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Special units from eight countries at military drill “Eagle 2013”

Well not to many proofs there either,just some posters saying it happenned while others said it did not.
Anyway,that link you gave me was talking about Bosnia,you've said about Kosovo in here.Bosnia and Kosovo are two different things,i think you've confused them a little. :)

No, I am not.

Kosovo is a region that has been under ethnic and religious tensions for over 20 years. It was the catalyst that lead to the breaking up of Yugoslavia. Pakistani regulars were sent as peace keepers, while Pakistani intelligence worked on Mujahadeen and anti-tank missiles.

Some research will be required on your end.
No, I am not.

Kosovo is a region that has been under ethnic and religious tensions for over 20 years. It was the catalyst that lead to the breaking up of Yugoslavia. Pakistani regulars were sent as peace keepers, while Pakistani intelligence worked on Mujahadeen and anti-tank missiles.

Some research will be required on your end.

Ok.Pakistani peacekeepers were present in Bosnia but not in Kosovo.
There might have been pakistani nationals involved in Bosnia but not on a such grand scale that you're impliying .These are facts not word of mouth.
I wouldn't mind what Greece said in the first place :)

But seriously, they are over-reacting. Our relation with Serbia is good. They don't need to freak out.

You know very well that everybody is a drama queen in the Balkans.You and the greeks about Cyprus,Serbia about Kosovo,Bulgaria about Macedonia,yet again Greece,this time about Macedonia,us about Moldova,us and Hungary about Transilvania,Hungary and Serbia about Vojvodina,serbs and croats about the serbian,croat minority in Bosnia,Albania about Kosovo and the albanian minority in Macedonia
I wouldn't mind what Greece said in the first place :)

But seriously, they are over-reacting. Our relation with Serbia is good. They don't need to freak out.

That's just show for the people in Serbia. Our politicians are already giving Kosovo to the Albanians, little by little. Nobody seriously expect apology from Turkey. They are just showing off in front of the people. And when our prime minister gives a speech how we have to accept reality about Kosovo, and that reality is that Kosovo is not ours anymore. Why the **** does he care what have Erdogan said in Prizren?

We know that we don't have a chance to take Kosovo back with force, and even if we could what the hell should we do with 1.6 million of Albanians?

They have rebelled on Kosovo, started killing and kidnaping civilians, policemen, soldiers, and we have responded with force. That's the same thing you Turks do when dealing with Kurd terrorists, and Pakistan when dealing with Talibans. 80% of the land in Kosovo is Serbian property even now. And it's not secret that Albanians are dreaming about great Albania for almost a century. They want a part of every country that is bordering with them. They have even rebelled in Macedonia (tried the same thing like in Serbia), but in that case NATO countries helped Macedonians to crush the rebellion. But in case of Serbia they have constructed Račak massacre as an excuse to bomb Serbia.

The report from the Finnish team, however, was kept confidential by the EU until long after the war, and the team leader, Helena Ranta, issued a press release at the time containing her "personal opinion" and indicating differing and opposite findings. Ranta stated that "...medicolegal investigations such as scientific analysis of bodies cannot give a conclusive answer to the question whether there was in fact a battle between the police and insurgents..."but she leaned towards the victims being non-combatants in part because "...no ammunition was found in the pockets" of the bodies she investigated. The report was widely understood as saying that the Finnish team had disproved the finding released by the Serb and Belarusian pathologists, whose tests had shown a positive for gunshot residue on the hands of 37 out of the 40 bodies, indicating that they had fired arms.

Criticism was levelled against the paraffin method used by the Serbs and Belarusians to test for powder residue on the victims' hands, since it regularly gives false positives because of many other substances, including fertilizers, tobacco, urine and cosmetics, and even provides false negatives on occasion. The test is still used by the police of many countries who cannot afford more modern methods, but has been described since as early as 1967 as 'of no use scientifically.'

The international reaction to the Serb and Belarusian report on one hand, (which supported the view that those killed were KLA fighters, not civilians as claimed by the Kosovo-Albanians and NATO) and that of the EU expert team on the other, (which did not find any evidence to suggest that the dead were combatants) differed considerably, not least in the NATO-countries who were preparing to intervene to stop widespread human rights violations in Kosovo. The former was ignored or dismissed as propaganda, and the latter was accepted as truth; evidence of a massacre against civilians. Several pro-war activists and writers wrote of, and quoted, the Finnish team's press-release as if it were the actual report. Both reports were used as evidence by the prosecution and particularly by the defence of the Yugoslav president Slobodan Milošević in his trial at The Hague, until the Račak case was dropped out of the indictment because of lack of evidence.

The full report of the EU team was handed over to the ICTY at the end of June 2000. An executive summary was published in 2001, but the full report has never been released.

In October 2008, Helena Ranta, the Finnish pathologist who had conducted the forensic examination on the Račak casualties, stated that she had been pressured to modify the contents of her report, both by the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and by William Walker, the head of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Kosovo Verification Mission, in order to make more explicit the role of Serb troops in the incident. She refused to do so.

What a shock o_O And i would like to remind all of you that all NATO war and news machinery was against Serbia during the 90's, so don't believe in everything you have read about us, because most of it are lies. I am not claiming that we didn't commit crimes during those wars, but we were not worse than any of the other participants in them.

And there were mujahedins in Kosovo and in Bosnia (way more in Bosnia). How many of them were from Pakistan, i don't really know, but i would say not much of them. In Bosnia all of them were in unit called Al mujahideen and there was between 500 and 1500 of them. On Kosovo much less than that.
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