transporter-erector-launcher vehicles.

With it being possible to load as many as 128 missiles per battery, the highly-automated and mobile S-400 systems will be deployed on the borders with Pakistan and China to shoot down aerial threats before they come close to Indian airspace during hostilities. The air defence system can even intercept intermediate range ballistic missiles with a velocity of 4,800 metres per second.


Indian Armed Forces Experts are already aware that Pakistan Military have received Rus Federation made Cy-400 Regiments along with Cy-35 which have been already delivered to Pakistan Air Force.

Pakistan Military have even received Ly-80 Batteries along with the JF-17 Thunder and the recent Deliveries/Deployment of around 80 J-10's to Pakistan. French made Rafale Fighters even came with the French Air Defenses Batteries. These days Pakistan has become as the launching of test weapons of Rus Federation, People's Republic of China, France, Germany, United Kingdom etc against Union of India, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the wider Arab World.
india is building bunkers along border for their public safety in case of any war but there is no such preparation on our side.I think india will invade our border areas for sure in coming years and we must be prepared for war otherwise will bear much loss of lives of civilians if we not make proper arrangements
india is building bunkers along border for their public safety in case of any war but there is no such preparation on our side.I think india will invade our border areas for sure in coming years and we must be prepared for war otherwise will bear much loss of lives of civilians if we not make proper arrangements

I second that. Your side. Of Kashmir is next target. Although it will be useless and a big mistake in my eyes if looking from current scenario. Since neither people nor geography will help indian instrest. We end up with bigger border with China and next portal to Afghan.
But who knows what future holds.
And what do Pakistan have ? DHA ..DHA ..DHA ?
work your pakistan economy first ,so we can buy wepaons atleast

India using loans to pay for weapons. You central and state governments all have huge budget shortfalls.
India using loans to pay for weapons. You central and state governments all have huge budget shortfalls.
You dont need to worry about our budget.
We know what to do and that is none of your business

There always remain two things in the Indian minds.

1. Weapons
2. Cow Dung

What we can see is the minds of your people are fill with what is India going to do?
You dont need to worry about our budget.
We know what to do and that is none of your business

What we can see is the minds of your people are fill with what is India going to do?

Why not post about Indian spending spree. India is no first world nation and run by corrupt leaders that want kickbacks from all this contracts. Indians loved to quote "pakistanis will eat grass", reality is you guys are just as worse off.
They have aggressive plans.
There might be some action in winter months. God forbid.
Why not post about Indian spending spree. India is no first world nation and run by corrupt leaders that want kickbacks from all this contracts. Indians loved to quote "pakistanis will eat grass", reality is you guys are just as worse off.

To be frank .
We are not same .
Never will be .
Our institutions are too much strong and we the people decides everything .

So it means we are in the path to become the first world nation and we will achieve that .It will take time but we will reach there .

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